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Everything posted by glock55

  1. Wow a totally 5 star reloading room!
  2. I don't think this would ever survive all the court challenges it would face. I still believe the ultimate goal of the libs right now is the universal background checks, hence, hidden gun registry. All these ridiculous proposals are meant as smoke screens to make the background checks look like the lesser of the evils.
  3. The mini 30 will be rocking with the upgrade. The boat is cool as is. I was asking for a box of Winchester 9mm for valentines day. I think I need to set my sights higher.
  4. Can't tell from that picture but does it come with front and rear handle checkering.
  5. Vanderbilt study shows prison time reduces lifespan Feb. 6, 2013 11:56 PM, | 1 Comments A A FILED UNDER News News Crime & Courts A recent study by a Vanderbilt University researcher shows that for every year a person spends behind bars, life expectancy decreases two years. Evelyn Patterson is assistant professor of sociology at Vanderbilt. Her study, published online last month by the American Journal of Public Health, looks at New York parolees released between 1989 and 1993. The results showed a 15.6 percent increase in the odds of death for parolees compared with people who had never been to prison, which translates to a two-year decline in life expectancy for every year served inside prison. Patterson said the study did reveal a small bright spot. If a prisoner serves out parole without returning to prison, the study shows he eventually gains the years back to his lifespan lost during his prison stay.
  6. I always clean my brass first. Never run dirty brass through any die. Buy a pocket brush to clean pockets after decapping
  7. [quote name="herr.baer" post="906435" timestamp="1360243687"]The problem with that here in Maryland is that the D's out weight the R's. The entitlement crowd keeps voting these jokers back into office so they can get their "FREE" stuff. The problem is they don't know the FREE stuff can only last so long. I wonder who the D's will blame when that time gets here
  8. Ummmm are we missing something here. According to thread title that is not their goal anyway.
  9. Your night gun should be accessible from your bed. If intruder is in bedroom before you awake gun in closet is no gun at all. Mine in holster attached to bed post don't even have to move to draw gun if needed. Every situation is different but my kids are grown so my wife and me will take defensive position 90 degrees to door. Then call 911 and after contact will advise intruder to leave house so recorded on 911. Most important thing in my situation is to have everything recorded on 911 so the police will be a witness if things go south. Just be sure you have a plan, you practice that plan and then reassess the plan until you feel everyone in the house is on board. Good luck
  10. Does not sound like enough information to make a call here on who was right or wrong. Sounds like all we can say is; 1) the officers need training on the round in chamber issue if that's what they said 2) your friend needs training on the drawbacks of open carry,if that's what he was doing 3) your friend needs training on how to carry concealed if that's what he was doing
  11. My 2 boys also know and see the big picture. That makes 4 so there is always hope
  12. BLASPHEMY!!!!
  13. Welcome to tgo.
  14. The point I was trying to make is we need to get our priorities right. Young people are influenced by money we need to show them what's of real value. I agree that athletes salaries are agreed to by two private parties but I disagree it's none of my business. Most of that money is available because of public monies given to these teams to come to or stay in a given city.
  15. I suppose my green beret outfit I had as a kid would have landed me in the RACKS on the public square. I won't dare mention the kinds of games we played.
  16. Same old stuff. I have not seen one proposal by these anti gunners that seriouly address the root cause of the current gun violence in our country. Their agenda becomes more clear with each new law they try to pass. That is to restrict gun ownership by law abiding citizens. I suppose the goal is to reduce demand until most gun makers go out of business. Taking guns out of the hands of law abiding people will do noting to stop the lawless people who commit these atrosities. Of course these laws that retrict gun ownership will never affect the rich and powerful as they will always be able to get their guns or armed guards. These people don't care anything about those of us who live in the real world they only care about the power they have and how to keep it. I don't suppose I'll live long enough to see a liberal propose a law that would really curb gun violence but if they did it might contain some of these elements that will work; a) lets enforce the laws we already have ( they'll work if we use them ) b) keep criminals locked up ( people should serve full sentence at hard time ) c) hold Hollywood accountable for the glorification of violence ( it not a game ) d) use the mental health system to identify those who are ill and help they e) renew a sense of social nobility ( stop paying sports figures millions of dollars and give that money to teachers,police,firefighters,ect to show young people that these are the things in life that make a difference and are important. Why is it I never see any of these ideals in all the new proposals that come down the pike these days???
  17. Ha! Ha! I don't feel so dumb for so of the things I've done in the past now.
  18. Wow, as if this hill wasn't high enough already.
  19. As Joe Friday used to say " the facts just the facts ". if they did'nt get them facts they never will.
  20. I nominate Mr. Cruz for president. Do I hear any seconds?
  21. Replace fore end on my 590a1 using this method, took about 5 minutes. I used a plastic hammer instead of the knife.
  22. I just did a adl to bdl conversion using bell and Carlson stock. You can call bell and Carlson they will send you the longer front screw for free or go to brownells look at part#084-727-701wb. These screws were one and half threads too long so ran nut on screw filed to length and removed nut to clean threads. Torqued to 65 inch pounds and worked perfectly.
  23. [quote name="timthetoolman" post="903420" timestamp="1359911882"] None yet, thinking of a Mueller Eradicator in Silver....what are your thoughts? Overall looks like a good scope. Seems like a lot of magnification for a 22lr. Others here could give a much better assessment. I would like to here the opions of more experienced shooters as I'm in the market for a 22lr scope also
  24. Fantastic, a totally cool gun. What type sighting system are you using.
  25. Very nice collection. I too like the streamlights run them on my glocks.


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