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Everything posted by IggyBcool

  1. Looks like I'll have to go get an OWB holster so I can do mine. You cant really see my G30 with my supertuck..even with my shirt tucked inside of the holster.
  2. Correction, two weeks tomorrow. I've gotta be getting close. Too bad theres not a way that you could track the progress
  3. Well looks like this season I'm going to be using my fathers 30-06 and going to use a 150 grain bullet. Going to go to the range. Just sucks that the farthest shot is 100 yards.
  4. I've been waiting a week and a day or two.. This thing cant get here fast enough. Whats the wally walk? lol
  5. Sorry I kinda forgot about this thread. I took it apart and cleaned it very well. Oiled the absolute piss out of it but havent got to fire it yet.
  6. Right now I'm carrying either my 700 .243 or my fathers 30-06. The 243 being a youth model, I'll probably end up getting a different platform and modding it since I've outgrown it..since I'm 23 now lol. Honestly just cant decide between a 300 or 308.
  7. Just curious, what is wrong with the Rem 770?
  8. What do you guys think? .308 or 300win mag? And if the 300, the mag or ultra? I want something that I can touch something far out if needed with still a lot of knock down power, and want something that I wont have to purchase another rifle for elk, boar, bear..if I don't want to have to lug around the 444 mag.
  9. What are you guys carrying? I may get the itch again very soon and pick one up. I'm undecided in 30-06, 7mm, 300win mag, or a 308. We have a couple of places to hunt which one lease has plenty of woods and then big open clear cuts 500 yards plus.
  10. Didn't see a thing all day yesterday..not even a squirrel. Literally.
  11. I didn't know lol. I was just wanting to make sure that I could carry my .45 while on our leased property since there is a lot of dogs, coyotes, ect running around and I just wanted to make sure I could carry something that I could protect myself with. While doing this without a HCP not to get hassled by the state.
  12. I'm still waiting for my HCP to come in the mail, how ever, I was wondering if you could still carry on your own property/property for lease without it?
  13. I got my lifetime back when I was around 13 and got my hunter safety course as well. How ever when I was 18 my wallet was stolen and it had both cards in there. Is there any way that I could get another card of each? I've heard that its still honored, but you will only get the paper ticket.
  14. I did take it yesterday and fired several rounds through it. I also took my Glock 30 and fired a couple through it. I noticed that with my Glock every single spent casing fell in the exact location, how ever with my 1911 the spent casing were flinging EVERYWHERE. I found some in front of me, some to my left, some behind me, a couple to the right. I'm going to upload a picture in just a second of some of the spent casing fired from the 1911 and see if they look "normal" to you guys.
  15. Nm... I'm retarded.
  16. The world is coming to an end. We're all DOOOOOOOMED.
  17. I really....REALLY wish I would have just held off on Battlefield and saved spending the money on it and got MWF. I'm pretty disappointed in BF3. Now I have to wait for Christmas to get my copy.
  18. Cool, looks like I don't have to worry about anything because the states that wont honor TN's permit are places I'll never visit or live lol.
  19. I really need to sight in my .243 as well. But I'm going to be getting a .308
  20. I'm going to disassemble it again tomorrow and give the slide and everything a good rub down and make sure that everything is nice and clean. If that doesn't work then, what are the next steps?
  21. Yes I clean after every outing. Its the Government model if that will also help identify the problem. My father has had it for a while and never really had any issues like this. I didn't notice it till kinda recent. About a year ago, but have only put another 10 rounds through it since. I didn't want to keep firing it with it clipping the casing because I didn't know if it was causing damage to the slide or frame.
  22. I recently noticed my Colt is having a little problem with clipping the spent casing as its ejecting. Its leaving a pretty good dent on the tip of the casing where the bullet rests. It almost looks like you have taken a pair of pliers and squeezed just one of the sides. I've noticed that the slide has gotten a little more stiff to pull back. Any one have any ideas on how to adjust it or is this something that an actual gunsmith needs to look at?
  23. I'm sure this has been covered several times..how ever for some reason maybe I'm not doing something right and its not returning any results. How do you guys sight in your rifles? Do you guys have yours set dead on at 100 yards? 200 yards? I'm asking because I'm about to pick up a new hunting rifle and honestly have no real idea of where I should be for what distance. My father and I have a couple of places we hunt. We have a lease on Bakewell which has everything.. Dense cover or 500+yard clear cuts. We also have our cabin in Tellico which we have land and its your typical woods setting, not too many clear cuts/openings. Just trying to get a good feel for where I should have my scope zero'ed at and then could make placement adjustments pending on the distance after knowing where the bullet is going to go at a certain distance.
  24. I loved the comment about sending it to Tosh.0. Now that would be some funny stuff.
  25. At the time my window was stuck down.. I accidently broke the button to roll it up a day or two before. It was in the middle of summer so it didn't really matter. Yes there were cars behind me, and he got in front of me and backed down on top of me to where I couldn't go around if I wanted. The operator said there were police on the way and to stay on the phone, well when he punched me it knocked my phone across the car. The only reason why I got out was because there was no where for me to go. I couldn't back up, couldn't go around so I wasn't goign to sit in the car and take free shots so I got out and ended it right hten and there.


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