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Everything posted by Fallguy

  1. I could be wrong....but I'm thinking even if this somehow passes out of the legislator the governor will veto it and since the legislature will be adjourned by then, that'll be the end of it. Then legislators can say they voted for it....and since the governor isn't up for reelection right now, it won't matter to him.
  2. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/47498-tgo-forum-database-partially-compromised-email-addresses-swiped/page__pid__749073#entry749073
  3. No food or phones is the rule in almost all courtrooms. As far as it being an order from a judge....probably so, but don't judges have discrestion to set rules in their courtrooms?
  4. You know after a bit of thought....I could see this actually being a bad thing. As we've said, other than at the Memphis Airport and on top of other charges, we don't know of anyone charged with 39-17-1359. I figure some of this may be because LEOs have used discrestion and simply told people to leave instead of charging them. Now, since this creates an "affirmitve defense" if you didn't know, didn't see the posting etc... the LEO might decide to let you just "tell it to the judge" instead of making the decision himself.
  5. I'm not familar with the Agricenter but as kb4ns said, just because there are gun shows there doesn't necessarly make it legal to carry there. There are exceptions in the Parks and School laws for gun shows. If it is a Shelby Co Park and Shelby Co opted out of the park law, there should be signs posted per 39-17-1311.
  6. Yeah....not worth the paper it's written on now.
  7. If you use the full editor and turn of smillies it will take care of the ....but not the the ©
  8. I read somewhere where he said he hasn't paid a dime of that and never intends to. But your point is well taken....
  9. My understanding is getting a duplicate is the same as renewing (except $5 instead of $50)....fill application and background checks are done. One reason most say it is "easier" to request one at the same time while applying or renewing.
  10. I don't disagree.....but I think it is about more than just 39-17-1359. Let's say someone from AL came up here to visit family....there you can carry in K-12 schools (if the Sheriff didn't add that restriction to the permit), they decide to go with them to the high school football game. They are somehow made while just sitting there, waiting in line at the concession, etc... It looks like this bill would give them a defense, since it is legal where they are from.
  11. Every place and LEO is different, but most post I've read on here have said LEOs usually will just ask you to leave and/or secure it in your vehicle...even if it is 100% properly posted. So I would think if it was a "hard to see" posting that most would do the same...
  12. Well hasn't this always been the case? You are trying to stop the threat, not necessarily kill the person. Of course if they are dead, the threat is over (from them at least) but it is possible the threat could be stopped without it being lethal or at least not lethal at that moment. I think someone firing 2-3 shots in rapid succession would be much different than 1-2 fired quickly and then walking over to the person as they law on the ground and firing one more shot. I wouldn't think it would make a difference if you fired 4-5+ shots if the person kept coming at you. So I don't think it's so much about counting shots as it is stopping shooting once the threat is over.
  13. Here is the bills page... http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/Billinfo/default.aspx?BillNumber=SB3324&ga=107
  14. I don't think you're covered if you "knowingly" carry in a posted location. I think if it is more like an accident and if you weren't doing anything else wrong. I think this bill is to address situations like what happened in NYC to a couple of folks that simply had a handgun on them and then tried to do the "right thing" by asking someone where to store it and got charged. Let's take the laws on carry in parks in TN. You can carry in a National Park, but not a building there, however the building is supposed to be posted per Federal law, you can carry in State Parks (buildings as well) even though there may be signs that say "No Firearms", you can carry in local parks unless they have passed a resolution saying you can, which means they are supposed to post signs, but the AG has said someone could still be charged even if signs are posted" Now.....someone from out of state (or even a lot of us in this state) could find themselves in a local park either where signs aren't posted even though they have passes a resolution or may even see the sign, but think it is like signs in a state park that don't apply to HCP holders. This bill is an attempt to prevent criminal charges for an "Innocent mistake"
  15. In the top right corner of the screen, click on your username. In the drop down menu choose "My Settings" On that page look to the far left and you should see the "Email & Password" tab, click it and there you go. Click "Save Changes" at the bottom and that should do it.
  16. No....You can prevent the RV owner from parking there. Just like you can prevent anyone from parking a car there if you want. It's just that if you do let them park there, any property of theirs that remains in their vehicle shouldn't be any concern of yours. This bill doesn't force anyone to allow parking where there isn't parking now. It just prevents actions being taken against someone that has a lawful item stored out of site in their vehicle in that parking space.
  17. I probably would have mentioned it to him, but not necessarily "told" him what to do. But that's just me....
  18. Being diagnosed with a mental illness doesn't not prevent someone from getting a HCP, not even being hospitalized for one, only if it was involuntary. Even if her HCP was revoked, not sure what could be done about her still having it in the residence. So she would still have access to it and if was determined to do something, not having a HCP probably wouldn't make a difference. All that said...39-17-1352(a)(3) says a HCP can be suspended or revoked if the person "Poses a material likelihood of risk of harm to the public" I guess one could contact the Dept of Safety about any such person they felt posed that risk. Not sure what they would want to know exactly or what, if anything, might be done.
  19. I was sent one automatically, it was close than 6 months but still plenty of time to renew, although I don't remember exactly how soon it was.
  20. As ETP said, most dispatchers are not "sworn personnel" them telling you to do or not do something isn't really different than anyone on here telling you something. Now if they advise you of a certain course of action, you don't follow it and something "bad" happens....I guess that could be used by the opposing attorney against you. Also I don't know of ANY dispatcher that is going to come right out and in plain language tell someone to shoot someone else. The closest I've ever heard is, "Do what you need to do to defend yourself."
  21. Well I didn't have or see an application since I was there for my sons DL test.
  22. I never really used TapTalk, so can't make a comparrison. I don't recall getting a loading screen...at least not one that would go away. Could it be slow internet connection? The only time I've used the go to full site is to do mod stuff, which hasn't been often and it's always been there...and the ability to switch back to mobile, so not sure about that.. Don't know of any shortcut to get the end of a thread you've not posted in or following other than to scroll to the end.


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