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Everything posted by Fallguy

  1. I meant Dang about the post going on and on that there should still be charges etc... I was trying to say that unless they know the DA just ignored the law, they need to accept the decision.
  2. Dang.... As some would tell you, I'm not one to assume someone is right just because they are a LEO. I also agree that in some situations they are not treated the same way (good or bad) as other citizens might be. But without any proof the DA just threw the law out the window and chose not to pursue charges regardless of any hard and fast evidence that the law was broken...there really isn't any reason to keep going on about it. FWIW I really don't think someone pointing a firearm at you always means a law was broken. It's only aggravated assault if the person reasonably feels there life is in danger. If they don't really feel threatened...then it's not aggravated assault. Of course I'm sure there are times without an firearm involved at all...maybe even not a visible weapon there are times someone might be in reasonable fear and the aggressor could be charged with aggravated assault.
  3. Understood. It's just I've really only seen the ones around here in small towns. They're not any headquarters or command center for anything. Most of the time they are empty except the 1 or 2 full-time guard members that are there and during drill.
  4. I don't remember exactly how long out they mail it, but they do mail it when they send you the notification it will expire. Also just a reminder, if you apply for a renewal before your expiration date and don't receive your new HCP before your expiration date, you can still carry with your old HCP and the receipt showing you applied for renewal.
  5. The National Guard Armory in my town is just a single brick building that pretty much looks like any other office building. The only fence is around the vehicles other than that it pretty much open property. I never knew some where just like regular federal military instalations....
  6. I guess I just want to join the bandwagon...the goverment already forces property owners to do or not do things, allow or not allow things. (Won't get into the whole long list) Maybe if I ever start a business I will buy a bunch of 8-tracks then forbid employees from having CD or cassette players in their cars. Might even go so far as to say they can't have blue carpeting as I prefer red. Hmmm...since I really like trucks instead of cars, maybe I will only let them park pickups in my parking lot...that is assuming they have an 8-track and red carpet.
  7. Why would they start using plain and simple language now? ...lol
  8. Didn't say it was....but how is it a problem for them if I have a lawful firearm locked in my vehicle, that is not removed from my vehicle, when it is parked in a place that they designated for me to park my vehicle?
  9. True...but sometimes it doesn't hurt to have a law that clarifies something.
  10. Yep, reminds me of a story my dad used to tell me about my grandfather. He said he had a tool shed in the back yard with a big old padlock on the door and he hung the key right next to it. He said the lock would keep an honest person out, but if a thief was going to steal something he didn't want him to bust up the door to get it.
  11. LOL...I must have been reading too many bills over the years if I'm actually starting to figure out what the intent of the sponsor is...
  12. I agree, but I know at least one LEO that doesn't.
  13. Just to note Government Buildings and Property are NOT automatically off-limits by law. Of course Federal Law applies on Federal Property but in TN any local or state buildings and property must be posted just like private property to prohibit carry. One exception is a room where a judicial proceeding is taking place. This doesn't mean the whole courthouse or even the court room when a judicial proceeding is not taking place. But it sounds as if this location is posted......
  14. Regions Bank in Trenton robbed not too long ago as well. When will places learn signs don't mean a thing to criminals....
  15. It's not the parking lot I'm worried about....it's the drive to and from work.
  16. Reminds me of when they passed the law that prohibited smoking in public buildings but made and exception for the capitol. If any of them remember the crap they took for that...then this bill shouldn't stand a chance...
  17. To me while it seems a bit long winded to accomplish this...it is to prevent someone with being charged with 39-17-1307 if they find themselves in a situation like the woman in New York city. Also to prevent someone from being charged with 39-17-1307 in addition to 39-17-1359 if they carry past a sign.
  18. I have sent emails to my Rep and Sen also the House and Senate Speakers as well as contacted them by whatever social media they may use as well. I will follow up with phone calls in the coming days.
  19. No doubt a sign doesn't release a business of any liability simply by posting it. Many times even signed release forms don't release a place of liability. I get updates from the TN Court System and the Court of Appeals recently upheld a ruling by a lower court that the operator of a mechanical bull was liable for injuries to a patron, even though he had signed a release form. Now there was some sort of problem with the operator and/or machine so that is why I think they were held liable...had it been operated in a "normal" manner, he may not have prevailed. My point though is even signed forms don't necessarily release someone from liability depending upon the circumstances....
  20. Rep Eddie Bass has sponsored House companion bills!! HB3559(SB2992) and HB3560(SB3002)
  21. I understand your previous posistion as well....it would be different if an employer didn't provide a place to park...but if they provide a place for you to park your car, they ought to allow you have anything in the car that is legal for you to have. I haven't read/seen the actually rulings yet, but some members of SCOTUS said that one reason LE couldn't put GPS devices on your vehicle is because it is private property. So if it is private property that requires a warrant for the gov to track it, if I shoot someone trying to break into it (while I'm in it) I have the presumption of fear just as if they were breaking into my house....then I don't see why I shouldn't be able to leave it in my vehicle when at work. Or for that matter why one needs a permit to have a firearm in their car..... but that is another fight I guess.
  22. Yep caught that myself. Maybe the deal is I've only been to Full Service stations as there is not one period (not even at clerk's office) in the county I live in and I didn't really know the difference between one that is full service and one that is not. In the past I have always gone to a DL station...an hour drive, because I wanted to walk out with the receipt for renewal just in case it took too long. But based on post here, it appears it doesn't take long at all by mail now, so I may do it that way also next time around...
  23. I stand corrected.... From Handgun Carry Permit General Information Applications for a new handgun carry permit can be processed at any full service Driver Service Center location. Driver Service Center Locations by Service You can pick up an app at any station.
  24. AFAIK you are supposed to be able to apply or renew at any DL station. Now in some counties where DL stuff is done at a clerk's office in the courthouse or something you can't. When the HCP law first went into effect, Yes, you could only apply at full-service stations, one reason was because they took the fingerprints right there. If you really want to do it there....I would try to get conformation from higher up and/or contact your state Rep or Sen. Although not as bad as in the past...you can still find DOS workers that don't know the rules/laws of HCPs.
  25. Yep... These are the ones that need our support... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/tennessee-politics-legislation/68256-sb-3002-2992-faulk.html


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