These discussions tickle me.
There is no difference in the two parties anymore, they are both controlled by the families with sick money and our country is basically an oligarchy. The only purpose the parties serve is to keep the people divided while we have more of our rights and money taken away.
Ask yourself why Bush Sr and Clinton seem so chummy as well as most of these folks from either side of the party line.
Voting for a 3rd party is equated with throwing away your vote and there is the problem.
With the media owned by 5 or 6 corporations who have vested interest in government contracts and protective laws, you are presented with the candidates they want you to have and unless you are a person of vast wealth, you can not get your message out. Not to mention it only takes a week of those 5 or 6 corporations slinging false stuff before you are out of the running.
There is something wrong with an elected official who wants to serve more than 1 term. They should be so worn out from representing their constituents that they are happy to leave at the end of the term. Instead you have Senators who have not voted in over 6 months because they are too busy running for a higher office and House Speakers running around the country pushing books.