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Everything posted by Fallguy

  1. I agree with you....but the laws of the land do not...
  2. On a DUI the language is fairly clear if you read it closely....If you have only had one DUI, it could have been yesterday and you could still get a HCP. You can't have had 2 DUIs within 10 years and at least one of those be within the last 5 years. So if you had two DUIs but they were 8 and 9 years ago....you'd still be ok. As far as the being in a rehab program, that seems failry clear too, if it has been within the last 10 years it is no go, voluntairly or involuntairly. Since they did change it for mental health....it is possible they could change it for this if someone contacted the right legislator to sponsor a bill, but as of now...well.. As far as if there is a record of it.....well.....there have been cases of convicted felongs getting and/or keeping HCPs...but I'm not suggesting any course of action....
  3. Seems like I've heard that anti-s say something similliar....we need to ban all guns...it's for the children. I'm all for keeping kids safe, and I don't necessarly fault the teachers in this case, it's just seems the slightest bleep on the screen causes the most major reaction possible.....not only at schools, but everywhere... A sad thing about this is...it sort of renforces the idea in kids...an man with a gun is bad.... I mean do you think any of them were told later the guy checked out ok?
  4. Yeah...but DUI and Driving on revoked are clearly two different things although caused by the same action. If you don't have a HCP I agree that you could be charged with 1307 and 1359, I just don't think it is likely. However that isn't based on anything but opinion since as far as we know, not even a HCP holder has been charged with 1359.
  5. Yep....thought I'd give it some free publicity...lol Sort of found it by accident when I moused over the area.... Do you think it's better like that or is there a way to show it all the time?
  6. Have seen this on other forums and glad to see it here. If you go to the lower right corner of a post the work "Like" should appear. You can click this to show you agree with a post if you really don't have anything to say and just want to let others know you agree with what was said. To me a little less clutter than "+1" post....
  7. Well I don't disagree...the way I read 1359 a property owner can ban any or all weapons, like knives, batons etc... and since you either don't need a HCP for those and/or it doesn't cover some of those it would seem it could apply to anyone. Like someone carrying a knife if the owner has said No Weapons, No Knives or as a Circle and Slash symbol with a knife in it (Have seen one with a knife and gun both in it). Yes, Fold are charged with multiple counts, but not usually for exactly the same thing....like if someone is swerving then stopped and found to be DUI, they're not usually charged with failure to maintain control as well..... But I also agree on the lack of consitency...depending on what is posted in the other forum, I am already wording some questions to possible pose to the AG through my Rep.....
  8. I agree..... Of course most of the time with computers...if it gets fixed...I don't always stress over how....lol
  9. LOL...yeah...if you look like them, think like them, dress like them..(well you get the point) then they most are friendly. But look different, have different ideas and so on.....well..........
  10. AFAIK there is no notification when Benefactor status is about to expire and it does not auto-renew. I did see that you paid today, so that may have been it. Although the cutom title was still set not to allow you to change it, so I did fix that. LOL..thx Just do what I can......
  11. Glock 32 - Uncle Mike's Pocket Holster in Right front pocket. Wallet Right Rear Pocket. Keys, AAA LED flashlight, clipped knife left front pocket. Phone shirt pocket I'm right handed.
  12. True..... but reminds me of one of my favorite sayings...
  13. Hmmmm..interesting (especially as you know the discussion on another board) I guess this is techinically possible, but I would think most of the time somoene would just be charged with 1307 if they didn't have a HCP since the penalty for 1359 is a $500 fine and a conviction of 1307 could be even more than that and jail time.
  14. EMTs and Paramedics I have talked to say they would just give it to the closest LEO. After you were discharged there shouldn't be a big problem getting it back. If no one knows anything about it, then I'd report it stolen assuming someone made off with it. But considering by firearm is on my person 99.99999% of the time when I'm in a vehicle, short of someone patting me down I'm not sure how they'd see it to take it.
  15. Here are some other favorites of mine....
  16. It isn't the same. There is no law that says driving itself is illegal and that having a license makes it ok. It is just required to have a license. There is a law that says possesion of a firearm is illegal. Then there is another law that provides a defense against it. So if you are in possesion of a firearm, it can be assumed you are in violation of the law until you show your permit. But if you are driving there is no law you are presumed to be breaking to give reason for a stop. Now in states were carry is legal without a permit.....then mere possesion of a firearm is not a reason to stop someone, but it's not like that in TN...
  17. ...and I think we have the same thing here. If someone applies for a HCP a copy is sent to the sheriff. If the sheriff responded, "Well he's never been convicted of anything, but he is regularly found in a drunken state.", I'm sure it would be checked into further before a HCP was issued....if one was issued at all.
  18. According to Maine's website State Police: Licenses & Permits: Firearms Permits & Professional Licensing it was on June 21, 2010.
  19. Even the federal law against carry in school zones doesn't apply to permit holders of that state though.
  20. There is no such federal law to my knowledge. Sounds like he was just using that to end the discussion. If there was such a federal law, why would he be asking them to post the building per state law? The trouble is even though a place is supposed to post they can still ask you to leave if you are armed, and if you don't you can be charged with trespassing.
  21. Well AR doesn't seem to have the phrase "good moral character" anywhere in it's laws or procedures. But they do submit the app to the local authorities just like we do. However it does seem that some other misdemeanors in a previous 5 year period can disqualify you than we have. Oh well..... IMO Maine's loss more than ours......
  22. I think it mainly has to do with how often the background check is done. In the states where their permits do exempt you form the check during a purchase...they do a new check at least annually. Our HCP background check is only done when we renew every 4 years.
  23. I agree the "good moral character" almost turns back in to "may issue" instead of "shall issue" Part of me thinks the fact our HCP application is sent to the local sheriff for his input could make a good argument that there is a procedure to check on the things that concerns Maine. But from the letter I don't get the feeling they would buy that argument and I almost know our DOS or AG would not make that argument. When I get a chance I'm going to check a couple of the states they have reciprocity with now and see what kind of good moral character check they have in their application procedure. But at least we do know now that DOS has contacted other states and know the reason why they won't honor TN permits.


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