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About Hunter24

  • Birthday 11/04/1982

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    gordonsville, tn
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. What’s your location? Very interested
  2. I’ll take it if available.
  3. Thanks. I didn't look at past sales.
  4. Thanks. I'll look on there. Unfortunately no results on GB :/
  5. Hey TGO members, looking for your insight on this model. I might be getting one on trade and after all my research I can't find a recent thread on approximate value. It's a Kimber Classic Custom Series 1 Yonkers. Excellent condition with only minor wear. According to owner it's made in 97-98. Anyone have experience with these?
  6. I value your opinion. Let's hear your experiences with them. Good and bad.
  7. Nice build. I would like to see kac micros on it instead of magpul pros. Post pics of groups too. How much does it weigh?
  8. Post your opinions. Commander or Govt size.
  9. Hunter24

    Tavor time

    I have a shooting sight in Scar 17 and it's really nice. Also have a geissele super scar in 16. Very similar in feel and the shooting sight is adjustable.
  10. Scar 17 and don't look back!
  11. I would lean towards a build something like this: Billet receiver set JP, Rainier match, or noveske 18" barrel Matching bolt Geissele trigger Magpul Prs for heavy or sopmod for lighter Many handguards to choose from these days so choose wisely. I'd opt to save weight and $$ on handguard and do your homework on the barrel and bolt. $2000 is plenty to build high end ar10.
  12. What are you planning to do with it? Mostly a DMR type or bench gun or all purpose? They will be on the heavy side when using a longer barrel and quad rail.
  13. I did it. I'll admit that it will take some familiarizing but it seems like a winner. On a side note, the trigger is ridiculously heavy but it's not gritty. Will be waiting for geissele to debut!!


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