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Everything posted by Fallguy

  1. Hey I said Remember.......
  2. I'm not offended.....I couldn't agree more. That is correct! The version that passed the senate does NOT have any type of 51% of revenue part in it. If you check the link I posted above, there was never a vote on the amendmen because it was withdrawn. The sponsor of the bill told me this directly in an e-mail.
  3. It hasn't passed, but it hasn't failed either...at least not yet. But 2000silverz28 is probably right. Currently it is has passed in the senate. In the house it is in the Criminal Practice and Procedure sub-committee of the Judiciary committee. You can track the status of the bill here.
  4. A private investigator and a security guard are two different things in TN. Also on security guards there are two different types, armed and unarmed. Armed but be certified with the weapon. 62-26-207. Private investigator license — Applicants — Requirements — Apprentice status Security guards 62-35-106. Qualifications of applicants 62-35-125. Carrying of weapons by guards or officers.
  5. n5odj Yep...it's the however part that you mention. If it's unloaded I'd say you'd have no problem at all. I also wish TN would do something to address loaded long guns elsewhere besides your own property.
  6. Actually cadillacdude1975 combined parts of two different statues about guns in school parking lots or property. 39-17-1310. Affirmative defense to carrying weapons on school property. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under § 39-17-1309(a)-(d) that the person's behavior was in strict compliance with the requirements of one (1) of the following classifications: (4) A person entering the property for the sole purpose of delivering or picking up passengers and who does not remove, utilize or allow to be removed or utilized any weapon from the vehicle. Also there is 39-17-1309. Carrying weapons on school property. © (1) It is an offense for any person to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any firearm, not used solely for instructional or school-sanctioned ceremonial purposes, in any public or private school building or bus, on any public or private school campus, grounds, recreation area, athletic field or any other property owned, used or operated by any board of education, school, college or university board of trustees, regents or directors for the administration of any public or private educational institution. It is not an offense under this subsection © for a nonstudent adult to possess a firearm, if the firearm is contained within a private vehicle operated by the adult and is not handled by the adult, or by any other person acting with the expressed or implied consent of the adult, while the vehicle is on school property. ---------------------- The second half of 39-17-1309©(1) says it's ok if it is in the vehicle and not being handled by you. I'm not sure if it is on your person if you could argue you are not handling it. Also a lot of what may happen next would depend on where you are. PI license or not cops may be fairly suspicious of someone hanging out on school property with a gun.
  7. OUCH!!! That was good...
  8. If you would like to start sending me money for each joke, I could be considered a professional instead of an amature....
  9. As mentioned in another thread though....this won't help us much in TN unless the restriction on carry in state parks is lifted here.
  10. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001859/
  11. VERY good point. I don't answer the phone if it says "Unknown caller" etc...it's my phone...I don't have to. Same thing with the door...my voice is loud enough to be heard on the outside with the door closed if for some reason I feel the need to talk with them.
  12. Bet you dollars to doughnuts (LOL..doughnuts, cop...but anyway) that he had a round in the chamber of his duty weapon. Should have asked him. But then I'm sure he would have told you how it was ok for him, but not you.
  13. As others have said the basic answer is, if you are in "reasonable fear of death or serious bodily harm." So if they are just standing there, that might be a hard sell. If you have told them to go away and they start trying to break in the door, I wouldn't charge you or convict you of anything, but that's me. The self-defense law does include an "attached porch" as part of a dwelling and your residence is a dwelling. 39-11-611. Self-defense. (a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: (2) “Dwelling†means a building or conveyance of any kind, including any attached porch, whether the building or conveyance is temporary or permanent, mobile or immobile, that has a roof over it, including a tent, and is designed for or capable of use by people; (3) “Residence†means a dwelling in which a person resides, either temporarily or permanently, or is visiting as an invited guest, or any dwelling, building or other appurtenance within the curtilage of the residence; © Any person using force intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily injury within a residence, dwelling or vehicle is presumed to have held a reasonable belief of imminent death or serious bodily injury to self, family, a member of the household or a person visiting as an invited guest, when that force is used against another person, who unlawfully and forcibly enters or has unlawfully and forcibly entered the residence, dwelling or vehicle, and the person using defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry occurred. A good lawyer (of which I'm not one, good or bad...lol) could reasonably argue that a BG on your attached porch was within your dwelling and/or residence. But hopefully it wouldn't get to that point. Again this is not legal advice, but just what I have been told. If you notice the above statute uses the term force and/or forcibly....my brother the LEO once told me that simply turning the door knob can be considered force. That it doesn't have to mean "breaking down" the door.
  14. Ah...not bad. But that is the nice thing about it being in .doc format. Anyone can tweak the wording to their prefence.
  15. Thanks...Made it myself. I have it in Microsoft Word .doc on the computer at the house. (I'm at work right now) If you or anyone would like a copy just send me a PM with your e-mail and I'll send one to you.
  16. After I put a "No Soliciting" sign on my door it slowed the salesmen down a fair bit, but after I put this sign up underneath it... I don't think I've had a random knock since.
  17. Yep, since I carry at the house always have my weapon with me when I answer the door. Depending on time of day, situation etc...hand may be on the grip at the time.
  18. Passed April 30, 2007 T.C.A. 58-2-107. Emergency management powers of the governor. (m) During any state of emergency, major disaster or natural disaster, the state, a political subdivision or a public official shall not prohibit nor impose additional restrictions on the lawful possession, transfer, sale, transport, carrying, storage, display or use of firearms and ammunition or firearm and ammunition components
  19. Remember our Founding Fathers broke the laws of the land for their times to establish this country.
  20. T.C.A. 39-11-622 Justification for use of force — Exceptions — Immunity from civil liability. (a) (1) A person who uses force as permitted in §§ 39-11-611 — 39-11-614 or § 29-34-201, is justified in using such force and is immune from civil liability for the use of such force, unless: (A) The person against whom force was used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in § 39-11-106 who: (i) Was acting in the performance of the officer's official duties; and (ii) Identified the officer in accordance with any applicable law; or (iii) The person using force knew or reasonably should have known that the person was a law enforcement officer; or ( The force used by the person resulted in property damage to or the death or injury of an innocent bystander or other person against whom the force used was not justified. ( The court shall award reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, compensation for loss of income, and all expenses incurred by a person in defense of any civil action brought against the person based upon the person's use of force, if the court finds that the defendant was justified in using such force pursuant to §§ 39-11-611 — 39-11-614 or § 29-34-201. [Acts 2007, ch. 210, § 3.]
  21. In all honesty I had already planned on not carrying inside. I had been in contact with security and the didn't seem very pleased that anyone would even ask. I too figured they would fall under 39-17-1311, but if not the fact they sell alcohol would take care of it.
  22. So I take it they do not have metal dectors or do a pat down? I am going to a concert there in a couple of weeks.
  23. More or less true.....it would be like having HD service from your cable or satellite provider and not having a HD television....you wouldn't be able to see the improvement in quality you are paying for. Just another reason I think you will still be able to get regular DVDs for a long time.
  24. You can not play Blu-Ray DVDs on a regular DVD player. However I would imagine that movies will be offered on Blu-Ray and Regular DVD for some time to come. Remember how long you could still get records after cassettes came out and can still get cassettes now after CDs have been out over 20 years.


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