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Everything posted by Fallguy

  1.   I agree too that it wouldn't be under 1359 or 1311 if asked to leave.  I also agree being asked to leave public property because of a legal activity is not good, but I'm sure it happens all the time and unfortunately not much is done about it.   .....and to correct something I just noticed in my previous post, the AG issues "opinions" not "rulings"
  2.   Hmmm interesting and as I know you know 1311 is more exact on sign requirements than 1359, but AFAIK any person(s) having control over a property (public or private) can ask you to leave whether it is posted or not.    Despite it in being in the US and TN constitutions the law and many TN AG rulings have pretty much said you do not have a "right" to carry.
  3.     Thanks for asking, didn't think I ought to again.
  4. FWIW if there isn't a sign that meets the requirements of T.C.A. Â§39-17-1359 you shouldn't be legally charged for carry.  Of course you can still be denied entry or asked to leave if it is discovered you are armed.
  5. Hard to say since I wasn't there, but I think that unless he had some direct influence over me I wouldn't have worried about it.   In these situations though what gets me is, it isn't the firearm the person is uncomfortable with....it is YOU with the firearm. If a LEO or some other "authority figure" was armed, he probably wouldn't have gave it a second thought.
  6.   Asking seriously..... Why is your backup not chambered?
  7.   Additional training and improving your skills are fine, but I just don't see how it would matter for someone applying for their HCP now? There is no record of the firearm you used in class. If you go to the range on your own later, I don't often go to formal ranges, but they don't keep up with the weapon you bring when you go to shoot do they?  But even if they did, they don't keep up with how well you did surely.
  8.   I understand what you are saying.... If the OC question was in Washington instead of Nashville, I'd be a bit more concerned.  That said, Nashville has pulled some real boners as well......
  9.   If you OC, I'm not sure it can be "stretched" much further. You either OCing or not, it's not something that goes further and further.  Now the amount of people is something that can grow, but one could argue the more that do the more acceptable it may be seen and also the more that would be willing to keep legislatures in place to make sure it continues to be allowed.   The current HCP law has been in effect for about 16-17 years and in all the changes and debate I've heard discussed since in the legislature, removing/restricting OC hasn't been amongst it.  Considering half the states allow OC without a permit at all, it would seem a real step backwards if TN which has allowed only with a permit for 17 years suddenly outlawed it.
  10. That may be what he first did, but that's not all that happend. I have no problem with anyone seeking legal advice.
  11.   Contacting an attorney about any possible liability you may have is one thing, suing a citizen over you having to do your job is another.
  12.   Yeah, I don't remember the exact dates or how long the instructor is supposed to keep the records, but the fact I took the class with one weapon and now carry a different one has really never concerned me in the least.
  13. At one time the type weapon you use was recorded on the class form and the law did mention you could take just the range portion again with a different firearm.   However the has changed no and there is absolutely no firearm information (Make, Caliber, Ser# etc...) recorded on the form.  So not sure how the they could prove what type weapon you took the class (purposely didn't say 'qualify') with these days.
  14. In about half the states or just a bit more you can OC without a permit/license, but TN is not one of them. (From http://www.opencarry.org/)
  15. Long story. Thanks
  16. I always use http://handgunlaw.us when travelling out of state.   http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/florida.pdf
  17.   Yeah, unlike a few other states, a handgun is the only weapon you can get a state issued permit to carry.   The law does mention if you have been trained in the use of a club or baton you can carry one, but legislative and LE sources I have talked to say is not as clear as HCP for a handgun.
  18. What I have is a Handgun and if the Zombies are coming my AK. What I eventually want is a Home-Defense shotgun.
  19. I'm going to try and start to more.
  20. How in the world did you get that from his post?
  21. I meant the law defining bars
  22. I thought it didn't pass?
  23. Beer Permits are controlled by the local beer board. Counties (except Davidson) are pretty much restricted by state law what requiments etc...they can place on getting a permit, but Cities have almost unlimited power to add requirments etc... So it's possible I guess for a local beer board to require food and/or snacks to be served in a place.


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