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Everything posted by sigmtnman

  1. Here is a funny one about the situation.
  2. Thank you for the clarification. My apologies for the misunderstanding.
  3. Absolutely. There is one candidate who would like to reform Federal taxes by doing away with the IRS and income tax. Another thing to keep in mind is that inflation is a hidden tax that can only be resolved by addressing by the Fed's monetary policy.
  4. Reforming taxes alone, will not correct the woes of the .gov's problems. Overspending has to be addressed. Sucessful households and business budget their money and save the excess for times of need. Running up deficits is very unsound policy. Most organization do not have the liberty of raising income arbitrary to satisfy monetary needs. Allowing our governments to do so will only result in disaster. We need to take a long, hard, honest look at seriously cutting governmental expenditures. There is always a group of people to justify the spending of other folks money.
  5. Throughout history there have been occasions where "officials" have conspired to break the law. Watergate, The Tuskegee Syphilis expirement, Operation Northwoods (aka The Cuban Project), The Iran-Contra Affair, the Nayirah testimony While not US related, everyone has heard of the Reichstag Fire. By no means does this imply that every action is nefarious, but it should cause Citizens to be ever vigilant to the possibility of corruption in every facet of society.
  6. Surely you are not implying that I am of the liberal type because of my respect for the Constitution. Are you?
  7. You can count me in as a beta tester... Not of the master type though.
  8. with a hickory switch.
  9. Secrecy and due process are mutually exclusive to me. Those 11 words are written into the Constitution twice. I've been around long enough to see the government make judgment mistakes as well as act on bad information. We all have our own perception and this is quacking like a duck in my mind.
  10. Including adding them to the kill list?
  11. Nothing good will come of it. It could perhaps drive the push for Facebook or some other company being in charge of Internet identity management. It will be ironic when Anonymous causes no one to be anonymous on the net, not that we truly are anyways. Somewhat related, or not. The stock market has pretty much been taken over by computer algorithm trading. Some trader/hedge funds/companies pay big $$$ for split second faster connections in order to game the system, this is a fact. These are direct pipes to the exchange floor.
  12. Nice weapon. I don't have a kimber, but I really like Heinie straight 8s on my 1911s
  13. Boy can they. The evolution of word meanings is a fascinating subject in and of itself. Take Terrific and terrible. Originally they were synonyms for 'that which evokes terror or dread'. Today, we all know that terrific has changed to mean great, Of great size, amount, or intensity or Extremely good. Aweful originally meant inspiring awe or similar, though now it generally is used to mean extremely disagreeable or objectionable.
  14. If I understand you question, US Citizens. The Constitution only applies to Citizens of the United States of America.
  15. The issue I have is supporting decisions that are all made in secrecy regarding issues of Constitionality. This is a threat to freedom and there is no reason to forgo freedom for safety.
  16. The difference would be that Osama Bin Laden was not a US Citizen. He is not afforded Due Process under the 5th amendment. The idea of killing kill a US Citizen who is in another country, that we are not at war with is the problem. Let's say he was bad and they had information. Why not do a rendition? I can't even find where the remains were positively identified. How can we be assured this was not a political stunt to boost ratings? The number of folks who are supporting the actions of a president they distrust and dislike, lends itself to this.
  17. alrighty then. I reckon I should just hope that the folks compiling the list have better control of their emotions.
  18. Did they collect the remains for positive identification? How can they be sure it was not a body double or perhaps another person that resembled him? How can we rest assured that Alqaeda didn't set this all up with a double to rush him off and protect him. Won't be looking for him anymore if he is dead huh? Or will we read about his death again in a couple of years like other AlQaeda members?
  19. Sounds like someone trying to distance themselves from all the crimes they have committed, directed or allowed to be committed.
  20. Regardless of how many years a criminal commits crimes, it does not become legal.
  21. I was under the impression that it was ok because of who he was, not were he was. If we have declared war against those people and not any one country. Help me to understand why it is different to do so in a country we are not at war with. If yemen is harboring terrorist why do we not declare war and take care of it?
  22. Do I really need to present how our government views it's own Citizens? Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe - WSJ.com Homeland Security Warns of Rise in Right-Wing Extremism Homeland Security Warns Of Rise In Right-Wing Extremism | Fox News
  23. If Napalatono and Holder have their way everyone on this board could end up on the list.<br><br>
  24. If Napalatono and Holder have their way everyone on this board could end up on the list. www.youtube.com/watch?v=qml7obNdmgk
  25. Likewise. Other than referring to the war between the states as a Civil War, if #2 were the scenario, I would agree even though I still have misgivings about the nebulous nature of a group of people instead of a political state. A group of people without a nationality is generaly referred to as pirates or merely criminals and it's difficult to declare war against said groups with no defined end.


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