I'm thinking about selling my reloading set up because I don't reload much anymore and have a stockpile built up.
I started reloading when I had a sub gun, but sold it off and now just don't shoot thousands of rounds anymore.
I have a Dillon Square deal B set up for 9mm with the strong mount and bullet tray, all the powder and primer warning buzzers and maybe some other accessories.
flip tray, 7 or 8 small pistol primer tubes, a few large pistol primer tubes, 2000 winchester small pistol primers, 5000 or more once fired 9mm brass casings
Dillon tumbler with clear lid, a lot of corn and walnut media, a few thousand unjacketed 147gr 9mm bullets
Dillon powder scale, and all sorts of litle spare parts. I might also have .45 dies somewhere as well.
What would something like this go for these days?
Thanks for the help.
*****It has been brought to my attention that it may seem as if I am skirting the benefactor rule.****
I am not. I was a benefactor up until a month ago and when I go to the TGOstore it won't let me add another membership because it says I have a pending invoice. I go to pending invoices and it won't let me pay. I plan on renewing my benefactor status before formally posting my items in the EE. If a moderator is viewing this. Send me a PM telling me what to do to renew.