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About glock55

  • Birthday 11/15/1954

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 48
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 19

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Community Answers

  1. I have a garmin 46 in my car and a garmin 56 in my wifes car. Both have done well with no problems over 3 year span. Phone app works well also. I would recommend either.
  2. Sorry for your loss. We had to put our Sadie down 6 weeks ago. There is no love like the love of a good dog. I don't think the hurt ever stops you just learn to channel it into good memories.
  3. Sad to hear. Its a shame we have given away everything that generation provided for us.
  4. I see no problem in keeping them. They are a tangible connection to your past. You can’t put a value on that.
  5. Creative problem solving. I like it.
  6. 2021 Subaru Forester The first car I ever bought was a 1970 FF1 Subaru. My dad had the exact same car. My 2021 Forester will be the last car I ever buy. My wife bought the exact same Forester only white.
  7. I have had my right knee replaced and planning to get the left one done after some foot repairs. Yes your assessment of the situation is correct it ain’t no fun. However this is what i found: 1to 4 weeks you think i should not have done this. 4 to 7 weeks you will think this may work out ok. About 8 weeks on you will say this is the best thing I have ever done. Just stay current on pain meds, keep a lot of ice around and do the exercises and you will be happy. It’s not a fun recovery but worth all the effort
  8. Like a fine wine he just gets better
  9. Hello One and All, I have been away for awhile due to Arthritis related health issues. Finally feel well enough to get back into life. Look forward to being part of the community and hope I can make a positive contribution from time to time.
  10. I run an Eotech on gun for field of view but a pricey option. A before you retire purchase option. i have the Romeo 5 on my other gun. An excellent sight for the money. An after retirement option. Both are great but I favor the Sig for the auto on/off feature.
  11. I have the rcbs plate under my rock chucker press and rcbs bench primer. They work great and easy removal for cleaning or if i just need them out of the way for other projects. Highly recommend.
  12. Take cover off rear of slide, remove firing pin and take slide off.
  13. check ground at 110 should be 12gauge wire left frame rail under driver door. Also may need to program unit. Seems like I recall having to program vin and wheel size in order for all ecu’s to communicate. Been awhile since I worked on small gm units so memory is foggy.
  14. My wife and I file jointly and got $545 back this year. We had the refund in the bank one week after filing. First refund in over 10 years so after paying $1200 last year we are more than happy. I plan on retiring this coming November so not sure what to expect for next year. Have been doing some preliminary looking into Medicare and such but didn’t realize how much is involved. Am thinking I may need a financial advisor to guide me through all this.
  15. Very nice. Will make a fine addition to the family.


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