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Everything posted by glock55

  1. Just got my temp letter in mail yesterday. I may be too old to carry by the time all this nonsense plays out and I get my regular permit. Congrats on your permit.
  2. all entering this will win you is a inbox full of nra spam
  3. I think this just shows the lack of respect for others and the law that is becoming more prevalent in our society today. our society is spiraling into chaos at and ever increasing speed and I don't believe there is anyway to stop it at this point. our nation like every other great nation will fall from within due to its moral corruption. this is an example of the ideal that every man is a law unto himself. most younger people seem to feel that the law applies to everyone but themselves. like every statement there are exceptions and know young people that don't feel this way but I feel the majority of young people have this belief. this video shows these people believe they don't have to follow the laws of the road but the RR does by not hitting our bikes. one needs to only look at all the traditional laws that have served our country for 200 years and society since the start of time that are being rejected today by the younger generation. the thing that concerns me the most is the fact the law is helpless to stop these types of terrorist attacks against society. these attacks are designed to be fast moving , disrupt society and instill fear in the populace. in light of the attack I feel the RR reacted as we could expect most law abiding citizen to act. I feel the only error by the driver of the RR was not to roll the window down and put a 45 acp round between the bikers eyes. considering the violent nature of the attack and the number of bikers he would have been justified. one fundamental law young people don't seem to understand is you reep what you sow.
  4. do you have a gen 3 30 now and going to buy a 30s receiver to put the gen 3 30 slide on? on a glock the receiver is the controlled component. you can mix and match glock serial numbers as long as you legally own the receiver. they call glocks with mismatched serial numbers frankenglocks. if buying just the receiver you will have to pass a background check. I assume you are buying a sf receiver to put the gen 3 slide on?
  5. glock55

    My foot

    don't rule surgery out. I had the end of my left great toe amputated yesterday. it already feels better than it has in 2 years.
  6. what am I missing here?  they are the same gun except for the receiver. if you swap the slide from one to the other you have the same thing.
  7. this happened July 29,2012
  8. Them or us.  I guess its true ---- blood is thicker than water
  9. Both leave the same bad taste in your mouth
  10. glock55

