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Question about Old Hickory Mall in Jackson
Fallguy replied to Fallguy's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Thanks...yes, I knew that...that's why I asked about the acutal signs. Just by reading what they had on the website, looked liked they just copied and pasted the statute, I figured they didn't really understand how to properly post the property. LOL...well as I said...I've not really lost anything there anyway.. -
I found this on their website today. It is their "Behavioral Code of Conduct". Number 20 says... Pursuant to State Code TCA 39-17-1359, the owner/operator of this property has banned weapons on this property, or within this building or this portion of this building. Failure to comply with this prohibition is punishable as a criminal act under state law and may subject the violator to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). I haven't been there in many years and honestly have no plans of going anytime soon, but does anyone know if they have signs posted? Or I wonder if they think having this on their website is good enough? I don't think the page I posted links back to their main page so if you want to see that it is here and the link to the "Behavioral Code of Conduct" is at the bottom of the page.
Ok, Ok...my bad. Been reading too much stuff online today, guess I have started to glaze over somethings and not always get the intent. Mike...can't remember which forum I read it on...but something very similar to that happend to guy in Knoxville. He followed up on it with the Internal Affairs, he eventually recieved a letter from the Chief appologizing and stating all KPD officers were going to get remidal training in the laws pertaning to HCP's in TN. You could be the test case to see if they have recieved the training yet. Hey...that last sentence is a little like sarcasm, isn't it Branket.
As long as it isn't Sat the 19th (work) I might be interested.
For various reasons I haven't OC'd much, but there have been MANY people on opencarry.org in the TN forum that haven't had any problems carrying openly.
It's been a while since I got my permit, but if I recall correctly you aren't "qualifying" with the gun. It is a "safety" course to show you know the basic operation of a handgun not how well you shoot. You don't even have to own a gun to get an HCP you can borrow or rent one.
No, I don't believe the DOS or most LEO's know the firearm laws word for word, many don't even know them vaugley it would seem. But if someone is going to instruct a class on a subject, I would hope they would teach correct infromation. It would also be nice if the enforcers of the law knew them as well. I do whole-heartedly agree that individuals should educate themselves by looking up the laws. As dotsun said it is not quite as cut and dry as you say. In Arkansas for example all the off limits places are listed in the same statute and below that it gives which places are still ok if the gun is in the car in the parking lot. TN's however are spread out all over in the section. Two of them refer to a list of weapon in another statue...that list does not include handguns, but according to AG opinion handguns are still off limits at those places. So with a little time and reading and research, you can have a good idea of the laws in TN, but still not as clear as many other states.
...and from what I've heard on several forums, some don't. I agree!!
I agree one probably doesn’t want to carry several defensive weapons on them at the same time. But there may be people that don’t want to carry a lethal weapon (handgun) for defense and may would prefer a LTL weapon such as an expandable baton. Maglites, baseball bats and hockey sticks would be hard to fit into a purse or pocket and a person can not be certifed in there use to legally carry them as a weapon. Also I think there may be HCP holders who might like to be able to carry a baton in to places where a handgun is off limits, but would still like to have something besides their empty hands to help defend themselves. I also agree situational awareness is a very good thing to practice at all times, armed or not; that your brain is the best weapon you have and that nothing can replace good and constant training. Mr. Wall as an instructor you have ever right to train or not train whomever you choose, I don’t disagree with that at all. According to Ms. Kathy Bruns at ASP “It is up to the instructor if he/she wants to certify a civilian.” I see nothing on there website that says it is the “manufactures recommendation” that only law enforcement personnel be certified. So I am sure there are other ASP instructors out there and there are also other brands of expandable batons besides ASP if someone is truly interested in legally carrying a baton or club in the state of Tennessee.
Ok...my misunderstanding. I'm glad you were taught the correct information. Oh...and another AMEN on restaurant carry in TN.
Did you mean the officers directing the class told you it was "illegal"?
Probably a good idea not to.
Why didn't the landscaper ask if the homeowner has a dog before showing up if he is so deathly afraid of them? If he did and knows that the homeowner does, why did he show up early without notifing the homeowners and asking them to restrain the dog?
