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Everything posted by sigmtnman

  1. How much of what is on TV is Neuro-linguistic programming?
  2. As though any topics stay "on".
  3. You are absolutely correct in that there are good and bad in every group. Also agree that most of our politicians do not practice what they say they believe. Religion should be a matter of free will and not coercion just as voting.
  4. I reckon I could have phrased that as "The choice between two non Christians..." Also, don't take that as me saying Christianity should be the only religion people can practice. I believe in free will and while I may not agree, I certainly would not wish to take it away from a person.
  5. As an agnostic, you don't have to choose some religious nut. You choose to participate in choosing a religious nut. I would not support a religious nut either. I reckon it depends on how you define nut. Personally, I would not support a religious person who wanted to override a person's free will, which in my mind is a religious nut. The Lord gave us free will for a reason. Are you saying that being religious makes you a nut? I don't believe agnostics are nuts, just that they have chosen to not have faith. While I don't choose that path, it's not for me to judge you.
  6. Agreed. "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car"
  7. Mormons do not believe in the Trinity. So if you vote for Romney, you will.
  8. Then the vast majority should have no trouble with Obama, since Romney was cut from the same cloth. This next statement is sure to piss off plenty of folks... The choice between a Muslim and a non Christian, is not a choice I will participate in.
  9. No one admits to voting for him and lots of folks think he was the worst choice. So, I'm left to wonder, who did vote for Romney in the primary?
  10. Obama may want to, but Romney already did. Obama == Romey. They both suck.
  11. Then my statement is true, no?
  12. Compassion. It's a relative thing.
  13. I absolutely understand and I'm not sure Ron Paul could or would do much better either; or Johnson for that matter. The issue is with the media and societies willful participation in the irrational. It is wrong to get upset with folks who have made a choice that is not be in agreement with the masses. There is a rush to label folks who support the ideas of libertarianism and absolute freedom as Paulites because he is the closest person or group of persons who have similar ideas. The media picks up on it and then smears the people who support those ideas and the masses run with it. The media works in it's own interest as it is owned for the most part by multi national corporations who have no vested interest in the country, the Constitution or the principles of the Founders. The people employed by the media are a product of the modern pragmatic ideals perpetuated in modern Universities. On another note... I disagree with Rand on religion and a number of other things, but I believe she had a firm grasp on how political correctness, abdication of responsibility and pragmatism were the downfall of society. In the Bible, I see Objectivism at it's best. In my opinion Ayn had issues with the mysticism that surrounds many religions and the false altruism of many religious followers. The Bible has no place for laziness, wishi-washiness and many of the other things, as does Objectivism. Revelation 3:16 Proverbs 10:4-5
  14. -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged,
  15. Dang, I had forgotten I even posted in this thread and had to go hunting for the context. No, I can't take credit for it. Just a modification of "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.". Now, IMO to be a southerner you must have kin that fought for the south or been sympathizers if there were no men of age. I'd also argue you can't have adopted the yankee ways. --- He's dug in like a tick on a hound dog. I gotta wonder if it's not a dog and pony show to distract everyone from something bigger. Who knows, but it is entertaining.
  16. Assault weapons ban, Romney care, higher taxes and fees? Go ahead and argue about shades of gray if it makes you feel good about supporting him. Fear must be some motivator. It's a fact he signed a ban on assault rifles, it's a fact he did Romney Care, it's a fact he raised taxes and it also a fact he raised fees on almost everything in his state. --- So Keifer, you've gone from Paul-bot to obama-drone? Well, I reckon if it makes you feel better call me whatever you like.
  17. I was not talking about Dr. Paul or Johnson and I don't live my life based on what other's think, say or do. So again, it's quite juvenile for you guys to continue to say that we have to support the commie Romney if he is the R nominee. I will more than likely vote Johnson if he is and not look back.
  18. Man is absolutely meant to be a heroic being. Hell, it takes 12-18 years of schooling to get it out of him.
  19. TN collects sales tax on coins and precious metals. GA does not. TN also requires use tax be paid if purchased outside the state and brought into the state.
  20. Yes, Sir. I do need to pay attention to my homophones as OhShoot pointed out in another thread.
  21. Some folks ponder if the Nikola Tesla is who John Galt was based off of. He indeed was a "super scientist" who's ideas and inventions were so far ahead of his time that it is alleged that the US gov seized the majority of his records quickly after his death. AC power, harnessing Niagra falls, radio, wireless electricity, tesla coils, death rays and tales of many more fantastical inventions that never saw the light of day.


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