    Magazine Wear

    I was at Glock recently getting some pistols and mags updated and was advised that Glock recommends rotating mags on a regular basis. They have found some issues with the 40 cal and above mag springs after long periods of compression. The tech advised that Glock is looking into changing the coil count on the springs just to improve the reliability of the mags. I number all my mags and rotate them on a monthly basis. the numbering also helps to identify any mag that is suspected of malfunctioning.
  11. Are you using factory or reloaded ammo? Can you post a picture of a shell in question? How many rounds through the gun? Is this a recent problem or has the gun done this new? Does the next round chamber ok?
  12. what are we waiting for? lets pack them in the tube of a cruise missile and hit the LAUNCH button. by the way yall have a nice flight
  13. went to the nest sight appears your thermostat is compatible with a gen 2 nest thermostat. according to the video and walk through it appears that the wire you have at w2 should be located at w1.that is the only problem I could see.
  14. Really no need for him to listen , he's just Obama's puppet anyway. He's just waiting for O to pull his strings.           and people wonder way another Democrate will win next time  
  15. Thermostat wire color codes explained. Please note. Not all installers use the proper color codes when they install or replace equipment. It may be necessary go go to the furnace or outdoor unit to verify what wires are for what purpose. Also be sure there are no splices in the wire that could change the wire colors between components.   R (red) or Rh (Red heat) 24 volts from equipment. Rc (Red cooling) 24 volts from transformer in cooling equipment. Note: If only furnace has a transformer and cooling equipment does not jumper Rc and Rh. W (White) sends 24 volts to furnace control to start the heating cycle. W2 (no standardized wire color, usually whatever wire color is available) controls second stage heat. Note: W2 is most often used for heat pumps to control what is called emegency heat or Auxillary heat, and most often will use the white wire. Y (yellow) often (blue) is used, controls cooling unit (outdoor condensing unit) also is used for heat pump heat. Y2 (no standardized wire color, usually whatever wire color is available) controls second stage cooling. G (Green) controls the fan "on" operation of the furnace/air handler. Also often is used to start the blower for many electric furnaces. C (common) most often brown but can also be black or other color available to installer. O (orange) Energizes heat pump reversing valve for cooling (Trane and most other brands). B (Blue) Energizes heat pump reversing valve for heating (Rheem, Ruud and Weatherking). perhaps this will help   have you been to the nest website , looks like they have all the tools to get you going there. did you check the compatibility guide?
  16. you should check the truglo  tfo sights. they are fiber optic for day use and have tritium for night use. I run them on all my guns and think they are the best. I would suggest the yellow rear and green front sight set. this lets the front green sight pop and caught you eye very fast as the yellow rear are a little dimmer. however if shooting in the dark a weapon mounted or hand held light is a must have. also at night a flash light and fiber optic only is not a winning combination.
  17. for those special nights out with the wife I take her to krystals and go with the krystal chick. she feels so special.   if this is more than you had in mind try Jimmy Kelly's for steak and such. located on Louise Av in nashville
  18. i really don't see any difference in people who wait in the store for the ammo to be put out and people who watch an app so they can run out and buy the ammo up 20 minutes after its put on the shelve. smacks of greed either way to my way of looking at it. if people would just buy what ammo they need when they need it this ammo issue would clear in a matter of days.
  19.   HUH didn't know they made anything else.   Those look like the yellow/green true glow  tfo sights. I run tfo on all my guns. that is  also a good looking knife what kind is it. i'm in the market for a new knife and that looks like it could fit the bill.
  20.   You know what they say, The most dangerous gun is an empty gun!!!
  21. seems to me if the range has an adequate ventilation system the dust should be a non issue anyway. just sounds like they want to profit off your brass. I would find a new range
  22. I am not sure I am qualified to offer advise on reloading as I am fairly new to it and still learning the process myself. I did seem to have the same issues as yourself when I started and can only speak to what seems to have worked for me. Let me preface my comments by saying I use a RCBS single stage press and RCBS dies only. No reason other than name brand and I wanted to become familiar with one brand while in the learning process. I have found the following three corrections to have resolved my issues.   1) Proper case resizing: I now adjust my resizing die so there is only the space of a sheet of typing paper between the press and die with press fully raised. I found that                                        touching the press and backing off 1/4 turn did not seem to size the case far enough down. 2) Use of maximum cartridge gauge: I now gauge every cartridge and find if it will drop in and fall out freely the gun will cycle the cartridge. 3) Use of a chronograph: I now reload based on the chronograph more so that the amount of powder. I use the manuals as a guide but also have found at what loads the                                           gun fails to properly cycle. I am still working through each caliber to find a load that works best base on the chronograph.   These are the 3 things that seemed to work for me. I feel the use of the cartridge gauge forced me to pay greater attention to the details of reloading. I also record every detail of my loads so I can repeat in the future. Hope this helps.
  23. One way to tell if its you or the gun is to mount a laser on the gun and dry fire while looking at what the laser does. If the laser dot goes to where the bullet has been hitting you can be sure it's not the gun. This is one of the best ways to work on trigger control. Just be sure no Ammo in gun or the room you are practicing in.
  24. just another example of the liberals rewriting history. they just don't wait as long after the fact as they used too.
  25. I have decided to purchase a revolver just to have one in the gun collection. I think I would like to find one chambered in 9mm so I don't have to stock another caliber. I see that Taurus makes a revolver model 905 that is chambered in 9mm. I have never heard much good said about Taurus products so I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this gun or could recommend a revolver chambered for 9mm. I had originally set these funds aside for a Glock 30s but think a revolver might be a more prudent buy. I really like the Ruger SP101 and if the 9mm chamber doesn't work out I will probably go that route. Any information or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


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