Mr. Wall...you stopped reading the code one paragraph too soon. See T.C.A. 39-17-1308(a)(9) 39-17-1308. Defenses to unlawful possession or carrying of a weapon (a) It is a defense to the application of § 39-17-1307 if the possession or carrying was: (9) By any person possessing a club or baton who holds a certificate that the person has had training in the use of a club or baton for self-defense that is valid and issued by a certified person authorized to give training in the use of clubs or batons, and is not prohibited from purchasing a firearm under any local, state or federal laws
There was a discussion either on another thread or another forum, can't remember where now, as to what constituted "under the influence". The general thought seemed to be it would be up to the officer's discretion, just like "Public Drunk or Publis Intoxication". That is the problem most people had with it "officer's discrestion". What if he didn't like you? Also according to the law that let's a LEO carry 24/7, they can not even consume alcohol period when armed or be under the influence. T.C.A. 39-17-1350©(2) 39-17-1350. Law enforcement officers permitted to carry firearms — Exceptions — Restrictions — Identification card for corrections officers. © The authority conferred by this section shall not extend to a law enforcement officer (2) Who is consuming beer or an alcoholic beverage or who is under the influence of beer, an alcoholic beverage, or a controlled substance So I wouldn't be surprised if a LEO thought...if it's good enough for him it's good enough for Joe HCP holder.
Going to StLouis MO, question about CC there?
Fallguy replied to andersmg's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Make sure and let us know how it goes after you get back. Have a good trip! -
Yes, Yes and the Nashville Predators and the Memphis RiverKings But have defiently seen much more neighborhood Baseball/Softball games than hockey games. See the ----> again.
But who around here plays hockey?
Going to StLouis MO, question about CC there?
Fallguy replied to andersmg's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
According to his info he lives in Dyersburg. All he has to do is take I-155 straight over in to MO then up I-55 to St. Louis. -
Going to StLouis MO, question about CC there?
Fallguy replied to andersmg's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Missouri does honor a TN permit CC is allowed OC is allowed by state law, but can be prevented by local ordnance. 571.107 Endorsement does not authorize concealed firearms, where: (1) Any Police, Sheriff, or Highway Patrol Office or Station, (2) Within twentyfive feet of any Polling Place on any Election Day. (3) Any Correctional Facility. (4) Any Courthouse or Building used by a Court. (5) Any Government Meeting including State Legislature. (6) Government Owned Buildings except Public Housing. (7) Bars. (8) Secured parts of Airports. (9) Prohibited by Federal Law; (10)All Schools (Including Colleges); (11)Child Care Facilities. (12)Casino (13)Amusement Park. (14)Any Church (15)Private Property with 11X14 sign with one inch letters. (16)Arenas and Stadiums seating over 5,000. (17)Publicly accessible Hospitals. Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on the premises shall not be a criminal offense so long as the firearm is not removed from the vehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on the premises; is applicable to Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 above. Carrying of a concealed firearm in a location specified in subdivisions 1) to (17) of subsection 20 of this section by any individual who holds concealed carry endorsement issued pursuant to this section shall not be a criminal act but may subject the person to denial to the premises or removal from the premises. Check Handgunlaw.us and there list of off limits places. Also can check Missouri Revised Statutes -
Me too!! If it means that 39-17-1322 no longer applies....the only good thing about that is, that since it is so all encompassing, it might be easier to get changed. Just ask the legislature, "Do you mean that if a person is standing under a 'No Standing' sign or parked in a 'No Parking' area, they can't defend themselves?"
I think he may have a chance. I did hear about this, and the guy shooting the one up. I remember seeing a news piece from another state once (No, for a change I can't link to it...lol) where these cameras were being put in. The cameras were linked back to the P.D. where an officer watched the monitors. They said they had to do that for the ticket to be legal.
Oregon group wants to know who the HCP owners are
Fallguy replied to analog_kidd's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Yep I saw it on the news tonight also. What's bad in TN it is public record. A news station in Knoxville, WBIR, has already got the name of ALL the HCP holders in TN and did an piece about it. Thankfully the did not give out any actually names or address, but I sure hope the legislature will eventually do something about this. -
Well actually, in a way, they are "serving" it just not selling it. I know it seems like a minor difference. But as we know even punctuation has meaning in statutes.