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Everything posted by glock55

  1. Discount or not I will support any business that openly supports our 2nd amendment rights.
  2. This would be my bet. If their conscience bothers them that bad let them return all the profits they made from gun money or donate it to the victims of these madmen.
  3. I still have a problem with a home owner going outside to investigate. That is the job of law enforcement. If your inside stay put until the person comes inside then do what you have to. Justified or not I feel this is a bad practice. Call the law let them investigate the outside. Too many issues can arise in situations like this. Especially in the current political climate.
  4. But the newspaper, which has maintained it never intended to publish any personal information from the records, said its request had been misrepresented and left vulnerable to "political opportunism Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/02/16/maine-gov-proposes-protecting-gun-permit-privacy/#ixzz2L5LAiz91 I wish Fox News would ask them what they intended to do with it if not publish the information. Lying jackels!!!!
  5. Im looking forward to their study on "Investigateing the link between gun possession and successful self defense incidents."  science is about looking at all aspects of an issue and then drawing conclusions. anyway thats what i was taught when i was in school.
  6. can you imagine the "JOINT" police operation that would be required if the buckeyes played a game in tenn this year? all those helmets with all those marijuana stickers on them.
  7. look into vortex scopes. one of the members here recomended these to me and i really like the one i bought. have one of the best warrenties ive seen. my son liked mine well enough that he also bought a vortex. Vortex Optics is an American and Veteran owned company located in Middleton, WI. They design and engineer products in their Middleton facility Read more: Where are Vortex Optics made? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/2135790#ixzz2L1RRBBbl
  8. if she wants a safety due to purse carry i would question how does she plan to carry in the purse? does she want to just drop the gun in any purse. i would strongly suggest yall purchase a gun and concealed carry purse as a set. my wife carries a glock 19 in a gun toten momma purse with no problems. the concealed carry purse is to women what a good holster is to men. with a good purse you could go with a glock 26 with no problem. dont over look saftey and ease of access to the gun. good luck                                                                                      GLOCK ROCKS
  9. I'm looking for some good country music   good country music --- NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING
  10. I'm going to bed. Read all about it tomorrow.
  11. "Warren, a fisherman and hunter who has no intention of disposing of his sporting weapons," Well Warren , I'll bet mrs. Feinstein has plans for your other semi auto ( sporting ) weapons. Will there be a smile on your face when she takes them?
  12. glock55

    Evil owl lol

    That's a real "HOOT"
  13. It's and age old truth; you reep what you sow. He sowed disloyalty he reeped disloyalty.
  14. I keep my carry permit under my driver license and when the officer asks for my license I give the license and carry permit to him. I also turn on the inside lights and roll both windows down as I am pulling over. I have been stopped twice and both times the officers stated they appreciated the way I reacted. I didn't get a ticket in either case and the second time the officer asked what kind of gun I carried. We had a short glock chat,bid each other a good day and went our separate ways. Your mileage my vary but this approach seems to work for me.
  15. The democrats know they can't win the gun control issue on facts so they must fight their battle with emotions. It's just the same old liberal "VICTIM" mentality. Nothing new here just a different approach.
  16. Nice shotgun. Always interesting to see what folks do to personalize their firearms. Good job
  17. Good for these folks. These are just the first group of minutemen who will have come to the rescue of the constitution!
  18. Are you sure I've heard "Bushes" name mentioned ?
  19. Some people just don't get it. He should have to spend 30 days in jail. Forced to share a jail cell with a liberal.
  20. Excellent I think I'll just wait for the sale. really though very nice gun.
  21. To a liberal the "TRUTH" is that which furthers their agenda. truthfulness does not figure into their scheme of things. the "TRUTH" is what they say it is so please don't confuse them with the facts.
  22. Very nice! I need to add a 1911 to my collection. I hear good things about these. If you don't mind how many US dollars for this?
  23. This is good to see. SA supporters have been silent for too long. This is the kind of patriotic talk that is needed to show the anti-constitution gun grabbers that we are serious about up holding the constitution of our country. The gun grabbers are have a feeding frenzy on the SA right now and the only way we will stop it is to stand tall,stand firm and say enough is enough. What we see happening now is what I have always said; the only way to force that which is ilmoral or illegal upon the American people is through the law ie,abortion-homosexuality-redistribution of wealth and the list could go on. All we have to do is look at our history, not the rewritten liberal version, that these attacks on our traditional way of understanding and living the American way of live are not and will not work. If we don't take a stand now we will learn a lesson from nature that being; water dripped one drop at a time for a long enough time will erode even the largest stone away.
  24. Well it's good to see the government putting all that ammo they bought to good use.


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