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Everything posted by Fallguy

  1. .......need a new dog. Sorry....
  2. I agree it is about that simple...other than I do hate to see improperly posted or worded signs and people who think they know the law and don't. Just a quirk I have...lol It's true if you carry open you risk being asked to leave any place, even if they don't have a sign. ..and you have to leave otherwise it becomes trepass. The owner can even say something to the effect, "I don't want you to ever come back in here armed." Which would mean if you came back at any later point armed CC or OC you would be trespassing. (AG OP 07-148 questions 5 & 6) That is one reason I have been leary of open carry in my small town, I could run out of places to grocery shop, bank etc....real quick..at least while armed.
  3. I did not know the state sent out signs to private business and/or forced them to display them.
  4. That's just wrong.....
  5. Hasn't this thread about run it's course? I think the orginal question has been answered.
  6. :bowrofl: They're not the only ones though.
  7. Hellbilly...you are right about the law (threat of harm or death to human, only death to animal)...I did re-read it. My bad on that. I don't think the act of someone shooting your dog would "legally" justify you in using deadly force against them, unless they where to then point the gun at you. I have no problem with dogs, love my dog...but the law does view animals as property and as has been discussed in other threads, in TN you can not use deadly force to protect property. You say you would shoot the person if you didn't percieve your dog a threat to them when they shot it, however what you percieve is not necessarly relevant to the situation. If the person who shot your dog "reasonably" belived that they were in inimminent danger of death or serious bodily injury they would be justified regardless of what you percieved. I agree you have had a hell of a first day on the board...what are the odds a thread that was just a hot topic for you would be posted....lol
  8. Umm...no it's not. It is saying you can use deadly force against an animal if it causing imminent danger of serious bodily injury to your pet/animal or you or another person. Not just the fact it is running off the leash. That was your choice. Just as one could choose not to shoot an intruder into his house if he didn't want to. However what you choose and what someone else may, within the law, choose to do can be different. Also I don't think it is chicken to kill a dog that is bitting you. I do agree that not every dog running loose is a threat either though. I agree that breed specific laws are BS, but leash laws aren't that bad of an idea, when the dog is off your property.
  9. To me, whether the dog is on a leash or not is irrelevant. My decision to shoot would be based on whether I felt I (or my dog if I had one) was in danger of death or serious bodily injury. I agree you can't shoot a dog simply because he is off the leash, but also even if the dog is on leash and he has grabbed on to me and the owner can't remove him before I draw my weapon...well.....
  10. Yes! T.C.A. 39-14-205( ( A person is justified in killing the animal of another if the person acted under a reasonable belief that the animal was creating an imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury to that person or another or an imminent danger of death to an animal owned by that person. A person is not justified in killing the animal of another if at the time of the killing the person is trespassing upon the property of the owner of the animal. The justification for killing the animal of another authorized by this subsection ( shall not apply to a person who, while engaging in or attempting to escape from criminal conduct, kills a police dog that is acting in its official capacity. In that case the provisions of subsection (a) shall apply to the person.
  11. Good deal...maybe you need some signs like these then... I agree....employee not worth arguing with. Very true again! I pretty much always carry concealed as well, just don't mind those that carry openly, but I do agree about writing a good letter. I have a basic one saved on my computer that I can modify to a specific situation. The owner probably doesn't even thinks he needs a sign since he thinks it is against the law period. I'll remember the discount thing next time.
  12. To me the fact that the store owner doesn't know the law and is anti-carry in his store is more important to me.
  13. Wow...till the "death" that is hardcore. ...and congrats on making through 13 pages of post!
  14. When someone makes a post about a certain situation and mentions they were carrying openly, does it ALWAYS have to start the OC vs CC debate?
  15. Sorry for the "hoops' you had to jump through, but glad it is taken care off. With the price of the class including range time, all-in-all not a bad deal!
  16. Even though it has been said the law is not as cut and dry as the code...it is a good starting point. T.C.A. 39-11-611(e) (e) The threat or use of force against another is not justified: (1) If the person using force consented to the exact force used or attempted by the other individual; (2) If the person using force provoked the other individual's use or attempted use of unlawful force, unless: (A) The person using force abandons the encounter or clearly communicates to the other the intent to do so; and ( The other person nevertheless continues or attempts to use unlawful force against the person; I also am not a lawyer....but the way I take it. (e)(1) says if you agreed to a fist fight....then you are in the fist fight and have to take the consiquences. But to me a "nomral" (what ever that is) fist fights doesn't carry the risk of death or serious bodily harm and should stop when one person is down. If it goes beyond that...well then it is that grey area that is being discussed. (e)(2) appears to say that you can't start a fight with someone then claim any force you used was self-defense unless both (e)(2)(A) and (e)(2)( are met.
  17. I agree....but when you say you, "Were going to nail some thing." while your in a bar, nails and a 2x4 aren't the first things that come to my mind.
  18. Yep saw the same one too... But I wouldn't be surprised depending on the situation (the area, your dress and demeanor, recent events etc......) that an officer could deam it a "club" and confiscate it if he wanted to. Legal or not.
  19. Print this AG Opinon and give it to them next time they tell you that.
  20. Glad you had a good time and all went well!
  21. Believe me after reading about what happened to Mr. Fish in Arizona, what can happen in court has been on my mind a lot lately. Although it was criminal in his case and not civil (yet). As far as I know this hasn't been tested in TN yet, but I "hope" if a shooting is ruled justified, then T.C.A. 39-11-622 would prevent any "decent" lawyer from taking the case to sue the shooter. Or that the judge would throw it out. But you never know what a judge and/or jury will do. Just too add...I do understand T.C.A. 39-11-622 does NOT protect if you injury or kill a innocent third-party. But I agree with Cap and Ball that you are in for a long haul regardless.
  22. ZenDog I agree with you overall because you do seem to make the distinction between "depressed" and "suicidal". The trouble is, and I think you would agree, if some one is bound-and-determined to end their life, they will find a way regardless of the means readily available to them.
  23. True...and trying to remember for sure again, but it seems we started out close to the target and moved back...and that you could almost if not for sure, get the passing "score" from the 3yd line. I'm really not trying to be a trouble maker, but to be honest, I can't even remember what gun I used in my safety course and I have owned several different ones since then. The one I carry know wasn't even available when I took the course. I really don't think if you use your handgun in a self-defense situation it is going to matter whether it is the same or similar gun you used in the safety course.... Even if a third-party is injured. I mean are you supposed to go take a new safety course every time you purchase a new handgun, or long gun for that matter. ...and even if you do, where would you submit the paperwork? Orginally it is part of what you turn in with your application for your HCP. The law even says you do not have to take any course to renew your permit. Of course I could be wrong and I admit...I wouldn't want to be the test case.
  24. Don't blame you!


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