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A.J. Holst

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Everything posted by A.J. Holst

  1. I respect your job and some jobs have higher risk. You knew the pay, hours and commitment when you signed up. When did job duties and tasks become a badge of honor? If I don't perform at my job the 18 people who report to me don't get paid which results in their families not being able able to buy food. Where does that put me as compared to others? Actually you shouldn't care...just respect that I work and treat others with dignity and respect
  2. I really lost interest in college sports when seeing the $300 million Lawson sports facility built to replace Stokley.   Couple that with sending professional atheletes to the Olympics; I am at the point where I could care less about sports on any level past high school.
  3. and his alleged co-conspirator...   According to The LA Times, the indictment alleges Yee and "former school board president Keith Jackson."   Well Mr. School Board President, let me ask you something, funneling weapons to a rebel Muslim group (as reported)...you think those guns won't be used against schools and kids somewhere?   It's the criminal act, using office to influence and twist rules and regulations, publically denounce to increase price; another example of hypocricy in guv'mint. Laws, morals, rules, order for all of you little people; we're the leaders, the privileged, the enlightened - we are entitled to the perks for our slavish service to the Republic and constituents.    It's not a Liberal or Conservative / Dem / Rep issue, these pillars of morality in the Congress can get pretty cozy when they have to throw more money at a failing project and extract it from you as a unified front, reaching across the aisle, compromise and co-operation working for the betterment of all...
  4. So, knowing that FMJ is less effective than HP as a SD round, does this mean we will see more rounds expended per occurrance?   Did they remember to write in exemptions for active duty LEOs?
  5. Church carry? What is guv'mint doing interceding in church matters (again)
  6. What are the 10 things I'm not being told?
  7. When you look at her history, what is scary is her agenda is no guns for nobodyv for no reason   She understands the weapons she wants to ban aren't used in gun crime, so it is not an issue of keeping the public free from gun violence.   It seems to me it is to keep guv'mint free from gun violence.
  8. This could be an economic boom for the criminal element.   I'm guessing if you have a HOA, you are not living in the low rent district and probably got some nice stuff, easily converted to cash.   If the BGs know they have little to no risk of being confronted by armed home owners in an upper class neighborhood, full of brand name electronics, jewelry, clothing, etc, even if you had half a brain, that is where I go - it's job security.   "Come rob us, we won't hurt or deter you because we can't, but you just wait until the police arrive..."   I am 100% an under the radar guy. I think I do a good job conceal carry, I don't have NRA or CZ stickers on my car, so while I don't announce I am gun owning, gun toting nutjob, I am certainly not going to advertise I have no guns to invite a predator into my space.
  9. I practice drawing, starting out slow and smooth and gradually increasing my speed. At the end of the draw stroke, I then employ my dry-fire practice.   I figure I need as much "muscle memory" when presenting my weapon as I do pulling the trigger - I carry it for self defense so if I every have to draw, I can't be fumbling around, having it get caught on my cover garmet, etc.
  10. I wonder how many folks have left his bar drunk and driven under the influence. Who's the douchebag?
  11. As a HP owner, I thought he did a "fair and balanced" review of the HP 995TS...
  12. I ponied up for Winchester's PDX-1 for no other reason than it was an impulse buy.   I pretty well agree with Leroy, brand name 2-3/4 00 should work and I am obviously less considerate than Wolf...
  13. I always thought the interchangeable barrels was a great idea.   Long for hunting, medium for "duty" carry and short for CCW
  14. Well, even though it appears to be a good buy, I was told we have not allocated adequate funds to the discretionary spending budget.   I explained it's a $600+ gun, plus the added value of about $400 for the extra barrels, $100 for sights, $100 for grips.   Note to you newly-weds, when your wife says, "do whatever the eff you want," she really doesn't mean it.
  15. I'm not suggesting that we return to the exact same methods as I think, as a society, we can address such issues in a more humane fashion. However, I think the basic concepts should be followed.   CONCUR!!!   Not sure when it happened, but when we allowed guv'mint to fill the role  of our brother's keeper and legislate common-sense, the nation started down the slippery slope.    
  16. Prohibiting the criminal element and mentally incompetent from firearm ownership is prudent but it's not in the Constitution. Those laws were written to restrict a certain class of people of their 2A right. Perhaps early attempts to protect the public from gun violence? Incarcerate and institutionalize for an indefinite amount of time is an awesome solution. That's in the Constitution too?
  17. Robert,   I 100% agree with you, but  I am a law-abiding, tax paying, reasonably intelligent gun owner. In no way shape or form should I be restricted from gun ownership - I'm one of the goods guys and like to think I'm one of those guys that the unarmed would want armed and in the "militia" The blanket statement of " NO GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY, be it a county, city, State or the federal government should be passing or enforcing ANY laws that violate the constitution" would allow anyone and everyone to bear arms regardless of age, mental health, criminal record, etc.   DaveTN is also correct, it is the citizens of the state, not the federales and voters of another state that should decide which, if any laws should restrict the 2A.   I have a real problem with the encroachment of the central guv'mint upon State's Rights and how insidious their methods are - it's called federal funding and withholding of such to twist the arms of the states. I also have a problem with large voting blocks in more liberal states telling their elected servants how Tennessean's need to limit, restrict and interpret the 2A (among other things)
  18. I'm not going to invest the time to watch, but isn't it possible he got a lemon?   Case(s) in point: specifically TankerHC's Tisas and generally the positive/negatives we've all seen posted about Kimber.   Did he contact Henry for after-the-sale service?
  19. A.J. Holst

    Sig P229

    I was on gun broker last night and saw one for sale, cool package, .357 / .40 / 9mm barrels   Knowing little to nothing about Sig and knowing there are some Sig fans here, what say you?   As a side note, same seller has a CZ Kadet kit for sale - I contacted him for more info and discovered it will not cycle properly on my 75B due to the omega trigger system, so if anyone is looking...
  20. Tanker, When I bought my metro arms commander I had some issues out of the box. Dolomite was gracious enough to offer his services, met him at his house, met his lovely wife and he got me up and running. I would definitely give him first look before spending more time or money
  21. In this scenario the women were armed whilst consuming. Womanly wily charms should be clear enough to get us nerds off the computer ;)
  22. A little tongue in cheek but like caster just curious about the legality.


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