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Everything posted by Fallguy

  1. I think this has all been covered, but I want to add my part...lol You can "legally" carry an unloaded firearm without a HCP, but if you have ready access to ammunition, I don't think it would be considered unloaded any longer, even though the clip/magazine was not in the handgun. Also I'm pretty sure any "common" area of an apartment complex is not your own property or residence as covered in 39-17-1308(a)(3)
  2. He may have meant about checking if the car is stolen, since even if HCP info was tied to your tag (of course it is not as you say) it couldn't tell you whether the handgun (assuming you were even in possession of one or more) was stolen, without running the serial number on it. Checking the stolen status of the gun and car were both mentioned in the post above his....not 100% which one he referenced.
  3. Well technically you are supposed to have a reason to check anything through the computer...but other than on criminal histories the reason can be pretty liberal and aren't really logged or checked.
  4. It's done all the time. I'm sure if it was illegal it would have been challenged by now...
  5. There is an old saying..."perception is reality" If people perceive you as someone that should, or it is ok to, have a firearm, they won't think much of it. If they don't think you should, they'll become sheeple. Educations may help this some....but not as much as we'd like. In the end...it is illegal to carry a firearm in TN and only 3-5% have an exception to this.
  6. Not necessarily, but it does mean they can be detained by LEOs long enough to see if they have a valid permit.
  7. As I know most of you know....remember...what is said on TGO doesn't necessarily stay on TGO... Down in the Dumps over Todd's Arrest, Gun Freaks Lash Out at Harwell and the RINOs | Pith in the Wind
  8. A violation of the "implied consent" law does revoke your DL for a year. If you are suspected of certain crimes a LEO can take your BAC even without your consent. The implied consent law is 55-10-406 LexisNexis® Custom Solution: Tennessee Code Research Tool
  9. Now that is about as straight forward and clear as you can get.
  10. Correct. More info can be seen here http://www.fop.net/legislative/issues/hr218/hr218faq.pdf
  11. First...I'm not saying the officer that stopped McNair is a bad officer or had an ill intent.... I don't remember everything the judge said, but I think some of this goes back to what we've discussed before about a LEO needing to witness a misdemeanor (DUI is a misdemeanor) to make an arrest without a warrant. Even though someone had reported him as DUI the officer didn't observe him driving erratically (at least not enough according to the judge) or doing anything else wrong. Although I agree had it not been him or someone with enough money or influence...probably wouldn't have gone that way. I admit I could be wrong, but I don't think an unsworn tip or report gives a LEO PC without "some" observation on his part of wrong doing.... If call the PD and tell them "so-and-so" has drugs in their house...they can't just walk in and search without a warrant or observing something on their own to give them PC or RAS. Again...not faulting the officer...
  12. LOL...well I removed the pics...(except for Todd)
  13. There is actually an old AG opinion 98-151 that says being in your home is not a defense to 39-17-1321... 98-151
  14. I knew a guy who used to big into riding motorcycles...had a wreck and then dedicated his life to how bad and dangerous riding motorcycles were and that nobody should ever ride a motorcycle again. Sort of like the worst anti-smokers are the ones that used to smoke and then quit and so on. Seems like that may be what we have here...."I was smart enough to quit....why aren't you?!"
  15. Not good. I imagine this pretty much takes away any credibilty from the special commitee he was the head of to address firearms issues. I have spoke with Rep Todd and followed him on legislation. I think he is a good person....just made a bad choice...
  16. I don't think he was trying to imply to not be responsible or carry illegally. Just that some signs, despite the law requiring them to be plainly visable and contain certain wording, aren't also so and can be easily missed if not closely read.
  17. Guns dont kill people, people kill people - YouTube
  18. I think they mean more if you say if you fired in self-defense against an animal not another person. But yes, T.C.A. 39-17-1322 says if you used a firearm in self-defense you are not supposed to be charged or convicted of firearms crime under Part 13, Chapter 17, Title 39 of TN law. But that law doesn't address who the burden is on to prove it was self-defense. ......and Yes, "kicking and screaming" is putting mildly.
  19. Yes. See Exception 4 under Firearms, traps and other weapons on their Park Policies page Tennessee State Parks: Policies It says ALL state parks.
  20. I have seen that sign and it is no longer correct after the parks law change....but before that change it was pretty clear. It's not that the new law didn't require signs to be changed...it's actually because the new law PREVENTED any signs from being changed. This was so that no fiscal note attached to it. If signs had been required to be removed or updated, that would have cost money and some would have voted against it for that reason alone.
  21. ...and city to city. Each County and/or city if they allow beer sells has a beer board. As far as requirments/restrictions go...Cities (and Class B counties [metropolitan]) have a lot of leeway on what they can do. However Class A counties are limited to what is in state law. T.C.A. 57-5-106
  22. The person that controls a property is the "authority" for that property...at least as far as the carry of weapons and according to the law and a AG opinion. I agree though that 99% of the time if you ask a place if carry is allowed, they will say "No".


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