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Everything posted by awdbandito

  1. Thanks, It started out as an Olympic .45 upper and I had Liberty Suppressors build the can around it. We chopped the barrel to about 8" and ported it, so the first 8" is just an expansion chamber, the next 8" is a baffle stack. The tube is titanium, the blast baffle is stainless and the rest of the baffles are aluminum. It is quieter than a suppressed 9mm for sure. The loudest part of the firing is now the action cycling. The bolt is heavy and makes a 'clack' when it closes. I'm working on slowing it down and minimizing travel to reduce the action noise.
  2. Ban on import of machine guns was '68, ban on manufacture of domestic machine guns was with FOPA in '86. So, yeah, unfortunately all transferables were registered '86 and back.
  3. Thanks, I'm a big fan of the .45, it has a lot of whoomph. Good luck on getting the lower back. The ATF listed the siezed property in the Wall Street Journal the other day. Check and see if your lower is in the mix. http://rvy97w.blu.livefilestore.com/y1poHQSujWi3nzeKKb1JTcbk0UiKUOELKWNz4BT8sG-pqQIb9SpoSyBfh1rYGRSm6G4ArvA7DHPcQlp89_TT_9P4w/CavArms.tif
  4. Suppressed 9mm SBR Suppressed G-19 Suppressed M-11/9 SMG with Max-11 Upper Integrally Supressed .45 AR. Those are the cooler ones of my group.
  5. Send me a PM as to what you have, I might be interested and am very familiar with the transfer process.
  6. For my first build I used a claw hammer and an old nail as a punch, just put heavy duct tape on the receiver to prevent marring it. If a 9 year old afghani kid can build an AK, any of us should be able to put an AR together pretty easily. Just put it together and shoot the hell out of it!
  7. 1) Use the cheapest LPK you can find. As long as it is made to spec you will be fine. 2)I always use a little moly grease when assembling my lowers. 3)If the upper is extremely worn, you might want to run a set of go/no go gauges through it with a new bolt and carrier. I've gone through many uppers and have never had one come up outside of spec, even when using an old SP1 upper with a brand new bolt and carrier.
  8. awdbandito

    922r BS

    922r is iffy. I recently saw a SAIGA-12 that had been home converted to a pistol grip gun. It was for sale in a local gun shop. I looked and it was obviously not 922r compliant. You have to wonder if you buy a gun like that from a gun shop, and then later get charged, is the gun shop at fault too for selling you an illegal gun? Most people buying from a store don't expect it to be illegal.
  9. I thought it was really cool that they had a range on campus. I had no idea either.
  10. awdbandito

    922r BS

    If your cooking meth or growing grass and they find your Norinco thumb hole AK now has a folder and 30 rd mag they would probably give you a little more of a tough time. For the extra $100 or so it would take to swap out the fire control and piston, it would be worth not having to deal with the charge, even if you're not cooking something.
  11. http://www.johnsoncitypress.com/Detail.php?Cat=LOCALNEWS&ID=62336 VIDEO - http://www.tricitiesblogs.com/video/watch/ready_aim_fire/ We should all be supporting events like this!
  12. http://www.johnsoncitypress.com/Detail.php?Cat=LOCALNEWS&ID=62336 News Footage - http://www.tricitiesblogs.com/video/watch/ready_aim_fire/ It looks like all colleges should be doing this. Cool that they have their own indoor range too.
  13. I've heard several stories where everything was smooth, but I've heard A LOT of other people talk about nothing but hassle, and even stolen firearms. If you are able to, I would ship it to TX addressed to yourself.
  14. LaRue Tactical has a pretty good following within the black rifle community.
  15. Frank is right, send a letter to cover your ass. The ATF is a big fan of split decisions from the letters I've seen.
  16. Thanks for all the info!
  17. The more 'black' ones.
  18. As long as you aren't trying to sell a product based off of someone elses design I think you are fine. You could make an exact copy of a Trident 9 for personal use without too much hassel, but you can't be selling them.
  19. Yes, a Trust/LLC can own/make items on a form 1. Silencertalk, like any forum, has a lot of BS, but there is some very good information as well.
  20. www.silencertalk.com They have a good silencersmithing section.
  21. I have heard of people filing a form 1 to reactivate an old pineapple hand grenade. Just put "for ****s and giggles" under 4i, I'm sure they'd approve it. =)
  22. Clarksville is closer than Mt. Juliet, but I'm in both areas every few months. How cheap do they get when you start buying 10-100k? CCI or Winchester or priced equiv. I'm new to reloading and picked a fellows entire inventory up, but I have more brass and bullets than primers. Is their a decent primer mfg that is inexpensive to go with. Everything I received was Winchester, but I've seen other brands online.
  23. Where can I find the best deals on bulk small pistol primers?


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