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Everything posted by sigmtnman

  1. FYI, the DEA budget alone was just over 2 billion in 2011. I wonder what total expenditures are for all aspects of enforcement, legal/judicial and jail/prison/parole. I'm getting robbed by the government to fund that. More gubbmint dole.
  2. It is right in the Bill of Rights, which by the way were never intended to be exhaustive: Tenth Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Your post is every bit from your perspective, which is fine, but understand that there are people who do not agree with the previous statement and that is why we have onerous regulation of guns and weapons. Long term occasional use would be no different than long term occasional use of liqueur. Anything taken to extremes can be destructive but it is not the governments job to protect people from themselves. The decriminalization would lead to a free market, which would theoretically reduce street prices and in turn be similar to alcohol or tobacco. Sure there will always be thieves but there are laws to deal with theft. There will always be murders and there are laws to deal with that. Going after the drug is no different than going after the gun/ammo. How does an individual consuming a drug in privacy impact or infringe on your freedom? Sure the States should have the right to regulate drugs as they see fit, not the federal government though.
  3. Someone please explain how regulating guns/ammo is different than regulating drugs. If a person is for having pot regulated for medicinal uses only, is the same person ok with having a license for a gun and a permit to buy ammo? If a person is only for allowing pot to be decriminalized, would you also agree that you only really need a .22lr in a bolt action, since the ARK-1547 and 9mm glocks are killers? Freedom comes with responsibilities and consequences.
  4. Similar to the argument that all we really need is a bolt action rifle. Semi-autos are not really needed. It's easy to regulate other folks activities.
  5. Maybe they studied our period of prohibition and realized it failed and fueled violence. The problem though, is that until we do something similar to remove the black market here, their cartels will still have a big market in the states. People need to realize that we have laws against violence already, regardless of the reason. Having laws telling people what drug they can or can't use is no different than telling gun owners what kind of guns and ammo they can and can't have. Consider gunbuster signs... The criminals will carry past them regardless and drug laws are no different. Drug laws will never be repealed here because they generate lots of $$$$. It has nothing to do with keeping anyone safe. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that making objects illegal creates a lucrative black market for them and/or causes something else to be created or found to take it's place.
  6. See, That didn't take too long... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/31/scranton-pays-up-owed-income-plus-interest-to-city-employees/ Coming soon to a town near you!
  7. Damn yankees don't understand playing possum...
  8. Well, I'm not a big nascar fan but I did go to school with a fellow who races in it now. I'm more of an nhra and imsa fan. Now for a great quote from No Country for Old Men:
  9. Well we did get the obligatory gulag comment.
  10. Perhaps I've missed this in another thread but in the image of the fire exit look at the ar-15. If for some reason the picture cannot be seen, go here and check it out: http://www.dailymail...ath-Ledger.html Now it could just be piss poor reporting which would not surprise me but I've read something to this extent from different sources: http://www.nytimes.c...al-arsenal.html
  11. So, the house passed the audit bill by an overwhelming majority, yet it is most likely dead on arrival in the Senate. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/ron-pauls-audit-fed-bill-passes-house/story?id=16855319#.UBBYxrRSS71
  12. When cattle is herded towards the abattoir, I wonder if they argue over whether to take the left or right chute.
  13. Only criminals and commies have AK-47s You could always get one from classicfirearms and have it transfered. http://www.classicfirearms.com/long-guns?caliber=46&limit=all
  14. I don't think it's so much Dr. Paul though as it is the messages. If another person were to put forth his Constitutional views and were serious about them, they would be shut down/out too. Look at how many people believe they have "Constitutional" rights. That says something right there about the indoctrination of the .gov granting rights and people conception of what it's all about. The .gov has already gone on the record and stated that people who put too much faith into the Constitution are probably terrorists. It's only fitting that their .com bedfellows help them out.
  15. The lowering kit will change the center of gravity and could cause you to feel like you are wobbling more and cause you to unconsciously grip the bars more. I know when I switch between a road glide or fatboy (both lower) to a road king or e-glide (both higher with stock seats), the center of gravity change messes with me for a bit and I find myself gripping more. Is the driver's backrest adjustable? Perhaps the new position is causing you to use different muscles. Lots of variables to look at.
  16. Hello from not too far away.
  17. FWIW, I've logged right at 900 miles in a straight shot on a single day riding a fatboy with stock seat and bars. Fatigue really sat in with about 1.5 hours left and most of the pain was in the neck and shoulders, though the butt was numb by then.
  18. counter steering is where you slightly push with the right hand to turn left and vice versa. This video sucks but it should give you the gist. When you just sit on the bike with it stationary and your hands on the bar, does the pain start? Or does it start shortly after riding? I've had friends that didn't realize they were fighting the bike rather than working with it. TripleDigitRide gave a good suggestion as well with working out those muscles.
  19. Hmm, do you counter steer? It sounds like you may be gripping the bars too tight. Went to more than a few parties at the KA house. Good times. I lived in Hilbun hall, well not really but it seemed like it...
  20. How long do you ride for before it starts to hurt? How long have you been out of Starkvegas?
  21. Excellent post.


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