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Everything posted by glock55

  1. Your question cannot be truly answered without having the capacitor specs. On the capacitor will be a spec for capacitance for example 15. You will use a multi meter set to capacitance and take a measurement across the terminals. On the capacitor will also be a spec usually 5or6% which is the good range. So if we take 6% of 15 we get .9. If our reading is 13.5 we see that the capacitor is out of range and should be replaced. Even if our capacitor is reading 13.5 does not mean it will not work but is subject to fail. This failure will most likely occurr on the hottest day of summer or the coldest day of winter. If your capacitor is out of range it's an easy job to replace and not too expensive. Just be sure to cross the terminals with a screw driver after removing wires to prevent shock.
  2. It looks like you have a souvenir knife from the great Heidelberg tun.
  3. I don't know but tacticool in as gown and sandals just ain't doing it for me.
  4. glock55

    Ruger SP 101

    I have the sp 101 with 3 inch barrel in 357 mag. It has fixed sights but I put xs sight on the front. It shoots great but is the only revolver I own so my revolver experience is limited. I removed the factory grip and installed houge grip and that improved the gun for me. Just a plinking gun for me but I enjoy it.
  5. Depending on the year model this can cause progressive damage. Not reaching operating temp prevents the engine from going into closed loop operation. This will damage the converter. It will also reduce fuel economy. Don't know what kind of truck but easy fix with no upside to not repairing.
  6. Just need a little finish filing and they will be good to go
  7. glock55


    I just bought a Bosch dishwasher from Gregg last week in mt Juliet. I got good service and they beat best buy price. I have bought a couple big ticket items from Gregg over the years with no issues.
  8. glock55

    H&K VP9

    like the xd's and m&p's just another Glock want- to- be :pleased:
  9. Well at least we won't hear anymore talk about a glock being ugly. This thing makes the glock look like a super model
  10. I just purchased a Ruger SR1911 commander. While still in reliability test period I have put 400 rounds through it without a malfunction of any kind. The purchase price was 675.00. It has the skeletonized hammer and trigger plus is a series 70 gun. The main issue for you may be its a stainless gun but I think it looks pretty good. I have a smith and alexander mag well and grip panels ordered for it. If you can live with a stainless gun you might want to check it out before you buy the colt.
  11. It now has a special place in my tool box. If your like me you will have forgotten were you put it next time you need it. There's nothing like good old american ingenuity. Glad to hear you got it fixed, however as a mechanic I would recommend taking to a shop. This assures you of the correct repair at the lowest cost.
  12. Don't move a stepper motor manually. It will break. I use a 8 mm screwdriver bit and 1/4 inch ratchet wrench. Makes the job easy.
  13. I don't open carry often but when I do I use I of the following level two retention holsters: 1) serpa: with proper training I feel this is a very safe holster. I feel the nd issues arise from people who don't put the needed training time in. The only down side I see is it does not ride very close to the body however I suppose this is not really an issue with open carry. 2) galco matrix6 holster. This holster is also level two but has a thumb release rather than the trigger finger like the serpa. I feel it rides a little closer to the body than the serpa does but does not have an adjustment for cant like the serpa. I find both to be very good holsters for open carry but in the end the serpa is my preferred of the two due to the cant adjustment.
  14. This is from the above link on the information tab: Ammunition for Modern Firearms Modern Star pistols are all very strong. The 9 mm Parabellum handguns are specifically designed to handle +P loadings. Most of these guns only shoot commom, modern ammunition. The warnings above regarding the power of 9 mm Largo do not apply, as B and Super B pistols can safely fire more powerful ammunition. However, there are still a few pitfalls. Make sure any used gun is in good condition still. The best is to have a gunsmith look it over as though its an old gun. You never know what may have happened to it before you got ahold of it. Also, lots of the B-series especially have been rechambered. Do not take the word of any markings on the slide of the pistol. The barrel may be chambered for a different cartridge, and this could cause dangerous issues. Also, be aware that much of the cheaper 9 mm Largo ammunition available is old surplus, so corrosive. Either do not shoot it, or you will have to carefully clean your barrel after each firing with a corrosive-residue remover; normal cleaning is not enough to protect your barrel.
  15. http://star-firearms.com Try this site. Hope it helps
  16. Don't think I would mess with that trigger safety. I always swap out the trigger bar for smooth faced trigger on all my glocks. If you do take apart let us know how it goes.
  17. Thanks for the advise and link. Will get a couple of these ordered Monday.
  18. should parts for long guns become unavailable through gov action or otherwise what parts should I keep on hand to keep a rock river arms ar15 in 556/223 and a remington 700 in 308 running for as long as possible. Also what kind of quantity would y'all suggest each part be kept at. I am thinking mostly about normal maintenance parts and parts that are prone to breakage. Thanks in advance for your help
  19. You say you want the gun to last a lifetime that would rule out the 1911. I say that due to the fact we all know about possible mag issues with any auto loader. The sp101 in 357mag is a proven man stopper and proven reliabilty. With that being said your question is like asking do I want to be on the top or the bottom when I have sex. Either way I'm sure you'll be happy it's just a matter of preference.
  20. I like the truglo tgo Green front yellow rear. I use them on all my glocks.
  21. The best way to remove nest is find entrance, spray entrance with the expanding window insulation. After insulation drys sealing hornets inside cut nest, put in car and drive to remote location and dispose of. I'm pretty sure this will work because the insulation seals my windows very well. Good luck
  22. If they don't want my loaded and holstered firearm they don't want my money. Simple as that!
  23. I would agree with you if the sensor was good however I don't know why anyone would pull a good sensor out. working for a large truck rental company I replace a few of these every month. I always use impact driver and correct bit with no issues. I suppose this will be a non issue before long as most manufactures are going to membrane sensor technology. no more hot or cold wire sensors in the near future will make everyone's life easier.
  24. Your bet bet is to use an impact driver. If the screw is not rusted in it will remove and not damage the screw. If in Nashville area pm me you can use mine. My mistake I see your in Clarksville. Auto zone may have one you can rent.
  25.   THANK GOD FOR GLOCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!


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