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About mr.ak47
- Birthday 06/27/1989
Profile Information
mma,shooting drills,tactics training,paintball,old cars,guns,women,women,guns
Federal/State Recovery Agent
Handgun Carry Permit
Carry Weapon #1
Sig p229 .40,or sig p226,
Carry Weapon #2
s&w 637 airweight
mr.ak47's Achievements

Established Contributor (3/5)
Haha I hear ya whitewolf I ran up on a deal on this one so went for it,just trying to decide weather or not to keep it or do as I had planned and clear out my .223 stuff lol
Alright thanks Oh shoot
Alright Guys I have a Mini 14 183 series gun stainless with a Folding Stock (The A-team gun). I called ruger a little bit ago to confirm that the stock was Original to the gun, he said the computer didn't go back that far but looking at his manual there was a few of the Mini's in the 183 series That came with the folding stock. This being one of them. I have debated on selling it, as I'm moving most of my .223 stuff out in favor of boosting my 7.62x39 stock pile lol. My question is what would be a fair market price for this I've seen everywhere from 800-1600,1600 being the only stainless 183 series folding stock gun I found. The gun is honestly probably in about 95-97% shape does have a few light scratches on the wood no major dings,no pitting on the stainless bore is bright and shiny,Only thing is it doesn't have the factory rear sight looks to have been replaced in the mid to late 80's for a Mark IV red dot, Also have a stainless Heat shield for it.Really the debate now is weather I'm going to keep it as a pass down item since it's a bit of a rareity or post it after I upgrade my account again lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here are a few pics http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv302/crazymann72/IMAG0611_zps3fa2eac9.jpg http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv302/crazymann72/IMAG0612_zps1b0f085c.jpg http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv302/crazymann72/IMAG0614_zps76edbbd3.jpg http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv302/crazymann72/IMAG0615_zpscd0adbeb.jpg
As an owner of over 14 Ak's I can honestly say, the best Ak depends on which one's You've shot. Are Romanian Ak's the worst of the bunch? I would honestly say No,Just as in anything you've got great ones and bad one's in the late 70's and thru the 80's the wasr's went to hell for a while, There was basically no QC it was just get them in and get them out.However I've got a romy G then I can consistently hit a 6 inch plate with at 300 yards with and never had a malfunction with also have a 90's made wasr that will do the same. Now if you want to spend a bit of money Arsenal truly does make some very very fine weapons I've got a slr-95 I wouldn't part with for anything.Also polytechs,krebs,and original m70b1's are all excellents weapons, but they come with a nice price tag.Now on the other hand in my personal experience The mak-90's and other Chinese model ak's are some of the best bang for the buck,I just about always replace the factory triggers with g2 triggers,Or take some polishing compound and work the hammer and trigger and it will remove any slap in the trigger,and makes them break pretty dang crisp. I have never fired one that I couldn't hit clay pigeons (pigeons on the ground of course) at 200 yards or better with. Which in my opinion is all you need for a battle rifle.The only thing with getting a mak is if you want to change it over to a pistol grip, you need to make sure you get all your 922r parts. Although I highly doubt anyone would ever check your weapon it's better to be safe then sorry. Just my 2cents hope it helped it some way
Well looks like i'm going to have to check out the dogleg then, I've also seen some of the similar style to the dogleg,kreb,midwest and a few others.Do ya'll have any experience with those? As far as muzzle devices I'm actually in the process of designing and making my own flash suppressor, Along with my own brand of ak's. Still in the license process though for my 07 and all the crap that goes along with it. So right now it's just a design plan and a base of where I wanted to start,Austin got to check out the start of the project. Still a long way to go though.Basically going to try and fix the things on the ak variants that I see most people complain about,Right now i have successfully reduced recoil considerably,and arguably less then felt recoil of a standard ar15,but still a long way to go and now i'm off topic lol.
I've highly debated on it brother,but want to at least try it out before I completely write it off.Only reason I'm now considering it is because a vast majority of the time,I'm out in about even though I carry,I still have a rifle with me,so IF my test lead me to believe I can acquire a sight picture quicker then with my irons,I'll have a rig dedicated to optics and as my "tag along rifle",so to speak,but I'll never quit training with irons lol I'll just have to train with both if it proves itself
Well given that its a draco wouldn't expect you to be doing much long range shots with it but what kind of grouping are you seeing at 25 to 50? I've debated on the over the dust cover mounts as well. How quickly could you detach the optics if battery went dead,to use the irons? Just let me know I'm interested may have to do some research on them
Hey guys, Okay so this weekend I picked up my 9th ak variant and to some peoples surprise,I've never mounted optics on an ak. I've always been a "traditionalist" in that respect I guess. I've been able to do some great grouping at 100 yards and knock down 6 inch plates at 300 so never really had the drive to put optics on one. Well This weekend I picked up a very beautiful Aresenal 101s and decided I would try out the red dot/holograpic optic world with it. I'm in the slow process of building a tac course here at the house and eventually want to test my timing,target acquisition,etc with optics and without. I've been looking at the Krebs handguard set and the ultimax m1-b I was wondering if anyone had experience with either or both and which one would you choose. Optics wise I've been looking at the aimpoint h1 on the highend or going the cheaper route with a primary arms copy or the bushnell trs-25. I also have a couple 512's here at the house that are currently sitting.I debated on those but have heard a lot of mixed things about mounting one on an ak. Any input would be greatly apperciated.
