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Everything posted by Fallguy
What Would You Do During a Mall Shooting?
Fallguy replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I would pretty much agree with your assessment. Of course I for one, just plain don't go to the mall anymore. But anyway. -
Tennessee and N.I.C.S. background check
Fallguy replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
True because with the one number, either reading it from you DL or your HCP the officer could tell if either was valid. But the law says you are supposed to have your DL in your possession when you drive and your HCP in your possession when you carry. Just depends on how the LEO wanted to play it. -
Had a pretty good snow shower here at work in Milan. But all gone now. Mars sounds like he well stocked up though, so I'm not too worried about him.
Yep....I'll tell you something, even if I have to make it up...lol J/K Maybe we need to make a new video for the state and just give it to them....anyone have any A/V experience?...
Dave said it very well... ....and he is right about the "judgement". I had something stolen nealry 5 years ago, crooks caught, ordered to pay restitution, I've never seen a dime. But I would hope that the person who sued you would have to pay any compensation to you before he even pays his lawyer (not sure if the judge would have to order it that way or not). If so then to me any decent lawyer wouldn't take a frivilous case knowing he may never get paid himself.
Tennessee and N.I.C.S. background check
Fallguy replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Of course we're getting a little of track from the topic (felt I should say that as a new moderator...lol) But some states do just that, a carry permit is simply endorsement on your DL. Of course DL's are renewed every 5 years and HCP's every 4, so over 20 years I only renew my DL 3 times and my HCP 4. I'm sure someone would do the math of lossing $115 per HCP holder once every 20 years and the state would say it wold cost too much despite the money saved on printing two different licenses....oh well. -
Tennessee and N.I.C.S. background check
Fallguy replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Your DL and HCP are basically the same thing as far as info and the database. As strickj said, they have the same number. That is because when an officer checks the status of your HCP is actually done through the DL database. I'm not sure if any of you listen to the police on scanners, but if you do, you'll notice many times when the officer runs a DL check on driver the dispatcher will say "No gun permit" if the don't have one. That is because it is actually just one more field that comes up on the screen when a DL is checked. Now all of that being said, it sounds like the gun store owner just prefers DL's for whatever reason. -
LOL Just shows you how really hard up Tungsten is for good help. Thanks. Now you know I am the one looking up in Lexus Nexus all the time...I wouldn't have taken it if there was a T.C.A against it...lol Thanks.
strickj was able to post it before me..... From what some of the HCP instructors on here have said, the state hasn't updated the tape shown in class for a long time. Is the part about not being able to carry where alocohol is just sold still in there? That has changed too. Of course you can be sued by anybody for anything at anytime, but if no criminal charges are filed there is a decent chance that it be ruled justified and you would prevail. ..and considering that the other person would not only lose, but would be out money to pay your lawyer and other expenses incurred by you, hopefully that would be enough to keep them from filing a suit unless your actione were truly questionable.
LOL...Two in the left and one in the right....ears that is.
I'd have to get four before I'd have an extra...
Thanks mac12, I knew there was something about paying quarterly, but didn't know the details.
Several years ago I didn't have any tax taken out of my check, but still got a refund because of Earned Income Credit. I have 3 kids and didn't make much at the time and the wife didn't really make anything. So just not having any tax taken out is not bad in-and-of-itself. If your income is pretty much the same every year and your deductions are the same, it should be ok. If you want them to take some out to be safe and simply get it back as a refund if you didn't have to pay it in, you can fill out a new W-4, they should be able to give you one at work or you can get it here and either claim fewer exemptions (you don't have to claim all you can) or have them withould a specific extra amount.
I'm no expert by any means...but what is it you need to know?
Tennessee and N.I.C.S. background check
Fallguy replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
First I agree that we shouldn't need a permit to carry. On the other, it seems like I was told once that it had something to do with how often background checks are run on HCP holders as to why a HCP is not enough to be able to purchase a weapon. I don't think they check you till your renew which of course is 4 years from the last check......guess they figure a lot of stuff could have happned in that time. Of course if things worked as they are supposed to, you wouldn't have a HCP for very long after any of those things that would should up on a background check. -
Carrying in school parking lot as part of job
Fallguy replied to n5odj's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I agree that it would be best to check with the local AG or even ask your state Rep to request an opinon for the State's AG. Mine did this for me once and was easy and fairly quick. I still feel there are two different situations where it is ok to have a weapon in car on school grounds. One is picking up and dropping off...T.C.A. 39-17-1310(4) but there there is also T.C.A. 39-17-1309©(1) that says... Also it says a violation of 39-17-1309© is a Class B misdemeanor, not a felony. -
If the only had .357 sig...
But like other makes as well. To me it's not what you carry, but that you do carry.
Oh I noticed it....thought I was going crazy at first.....then I realized I've been crazy....LOL I like it though....
Not to keep making things difficult, but could that be or instead of with? I have only been on here since Nov '07, but I do have over 200 post. (I so need to get a life...lol) Also...how long before my benefactor status shows?
But it's against the law to wear a vest while committing certain crimes. So surely no person committing armed robbery would want another felony charge on them! </sarcasm> 39-17-1323 Commission of certain offenses while wearing a body vest.