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El Guapo

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Everything posted by El Guapo

  1. Set up went well, anyone who comes out to shoot with us tomorrow is going to be rewarded with a very fun match.
  2. I'll be at the range for set up tomorrow morning at 0900. I will be there well beyond noon, if anyone has time to come out and help for a while it would be greatly appreciated.
  3. The forecast for Sunday is 67 and sunny!
  4. Middle TN Shooters Club will be hosting its monthly 3gun match on Sunday April 3rd. It will feature 5 fun and challenging stages. Stage 1. 14 shotgun and 24 pistol Stage 2. 13 shotgun and 32 rifle Stage 3. 10 shotgun, 20 rifle, 20 pistol Stage 4. 18 pistol, 28 rifle Stage 5. 8 pistol, 12 rifle, 13 shotgun 2 slug Match total 50 shotgun, 70 pistol, 92 rifle The round count could go up a few during set up so bring extra. Longest rifle shot is 200 yards. No slings necessary. Registration will be available on practiscore or day of the match between 11:00 and noon. We will start shooting shortly thereafter. Match fee is $25 for non-members and $20 for members. Range Address: MTSC 1862 Sixteenth Model Rd Manchester, TN 37355 Take the right fork at the Gun Shop Office. Set up is Saturday 4/2/16 and starts at noon, the more help I get the more elaborate the stages.
  5. Thanks to everyone that came out to shoot today.
  6. I got the stages set up today. It will be a fun and challenging match.
  7. The forecast for Sunday looks good. I'll be at the range tomorrow by 10:00 to start set up. Any help is greatly appreciated even if its only for an hour or two.
  8. Birdshot should be 7.5 or 8, lead shot only. Steel shot is not allowed. Buckshot is not allowed on any tagets this weekend. Sometimes there are designated buckshot targets or optional buckshot targets but there are none this time.
  9. Registration link https://practiscore.com/mtsc-3g-3-6-2016/register
  10. Middle Tennessee Shooters Club will be hosting its monthly 3 gun match on Sunday March 6th. It will consist of 5 fun and challenging stages. There will be options as to which gun to use on certain targets so an exact round count is difficult. Bring 125 rounds each for rifle and pistol, and 75 rounds of birdshot. A couple slugs could come in handy but are not required. Longest rifle shot will be 220 yards. Sign in will be from 1100 to noon and we will start shortly after. $25 for non-members and $20 for members. Watch here for early registration on practiscore. Any questions can be sent to me at sumocrp@aol.com
  11. The weather looks good for Sunday. I am doing setup starting at noon on Saturday and I could use some help from anyone who has time to lend a hand.
  12. Absolutely, I hope someone mans up and shoots heavy with you.
  13. You may need something to carry a second mag. Coupled mags are allowed. There are no restrictions on rifle mag capacity, so if you have some bigger mags you may not need to do a rifle mag change all day.
  14. Middle Tennessee Shooters Club will be hosting a Rifle Pistol match on Sunday February 7th. Registration is from 11:00 to noon and we will start shortly there after. It will be 5 stages, approximately 125 rounds for each gun. Longest rifle shot will be around 220 yards. Our normal 3 gun divisions apply. 25$ for non members and $20 for members. You can post questions here or reach me at sumocrp@aol.com
  15. Sorry to do this last minute, but for reasons outside my control the November match is CANCELLED. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause some of you. We will be starting our winter break early. 3 gun matches will resume in February 2016.
  16. Middle Tennessee Shooters Club will be hosting its monthly 3gun match on Sunday November 1st. There will be 5 fun stages. There will be lots of options on the stages as far as which weapon to use. 100 rounds for each weapon should get you through without a problem. One slug will be necessary but there will be plenty of opportunities to use more. Registration is from 11:00 to noon and we will start shortly there after. Any first time shooters please try to be there earlier so you can be given a new shooters briefing. Match fee is $25 for non members and $20 for members. Questions can be directed to me at sumocrp@aol.com or here on the forum. I will be at the range the day before for set up, anyone that would like to help is welcome to come.
  17. The match is still on for tomorrow, rain or shine. I spent today setting up and they are going to be some fun stages.
  18. Yes, a couple hours at a time.
  19. Middle Tennessee Shooters Club will be hosting its monthly 3gun match on Sunday October 4th. There will be 5 fun stages. There will be lots of options on the stages as far as which weapon to use. 100 rounds for each weapon should get you through without a problem. One slug will be necessary but there will be plenty of opportunities to use more. Registration is from 11:00 to noon and we will start shortly there after. Any first time shooters please try to be there earlier so you can be given a new shooters briefing. Match fee is $25 for non members and $20 for members. Questions can be directed to me at sumocrp@aol.com or here on the forum.
  20. Hello everyone,the monthly 3-gun match at MTSC for September has been cancelled. I have a lot on my plate this month and couldn't find anyone to take over. I apologize for any inconvenience. We will be back next month with our regularly scheduled match on the first Sunday of October.
  21. Middle Tennessee Shooters Club will be hosting its monthly 3gun match on Sunday August 2nd. The first is the finale of the Tennessee 3 gun series and for series shooters only but the regular match on Sunday the 2nd is open to everyone. Registration opens at 11 : 00 and ends promptly at noon. It will be 5 stages. 100 rounds for each gun will get you through. No slings and no slugs necessary. Stage 1. All three guns Stage 2. Shooters choice Stage 3. All three guns Stage 4. Shooters choice Stage 5. Shotgun, rifle Any questions can sent to me at sumocrp@aol.com
  22. The monthly 3 gun match at Middle TN Shooters Club that was scheduled for July 5th is cancelled. We came to this decision because of the holiday weekend. We will be back for August. Enjoy the 4th of July.


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