They actually aren't hard to build,Providing you have the proper equipment.There are several good videos on youtube to help you out with builds, I did my first build off of watching a youtube vid.
austin7.62 left Positive feedback for mr.ak47
Whos going to the state capital on the 19th?
mr.ak47 replied to reed1285's topic in Events and Gatherings
I'll be there in my glory more then likely :),Since i'm guessing we will be outside the building, anyone know if it's alright to carry on the grounds? Since it's not in the building? -
I understand your point, and i'm not saying we need to take to the streets with our guns(at this point and time),but i'm saying rolling over is not an option anymore.I'm all for handling the situation in a "martin luther king way" if we can, hell i'd march from Tennessee to the D.C. if it'll get the job done.I just wish others would stand as well it would be an awfully cold march alone. I just feel like so many have let go of right and wrong, so many are just willing to lay down and do what the government says they must do. Maybe I'm just young and dumb,but this ole boy still believes in America and Freedom.
Man some of what I've read on this forum is disturbing.... The sheep are among us lol, Any man willing to give up is freedoms,because this corrupt government tells him he must. Is no man at all,We owe it to the future generations to make sure they are given the liberties and freedoms that were set for us,years and years ago. If your not willing to fight for those freedoms and those liberties,well I believe the UK has some open spots. Those who think that taking up arms when the government,strips your freedoms and your rights is "wrong",then you are nothing more then a drone, already programmed for slavery. "To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them." - George Mason This is America,merely wanting to alter an amendment should put a fire in every Patriots belly.Everyone should be raising hell at the idea of them even thinking about limiting our magazine capacity, there is no room for settling. Unless we plan on taking our military and police officers mag caps down as well,then no thought should be giving toward it. When the 2nd was written military and civilians a like had the SAME weaponry, Although i can't afford a Saw or an m1 abram tank, most people can or should i say could have afforded a base ar15 with some 30 round mags. Which in the situation,the people needed to form a militia and rise up,it wouldn't be a complete slaughter.Letting them alter and change our rights more would only insure that the people can't rise up,in fear of being massively outgunned.Steal the confidence from a group of men and surrender is just around the corner. "The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson (sorry i had to rant)
Well I don't have my digital camera anymore so i'll have to get some updated pics and some of the new ak's but here are a few of babies coupe others in the pics just ignore them if it's not an ak it's not important lol I'll have to take some updated pics but first pic is romanian draco in .223 :( yea i know lol second pic is one of my nhm 91 over top of the colt hbar , of course the ak stays above the ar :) last pic shows two mak90's far left with dragunov stock i for some reason have feel in love with these type of stocks 4th one of put the black dragunov on, the one on the far right sorta out of the pic is a preban mak90
Alright as mr.ak47 you would think my vote would be lean you toward the ak platform,but It's more of a style/use decision. For me personally i'm a huge ak fan 11 and counting,but I also have 3 sks and have had upwards of 20 or so since I was 17. Both are excellent rifles.The things you need to mainly consider are if you want a SHTF rifle or a good plinking rifle that will see occasional use. Don't get me wrong both have been proven in battle,but as everyone knows one has stayed in use as a battle rifle since the early 50's and my guess is it will continue to see use in battles for many years to come,and that would be the ak47. Either rifle will serve you more than adequate at typical battle ranges (under 150 yards) and both are accurate at well past that. I have no problem taking my ak's out and hitting a 6 inch plates at 300 yards with every round in the magazine from any position nor do i have problems doing so with my sks. For me I love the feel of my ak47 more so then i do my sk's. I can acquire my sight picture quicker and put more rounds on target faster then i can with my sk's,but this i'm sure is do to practicing with that platform more so then the sks. To me personal the sks has more of a hunting rifle feel to it then a battle rifle feel.So I would recommend you feeling around with them and see which one more suits you personally. For me it's the ak-47 it's reliability,easy of use, and abundance of parts is what makes it my go to gun. Either way happy shooting and welcome to the 7.62x39 world
I see a lot of good points brought up in this forum,some I agree with others I don't, I agree a lot with Richards point of view. What's the point of surviving if we all turn our backs on our fellow men and women. I'm not saying we can save everyone,hell i'm not even recommending that you attempt to save one.I know my plans involve helping my family and friends first and foremost and then helping those in need if I can. My plans for doing this are extremely cautious ones,and running over what to do should a stranger come knocking,but i think developing friendships now and setting up networks is vital right now to everyone's survival. I understand some don't want to disclose their preps to others,and I get that but how about try meeting up with the people in your area and actually working on a friendship and then a partnership. There are roughly 25 people in my network already, and each one of them has a role to play, come a SHTF situation everyone knows where to meet everyone's knows what to bring and what to do when they reach the location. There are strength in numbers my friends.Plus I've got 4 nurses what do you got lol