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Everything posted by Fallguy

  1. I think that is only true in some states. I have always been under the impression only one (you) have to consent in TN. I could be wrong though. I will try to check in a little.
  2. It passed in the Senate. It still has to be passed in the House and signed by the Governor before it becomes law.
  3. I'd get black.
  4. db99wj found what I was looking for. Nothing wrong with a fanny pack, I have used one at times. But over all I like the looks of the one above better.
  5. LOL...you forgot, handcuffs, flashlight and pepper spary.... Not that there is anything wrong with carring any of those, but all loaded down at once starts to get a little mall ninja like. In all honesty I have thought about getting a badge like that, not to wear but as sort of a novelty.
  6. Here is one a guy on another forum was sold by his instructor. In fact the instructor even suggested to carry it and use it to identify himself as a GG in need be. After some discussion he decided not to carry the badge anymore. He open carries in part to educate the public and decided the badge sort of went against the "it is ok for citizens to be armed" train of thought. I just wanted to show they are out there though.
  7. Just to clarify, there is a difference between an "Order of Protection" and a "Restraining Order" In certain casses an judge can issue an ex parte Order of Protection which means the other person does not have to be present when it is issued. These are only valid for a short period of time and then both parties have to appear before the judge to extend the order. A judge can issue a restraining order not only prevent you from coming around someone, but from other activities as well. If you violate that order a warrant will be issued for your arrest and you'll have to appear before the judge again. An officer can arrest you with out a warrant on an Order of Protection if he had reasonable belief that you violated it. As far as I know HCP are only affected by Orders of Protection, not Restraing Orders. ...and +1 on a digital recorder if you ever think you may need to prove what was said later. I know on the OpenCarry board I'm on most consider it standard equipment.
  8. State Expenditures – $94,000/One-Time Decrease State Revenues – Exceeds $25,000 Increase Local Govt. Expenditures* – Exceeds $278,000/One-Time Decrease Local Govt. Revenues – Exceeds $25,000 Assumptions applied to amendments: • The state would be required to post at least 3,200 signs. • Local governments would be required to post at least 9,500 signs. • According to bids from multiple sign manufacturers, .040 gauge aluminum signs, with 18†X 24†dimensions, with the required language could be obtained at a cost of approximately $16.00 per sign. It is assumed that such signs would be suitable for approximately 75% of the required locations. • Slightly more elaborate signs would be required in 25% of the locations at a cost of $50 per sign. • No sign post would be required at 50% of the locations. • 25% of the locations would require a metal post at a cost of $5. • 25% of the locations would require a wooden post at a cost of $10. • All signs would need hardware to affix the sign to a suitable surface. It is estimated that such hardware could be obtained for $1 per sign. • A decrease in state revenues exceeding $25,000 due to decreased collection of fines for offenses that would currently be illegal but would be legalized according to the provisions of this bill. • A decrease in local government revenues exceeding $25,000 due to decreased collection of fines for offenses that would currently be illegal but would be legalized according to the provisions of this bill. *Article II, Section 24 of the Tennessee Constitution provides that: no law of general application shall impose increased expenditure requirements on cities or counties unless the General Assembly shall provide that the state share in the cost.
  9. I think you are right. Here is his page http://www.legislature.state.tn.us/house/members/h52.htm
  10. These look like good car-safes. http://www.center-of-mass.com/ Can mix and match sizes and get up to 4 keyed the same.
  11. Don't know of any reason it would be illegal. ...and is not a bad idea at all!
  12. Hmmmmm...good point. Something is wrong somewhere.
  13. HB2184 would allow those with a HCP to carry in state parks. It has passed in the Senate already with amendments 2 & 5 (3 passed but then 4 passed and cancelled out 3). The problem with the house bill is the two amendmeants. The first was good, it completely removed 39-17-1311, however the second one created a new 39-17-1311 that "requires" sings to be posted that say it is ok to carry if you have a permit. While that sounds good on the face of it, it created a fiscal note that says it will cost the state $94,000 and they will loose over $25,000. Also it says it would cost local govermemts over $270,000 and loss a of over $25,000. This is how the bill was killed in the past, because of the cost, not because of not wanting guns in parks . The funny thing is as of now, even though those in charge of parks, civic centers etc... are supposed to post a sign to say it is illegal to carry, many don't, because they can simply exempt themselves from having to post a sign. Why can't they be able to do that from posting this sign? Why do signs need to be posted to say it is ok period?! The bill is currently in the Finance Ways & Means committee. Based on what I have seen on other bills with large fiscal notes they will probably roll it over to their Budget sub-comittee and there....it will die...
  14. Congrats!! oops...that was supposed to be a thumbs up
  15. Just depends I think. Although there are very many similarites of the things that can prevent you from being able to purchase and not able to get a HCP.
  16. Definetly ...and we don't really disagree on the other for that matter.
  17. I hear ya.... But it's sort of like on another thread...I'd rather take my chance with the DOS than the BG, if it comes down to making that choice. Of course if the did suspend or revoke it you have two remidies.. T.C.A. 39-17-1353 Review of revocation or suspension. ...and if you don't like their decision. T.C.A. 39-17-1354 Judicial review of department determination.
  18. ......of course that is if you even have a HCP. This law covers all, not just those with a HCP. At first I was inclined to agree with you, but after thinking about.... How could they do anything if you weren't charged with anything. Since TN is a shall issue state, they can't suspened or revoke your permit on a whim. T.C.A. 39-17-1352 Suspension or revocation of license.
  19. No no......my bad. I was trying to answer two different post at the same time and I posted the wrong link with the text. It is T.C.A. 39-17-1322. Now the rest of what said applies. It doesn't directly say anything about 39-17-13xx, it just says "this part" which means the part it is located...Part 13 of etc.... Sorry for the wrong link.
  20. When it says "A person shall not be charged with or convicted of a violation under this part..." It is refering to Part 13 of Chapter 17 of Title 39 of the T.C.A. See here. That is the part the deals with weapons and the places and situations it is illegal to posses a firearm. Basically any law that starts 39-17-13xx
  21. jimg....you're right the legal system is a gamble. Of course I'd rather take that gamble than doing nothing with the BG. Just to clarify...TN issues a HCP (Handgun Carry Permit) it actually allows you to cary open (if you want to) as well as concealled. There have been several stories posted on here of Self-Defense shootings where the shooter was not charged, you may can do a search and find some. Just for refrence here is the TN law on Self-Defense T.C.A. 39-11-611
  22. True....but there can still be a civil action. I think the law you are speaking of is... T.C.A. 39-11-611 Defenses. A person shall not be charged with or convicted of a violation under this part if the person possessed, displayed or employed a handgun in justifiable self-defense or in justifiable defense of another during the commission of a crime in which that person or the other person defended was a victim.
  23. Don't really count my vote as I'm not sure if I can make it either day, but between the two the 23rd is better for me as well.


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