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Everything posted by sigmtnman

  1. Yeah I have no idea either but you are probably correct. It would be a cold day in hell before they let Dr. Paul be the nominee. That is unless he is really controlled opposition. It really sucks being a gadfly sometimes.
  2. It's not really a matter of taxes is it? It's been my impression that SEC and election filings are serious business and this is related to those filings. It makes me laugh about the Ron Paul stuff too. Surely he would not believe it if he were to actually get the nomination, but just as surely he would be no worse than the last 1,2,3,4, all of the bozos we've had since Jeff Davis.
  3. If the winning horse in a race is disqualified do the other horses not move up in the rankings? I admit I've not kept up with the delegate counts, so I'm not sure who is would be second. Oh and I agree he will most likely get out of it one way or another if it is true.
  4. It's not speculation of if he magically became the nominee. It's just the idea that this throws somewhat of a monkey wrench into who the presumed nominee is. Also, It could be presumed that he would lose but not a proven fact until after the fact. At the very minimum, if the SEC docs are accurate, Romney appears to have a bit of a Monica Lewinsky-ish issue. It would appear that running a company would depend on what the definition of running a company is. To the best of my knowledge, being a CEO means you run a company. At least we don't have to worry about whether he had sexual relations with the company. Well unless screwing it with the KB toys and the other deals count.
  5. I agree with everything you state and thought I made it clear in my post that it was well within their right. I'm a firm believer in private property rights.
  6. Sorry, but no, I would not crap my pants and yes I would still mind.
  7. Must be a big fence. It would bring every libertarian to the Rs and as I've mentioned before; I know many Ds who are disgruntled with the current excuse we have and claim they would vote for Dr. Paul, though claims are suspect until action. I'd say as long as the Rs who are telling us "splitters" to toe the line actually followed their own recommendations, he would have a helluva chance.
  8. Had my last Republican savior not lied to me, signed the patriot act, Tarp 1 and a myriad of other things, I may would be more likely to listen 6.8. I'm not saying other people are stupid and never have. The only thing I've ever meant is that people should vote for who they want and not who they think has a chance of being elected. It's ok with me if others want to compromise. It is not for me to judge them, but I do have to live with my decisions. If I give an inch, they will take a mile. I've given enough inches already.
  9. Yeah, the Chief should not have behaved the way he did. It was in mid 2008 IIRC, that I had enough of Wal Mart. After purchasing over $500 worth of items right next to the "greeter", w/ my 3yo boy in tow, having it take quite awhile to get all of the items rung up, bagged and carted, we made our way to the exit. At that point the greeter asked for my receipt and I politely stated "no thank you" and continued on my way. It is, or at least was at the time, policy for them to not harass you if you chose not to show the receipt as was explained to me by managers previously. Well this lady was a bit ambitious and continued to follow me and asking me to stop to which I again replied "no thank you" and continued out the door with my possessions I had just acquired. About 25' from the store, an elderly-ish female customer who was behind me began to yell at me, asking why I had just stolen all of that stuff. Ignoring her I made my way to my jeep and began loading the contents only to have her follow and continue to accuse me of theft, all the while dialing the police on her phone and telling me she was going to have me arrested. I chuckled, explained that I had purchased the items and politely asked her to please stop wrongfully accusing me of theft. Now, the whole time, my son is looking at me perplexed and asked why is this lady yelling. After I finished loading my goods into the jeep, with her still there trying to contact the PD, I attempted to depart only to have her try to block me from leaving. It was not difficult to maneuver around her, so I did so and drove down the road a piece. My son then asked what a thief is and at that point, I called my wife who also happened to be in town running errands to come get my son. Next, I proceeded back to Wal Mart, returned all of my items and explained to the Manager what had happened and that I would never be returning to Wal Mart and to date our family has not returned. Now folks may ask why. It seems to me that Wal Mart had created and was perpetuating an environment where everyone is guilty until proven innocent. It is certainly within their rights to create that environment on their property, I reckon, but it is also my right to protest it and know that I am not contributing to the slow deterioration of our society. In a capitalist society, it is my responsibility to vote with my wallet. I don't fly because of the TSA shenanigans and I don't shop at Wal Mart because of their's. Not that anyone cares, but that's my story.
  10. Yup. Zero guilt here too. If the Rs or Ds wanted me to vote for their guy they would put someone up I could get behind. I reckon I'm a 1%er as well.
  11. The Tea Party started on tickerforum with a poster recommending sending tea bags to senators over TARP 1 and was erroneously pegged to the republican party by Maddow. Since then it has been associated with everything except what the cat drug in.
  12. So, were there witnesses or not? Oh, I just read the MArooned take on it and that's been my thought all along.
  13. My belief is that we should do away with political parties altogether. George Washington warned against political Parties. ~George Washington's Farewell Address http://www.thirty-th...GW_farewell.htm
  14. Learning is most of the fun anyways. Keep up the good work.
  15. Looking good. 8-9 is a fairly short canoe. How big of a fellow are you, do you think it will have enough freeboard?
  16. Eh. How about we do it like jury duty except no lawyers allowed and only provide a cot and 3 squares while in Washington. All laws in plain English and no longer than one sentence. Or, we just go back to the original 10.
  17. Yet still no entry for Ron Paul supporter...
  18. I do enjoy your posts Lester. They always deliver.
  19. So, by the math, if everyone who stated voting for Paul would be throwing their vote away, actually voted for Dr. Paul, he would win. Being that I am exposed to the full gamut of the political spectrum, I've found that many swing voters and disgruntled democrats would support Dr. Paul but not Romney. For the most part it is because of the bitterness between the parties and the lack of trust of Romney. They all agree that at least they know where Dr Paul stands and based on his record what he would support or veto. I do realize that barring unforeseen circumstances, that Romney will get the nomination and I am not implying otherwise. I do recall though that in the 2008 election, there was a certain unknown from Illinois who had no chance of winning. I can't recall his name now.
  20. More so that perception is reality for everyone. We all bring different life experiences and history in how we interpret things. Even the person who is elevated from the depths of the cave is bound by his new insight and could still elevate his perception further given even greater perspective. I do however feel that if many people agree, then perhaps there is reason to question the premiss.
  21. Very nice. Are there options for replacing a novak with a bomar or have you ever done it?


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