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Everything posted by glock55

  1.   I may be learning more on this post than i need to
  2. Guys i feel your "GAS" pains and have contacted my congressmen with your concerns. They have assured me they will begin hearings on the matter asap and promised a 1950's gas can beside every mower in the near future.    Yeah Right!!!!!!
  3. sounds like a camouflaged gun registration to me. looks like the new stratgey of anti gun politicians is to do on the local level what they cant do on the national level.   by the way is there a spell check function here. my wife's patience is wearing thin with me calling asking how to spell. the question is for me not anyone else 
  4. the pistol is sweet but that rifle is a work of art. very nice indeed
  5.   my glockmeister tool just took a dump,it never really worked that well. i think i'll order one today.
  6. glock55

    $3500 AK! GOUGING!

    price sounds right but what kind of case does it come with
  7. we should keep a list of companies that pull these type of stunts and boycott them when this storm blows over. stories like this makes me want to go out and make a fire arms related credit card purchase
  8. does this tool work for the tru glow tfo sights? 
  9. glock55

    New Rifle! :D

    gives new meaning to the phrase "shot heard round the world"   Davidsons gallery of guns already sold out of these
  10. gentlemen thanks for all your insight and willingness to share your knowledge. i think i'll use a bore snake at range and see what happens.
  11.   so will the bore snake damage the barrel? i normally use coated rod,jag and patches just thought a snake would be easier at the range. it is a stock barrel. i have been doing some reading on other forums and some say that if the barrel is hand lapped the break in procedure is not needed. i dont mean to sound dumb but i try to do things right and take care of what i have.
  12. thanks for the input. i will probably settle on some modified shoot and bore snake for 25 to 50 rounds and see what happens.
  13. just getting into long range shooting and need advise on barrel break-in. i just put a remington 700 together (will post pictures shortly) and have read that accuracy depends on proper barrel break-in. my questions are: 1) is break-in really needed 2) if so is there a standard procedure ( seems everyone has a different way of doing it ) 3) if you clean barrel after every shot is a bore snake ok to use 4) how many shots are required to complete a break-in of a new barrel   the barrel is a 26 inch heavy barrel with steel bore. i'm sure i've left out important info so any advise would be greatly appreciated
  14. cover if the incoming round is a bb,concealment for any other incoming round
  15. [quote name="TGO David" post="882732" timestamp="1358013876"]I'll be making stickers.  Not going to be making anything else.   No offense but that's why I stopped doing swag in the first place.  One or two items wasn't enough; soon everyone wanted us to basically have a TGO Pro Shop and all I heard was "If it came in black..." or "If it was a can coozie instead of a key chain..." or "If it came in my size...." so I just f'ing quit doing it.   I'm not Wal-Mart.  TGO is what I do in the evenings and weekends when I should be spending time with my family.  It's not a full time job.  It'd [u]have[/u] to be a full time job to do half the crap people want.   So... stickers.  That's it.  Not going to be anything else for the imminent future.[/quote] So a tgo David fathead wall graphic is out of the question? David you deserve this
  16. Appears to have been an assault style bubble gun. Note the pistol grip and splash suppressor.
  17. just signed up. thanks for the heads up
  18. 1) "I felt no negative vibes from anyone," Kelley said. "I think it went rather surprisingly well."     i suppose he can say this since "felt" and "think" are brain functions and it appears he is not using his. it seems to me these kinds of publicity stunts do nothing but harm our cause and give anti gunners more "ammo" to use against us. guys like this dont seem to think about the people who are fence sitters on guns issues and the impact this can have on their support for or against us. after all what good is an unloaded ar 15 other than to freighten the sheeple.    2) "he decided to bring the guns to the store to demonstrate that they are not dangerous in the hands of law-abiding citizens"       i suppose i can understand and agree with the idea that as gun owners we need to start reintroducing the fact guns are not the problem people are. however in light of resent events packing unloaded ar 15's in j c penny is not the way to go about it. he could have just carried the pistol and made the point in a more contructive way. as gun owners we have let the liberals controll the dialog for too long but to rejoin in this manner is self defeating. we need to be smart as the liberals have been smart. we need to fight the good fight but also the smart fight
  19. you might give these folks a look www.fist-inc.com for sob carry.  i carry a glock 23 everyday in a crossbread holster with very good results.  
  20. ck glockmeister,lone wolf and bar-sto also you might want to ck this link::::  http://www.ccfraceframes.com/faq-barrels.html  just fyi. hope this helps
  21. just sent mine. thanks for the heads up
  22. i got a speeding ticket and 3 boxes of 45 acp the other day. if their that short have the cops call me, i think we can work something out
  23. Glock and Blackberry   Love the Glock   -----  Hate the Blackberry
  24.   good question but i didnt think to ask about that. they may have released a few to get people wondering and talking about it. i plan on going down there in the next few weeks to see my son and will go by glock and get more answers if possible.  will post what i find out   
  25. i called glock in smyrna ga on wensday to try to get a definitive answer to this question. the glock rep i spoke to was very open and helpful on this matter. here is what he told me: a) yes glock makes some pistols here in the usa from start to finish, b) at this time they are produced for law enforement sales only due to limited production capabilities and c) when production can be meet they will open these guns to civilian sales also. hope this helps   as a side note my son, who lives in atlanta, called to say he took 3 of his glocks to the smyrna facility today and they cleaned and updated them in about one hour. he seemed very happy with the service and how he was treated while there. this is what glock perfection is all about


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