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Everything posted by bteague2

  1. Just out of curiosity, falconry? Whats the firearms tie in?
  2. Loose translation:
  3. If your specifically looking for a used one I'd try the EE (Equipment exchange) on AR15.com. Stuff goes through there very quick so if you watch it you'll find something. But if you prefer new but were having issues finding one, any of the vendors on here could help you.
  4. My goals are to graduate college, sign a "special" contract, and finish my AR. In the opposite order that they are listed . I started picking out pieces for my AR freshmen year and I'm about to graduate and haven't finished it yet.
  5. I've got trijcon on my XD and I love them. One aditional use I didn't think about was, it makes finding the gun at night on my night stand easy.
  6. There was a guy in Knoxville shooting at the cameras with a .30-06, the camera company planned for that. They weren't out of commision for long. ETA: And they caught the guy.
  7. If they are the same set up as the Knoxville cameras, it isn't a ticket. It's a fine and doesn't affect your insurance and all that stuff like it would if you got a ticket from a cop for running a red light. I'd pay it and forget it.
  8. I know Academy had the heritage arms .22 for $99 around thanksgiving, it looked good to me.
  9. Don't lie, we won't judge you, it's ok if you put a to go bag with a hole cut in it over her face...
  10. I grew up shooting BB guns in my backyard with my dad, I'd say go for it. I've still got my Red Rider.
  11. I've looked into Pelican cases a few times, my friends that have them really like them.
  12. The question is whose laws? Not ours, they aren't in America. There in Iraq, so Iraqi law; and they were hired by the military so if it's in their contract then the UCMJ too.
  13. We don't have to... because I agree with you on most of your points. Even though they are doing a totally different job then hunting down terrorists they still play a very vital role to our presence in Iraq. Without the PMCs we would have to raise our troop level to fill the roles that they do which we all know the Dems would love. I can't really (logically) argue they aren't mercs but I still stand by that doesn't mean they aren't patriots. On the same page there are people in the military that are just there for a job and a steady paycheck/college loan/whatever.
  14. The listing I've seen and I'm not implying all of them are like this but they have had a specific location in them. But I could be wrong and that would completely sink my argument. I couldn't think of how else to phrase it earlier, I know double negatives are a no no. So to rephrase that, I was trying to say that being blackwater employees does not disqualify them as patriots.
  15. I'm not saying it does make them patriots, I'm just saying that it doesn't make them not patriots. It is a small difference I know, and I agree with you that it depends on why they do it. But after rereading the definition and the paragraph after the definition. I'd say Iraq is an American interest, so I would say that they'd still fit into the definition you used even though it is just a war-time job for them.
  16. Here is my Simmons on my Henry. Here's the what the scope sight picture looks like.
  17. I don't think they can be called not patriots, aren't most of the guys in Blackwater prior service, if not combat vets? If GI Joe got out of the army and became a tow truck driver in Bumf*ck, TN; does that make him not a patriot now? If so then almost none of us on here are.
  18. On my .22 I've got a Simmons it's still relatively new (this fall) but I've been happy with it.
  19. Do you think these companies would be willing to do custom firing pins? "PWND" or some other funny phrases might be worth paying a little cash for...
  20. You confused voldaddy and hooker's posts; voldaddy is sitting on his bike, hooker is doing the punches thing.
  21. Damn, talk about a good first post. Nice set up.
  22. What I don't understand is how can they be charged here? As far as I know that 30 year sentence for using a MG in a crime is an American law and doesn't apply in Iraq right?
  23. As long as it was made before 1986 your good to go, you pay the $200 tax stamp to the BATF and then after you get your stamp in the mail you can take possession of it.
  24. If you don't want to buy traps, you might want to look into snares, I don't know if your counting them as a separate category. It's more of a hobby making and setting your own snares, instead of buying traps. I did some a couple summers ago on in an area where I thought I'd catch a rabbit; no luck, but it was fun.
  25. I have smaller hands and I love my XD 45C. For an OWB I have a Don Hume holster that works great.


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