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  • Birthday 05/23/1990

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    Chattanooga, TN
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    Caving, Guns, and Cars

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  1. Actually I'm not even sure if the karsten cheek piece will work on my stock because of its shape.
  2. Yeah I just really don't have the money for a new stock right now. I'm in college and I'm trying to save up for a new computer cause mine is about to fall apart. This is my gun (olive instead of black) Synthetic | Weatherby.com Plainsman I really like that Karsten adjustable cheek piece, but how much does it cost? ttocswob I'm not too sure about the cable ties, but the water pipe insulation does seem like a pretty good idea.
  3. I've had my rifle for about a year now and I haven't had too many opportunities to shoot it until recently. I've started to realize that I can't accurately shoot my rifle due to a few small problems. The cheek rest height is definitely the most frustrating of these. When I go to look through the scope my jawbone is resting on the cheek rest. I know I need to raise it up so that my cheek bone rests comfortably on the stock at a position where I can open my eye and see perfectly through the scope. I've seen a few different options for raising the height of the cheek rest and I was wanting some personal input from experienced shooters. There are two main solutions that I can see right now. One is buying a strap on cheek rest with adjustable foam inserts. This option doesn't seem to be the most stable and the foam would probably deteriorate over time. The other option is carving a piece of wood with nails or studs on the bottom to the correct height and putting a strap on cheek rest over that. I don't like this option too much because it would devalue my rifle. I don't have much money right now, so I need a cheap way of doing this. Any personal experience or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it means they converted it into an AK47.
  5. Unfortunately it doesn't look like they have the diamondback in mildot. They do have the crossfire or the viper in mildot, but the crossfire has had terrible reviews and seems to be a big step down. The viper is a little too expensive for me and only offers mildot in a 6.5-20x44 or 50 which seems like too much zoom for hunting. Thanks for the advice Robert. I've considered the Leupold Rifleman or the VX series and I really like the lifetime warranty and customer service, but I feel like I might be getting something that better suites my needs with these other brands. Basically it looks like the only scopes that meets all of my specifications are the Mueller 4-16x50AO Tactical and the Nikon Buckmaster 4.5-14x40. I'm not sure how clear the optics are on the Mueller though. What kind of problems did you have with Nikons in the past?
  6. Ok right now I'm deciding between the Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40 AO and a Mueller 3-10x44 Tac II. Any experience with these or is one obviously better than the other? Also I was curious about the newer Redfield scopes. How are they?
  7. I don't want to start a big debate or anything, but is there any major difference between the 30mm and 1 inch scopes that I should worry about? It seems like the 1 inch scopes are much more affordable.
  8. I'm looking for a scope for my Weatherby Vanguard in .308 win. I've done a little research and I'm having trouble deciding. I'm planning on buying a Nikon Buckmaster 4.5-14x40 right now, but I don't have much experience with scopes. Any suggestions or advice? I use my rifle for hunting, but I want it to be versatile so I can use it for anything. Anything with a lifetime warranty is a huge plus and I like having a BDC reticle. I would also like to have an adjustable parallax. Any advice or suggestions would be great. I want to get the best scope possible for the money.
  9. Thank you for all the information you shared with me. It was extremely helpful and I appreciate you taking the time to answer all of my questions.
  10. That was actually very helpful. This might be a stupid question, but do they need the bluing on them or would they be ok without it? Almost every one that I've seen no longer has the bluing on it. I'm not a trap shooter or anything so I don't think I would shoot it too much. I usually use my Browning BPS for hunting. Is there any reason for not using it besides trying to keep the gun in good condition because its an antique or are there other reasons? Two more questions and my curiosity will be satisfied. Is the Cimarron made the exact same way as the Winchester or are there differences? Can you use modern day 2 3/4" shells in the Winchester or do you have to buy or handload special ammunition for it?
  11. I'm considering buying either a winchester 1893 or 1897 as my next gun, but I need some personal advice and opinions on them before I make a decision. Has anyone ever shot them before? Do they have smooth actions? Are they only made of steel or is it a mixture of steel and alloy? How does the stock feel? I know the 1897 can be taken apart easily for cleaning, but what are the other differences? Any information or advice would be awesome.
  12. If you don't want a savage, then you could go with a weatherby vanguard. I think they go for around $400. I've also seen some Remington 700 ADL's recently that are about the same price. I would definitely recommend the vanguard though.
  13. An 870 would be the best for home defense in its price range. It will be much better than the benelli nova or supernova because its more mobile and has a shorter action.
  14. awesome thanks for the feedback. I'll look into all of that and see what happens.
  15. Ok cool I'll look into that. Just out of curiosity do you know if places like carters shooting supply or shooters depot or georgia gun trader offer any gunsmithing?


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