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Everything posted by IggyBcool

  1. Looking for something that can handle the recoil from a 300RUM. I'd really like something a little more powerful than a 3x9, but not something ridiculous as this will be used mainly for hunting. Is there a big difference between a 40 and a 50? Really looking to stay under $400 but looking for something with a good reticle with a BDC or something close also clarity is a big importance. Would like something that I could also use out west in elk hunting or shots past 500 yards.
  2. I'm looking for something that can withstand my 300RUM and can get the job done at 500+ yards. Trying to stay under $500
  3. Since I'm in the market for a new scope, I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys are using.
  4. Before I shot I made sure everything was snug.. Great... Looks like wasted a box of shells for nothing then lol. Guess I'll just continue to hunt with this 30-06 that bit me today and put the 300 in the safe until I can afford to put a good scope and base on it.
  5. Got the Rem 700 ADL. I had been wanting a 300 for a while now and Sportmans Warehouse had a jam up deal going so I went a head and pulled the trigger..literally lol. I got it bore-sighted while there and went to the range today and set up a target at 25yards and grouped a quarter at two inches right and an inch high. I was like that seems close enough... So I set the target up at 100 and moved the power to 9 and fired two shots that didn't even hit paper. So I brought it back to 25 and shot one on 9 at 25 and it was barely on the paper. What gives? How does adjusting the power of the scope throw off the shot that bad?
  6. Surprisingly it comes with a very nice squishy recoil pad What kind of optics should I look in to that will hold the power of the RUM? Also a good magnification that will be suitable for hunting but will also be good for long range plinking? 500+yards.
  7. Left to right - .243, 30-06, and my new 300RUM. Picked up a Remington 700 Stainless 300RUM. Just had a few questions: What should I sight my scope in at for 100 yards to make a good solid 3-500 yard shot? What are some good first mods to this 700?
  8. Picked up a new toy.
  9. I havent even seen a damn deer yet. We're hunting a 7k acre Bowater lease on Bakewell. Every time we go the weather is off and the wind is blowing 64mph. Theres been a few people on the lease kill some but nothing that great yet. The only deer I've seen was during muzzle-loader right at pitch dark I was walking out to the 4wheeler trail next to a big pine thicket and I startled what sounded like 20 deer and a little doe came bouncing out of it right in front of me almost running over me to where if I knew she was coming I could have pistol whipped her...or punched her right in the nose.
  10. So I've been looking at ballistic charts and it seems like the 308 and 30-06 are pretty much identical. Right now I'm carrying a Remmy 742 30-06 with a Nikon Buckmaster scope shooting 165gr ballistic tips.
  11. I'd like to try out slugs, just don't think I could actually pull off the shot with my 500.
  12. Yes. I def need to move mine up more so it will sit lower. I like to wear mine at 4 so that way I can move a little more freely and don't have the gun in my ribs when I'm sitting. I really don't understand all the cant talk and what it exactly means.
  13. How do you guys have your holster adjusted so printing is minimal?
  14. A must have for everyone's play list. You're welcome.
  15. It blows my mind how they can get away with so much crap that they do. We the people have a stand, yet we really don't.
  16. Supposed to ship today. I'm so freaking excited. How ever, they're shipping to the wrong address so I've got to get that corrected. Wonder if I'll get it tomorrow? Probably not
  17. Chattanooga period isn't what it used to be. Period. I would look in the Ootlewah/Apison area like others mentioned. Sure its a little further of a drive to downtown and such, but way better than ER, EB, B, Downtown, RB.
  18. .243 It was my first high powered rifle. I have killed countless deer with it. I think I killed my first deer with it when I was 7.
  19. Verizon. Got confirmation that mine will be shipped tomorrow. Thank god!! I'm ready to get out of this Droid.
  20. I've been waiting for it to ship for a month now.
  21. Just called.. I was approved yesterday and said to expect about another 7 days :(
  22. How do you find out the status? I did mine on the 26th.
  23. Prayers. This guy will get what is coming to him.
  24. Agreed!! But so many nut jobs in the world I don't ever see people like this guy being awarded with anything.


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