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A.J. Holst

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Everything posted by A.J. Holst

  1. Best place on the 'net
  2.   This solution worked   Thanks guys!
  3. Was perusing his videos again today, great stuff as always.   I liked his "preferred 9mm for SD" segment.   For anyone of you new folks that haven't checked out his stuff, he does a great job.
  4. Following the step-by-step, when I copy the IMG from photobucket and paste it in the Image Editor, a little black box with an X appears when I preview post.   Uploaded as mobile from my phone to photobucket.   Help!
  5. "Ok kids, by muzzle down range, I mean keep to the left of Smith's garden gnome and over on the right, do you see Mrs. Pope's birdbath..."   It's a darn good thing for the neighbors that all dogs must be leased, why, they'd be breaking the law if their mutt ran across a hot range and got shot.   We'll post a few No Trespassing signs to keep the pesky neighbor kids out.
  6. You got me curious, so I tried to find some reviews, not much out there.   Found out they are based in Powell, established on 2011, Matt Sexton is the owner and appears he is retired LE.   A quick perusal of their FB page did have some positive feedback from students along with 1444 likes.   I would watch the videos and see if you can gage how the class is run.   Not sure how I feel about the top student recognition award, who is keeping "score" and how does this influence the training?   When I go to a training class, I see that as competing against myself, not anyone else in the class.   I will openly admit I like getting the certificates of completion, they look pretty cool on my office wall.
  7. I checked out some his galleries - cool stuff!
  8. Shouldn't the parents be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law? I am sure there are dozens of federal, state and local laws on the books which address minors and access to firearms. Yes, mom and dad got shot, but if they obeyed many of the "gun safety laws" it's through their negligence that they got shot. Cool, now I'm using liberal logic which requires no thought or mental prowess!
  9. Prag, looking forward to see you at the regional training day, PM me if you're doing any shooting and I'll see if I can join. We can definitely shoot out in the valley any time...Give me a shout!
  10. I think they have a new storefront at the corner of Kingston Pike and Papermill where Knox Wholesale Furniture used to be...
  11. Thank you to all you guys for the offer of tools and assistance, this is definitely the best place on the 'net! I'm in the Knoxville area. Got to sell a pistol before I buy anything or I'll be a well armed homeless man.
  12. For waste management, you may want to investigate marine head systems.   There are some pretty high tech systems available, they turn black water into gray water   I'm not sure if there are similar systems for land based vehicles.   If I recall, price points were north of $1000.
  13.   I'd like to see him eff up the sad sack who winged him, that would be an awesome "when animals attack" episode.   I would pony up for some pay per view to see it.
  14.   I don't really want to buy special tools for one-time-use...   That new Ruger has really got my attention.
  15.   Just PM Randy, give him a day or three to respond and he will hook you up!   As we get closer, I am sure the alumni will share some best practices so you can get the most from the class.
  16. I rarely, if ever, feel "under-gunned" as I find myself gravitating back to my CZ75 for EDC; I shoot it well, with one extra mag I've 32+1 and it doubles as an effective blunt object.   When attire requires a smaller profile, my MK9 conceals well and I can reload it way quicker than my revolvers, but I'm typically not going to stupid places, doing stupid stuff with stupid people.   I do find myself slipping my MK9 or SP into my weak-hand coat pocket in the colder months.   With all of my extra "cover" garments to keep warm (I carry AIWB), it's easier to access my BUG in the coat pocket.   From a strictly "tactical" perspective, it's not unusual to have your hands in your coat pockets...   Being a southpaw, I also keep a BUG in the center console of my car (try left hand draw from your driver's seat and you'll understand what I'm talking about)   Since this thread is about you and your wife thinking you're border-line paranoid. You work in a high cash-on-hand environment. You don't think a geeked out pill head would try to the get jump on you, since you may the source of their next fix? BG's are looking for targets and they may incorrectly read you as a potential victim. Desperate people do desperate things.   The founder of the Boy Scouts was asked, "be prepared for what?" His answer, "why any old thing" (sounds better with a aristocratic British accent)   I'd rather be prepared for any old thing.
  17. I don't have one, as I don't really "need" one, but I may be selling something to fund one...   Thanks to Dolo's reviews, I am looking at the M&P series, a lot of bang for the buck for what appears to be a pretty good quality rifle.   So there is the price point and "bench mark" and I not opposed to buying used.   I saw recently Ruger introduced their AR 556 in the low $7's   Soooo, with the wealth of information, experience and foraging already done by you guys and gals, can I build a quality AR for a substantially lower price than buying a reputable brand name out of the box?
  18. Its a nice gesture, but I'm pretty cynical. Politicians are so used to increasing their popularity, power and influence through throwing alms to the little people, they assume everyone is swayed by the dollar. Take your pandering and my tax dollars to effect real change.
  19. Trained at the Fred Garvin Institute?
  20. He is ALWAYS with you! I pray you feel His presence, peace and love.
  21. Once you drop cable and phone, what is the average monthly rate for Internet only?
  22. "This is my Barney. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My Barney is my best friend..."
  23. You should be able to set up a Roth for your son through your bank or maybe credit union.
  24. That appears to be an awesome deal for an American - made 1911.


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