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Everything posted by dickenscpa

  1. I've hunted and had guns all my life. I've just always used the scope that came on the gun and lived with it. I bought a .243 to ease my son into deer hunting but I can't get the scope zero'd in at all. I've got a bore lazer and this scope is all over the reservation. Juvy is this Saturday and I'd like to get it zero'd asap, but will more than likely buy a new scope. My question is, what is a fairly inexpensive scope that uses thumb/finger knobs to turn and adjust as opposed to getting out a dime or small screw driver? I've lost and replaced more cover caps, stripped the head, etc. The scope that came on this .243 has about 4 clicks in each direction and hits its limit. It needs to go further. LOL! I can compensate and get a good group out to 100 yds, but I don't want to have to explain that to a 9 yr old. I'd rather put him on POA. Also, can I use a red dot scope like on my xbow? I have a 3 dot site on my xbow and sighted all 3 dots within minutes. TIA Brad
  2. I never use a lighter to do our little fire at home or camp fires. I want to make sure I have my method down in case I need that skill. I have a magnesium bar and ferro rod lanyarded together. Part of my BUG bag is old prescription bottles with about 7-8 cotton balls apiece soaked in petroleum jelly. Bag of a bajillion cotton balls was $.97 and the generic jelly was $1.29. Makes a bunch. Cotton ball takes a spark very easily and the jelly keeps it from disappearing in 2 seconds. Brad
  3. When I went from buying commercial projectiles to reload and casting my own, my cost for a 100 rnd box of .45acp went from $8.54 to $4.40. Brad
  4. Bellshire's on Dickerson Rd has two different compacts. With GI sites, tactical hammer and ext BTGS = $375. Add dovetailed front rear tactical sites the previous and it's $435. I have the 4" RIA and I love it. Brad
  5. I love my Judge. I bought the 3"chamber/3" brl as soon as they came out. Squirrel season, bow season for deer and on my bass boat it's on my hip. I didn't really buy mine as a primary self defense weapon, but with 45C I'm pretty sure it would do the job. I haven't bought any of the specialty 410 ammo either. I load mine with alternating #4 shot and 45C that I load myself. Snakes and a few abnormally bold yotes is what I bought it for. With a 6 o'clock hold the 45C is dead on for me. I cast my own 230g lrn and leave them at .452. I resize my 45acp to .451. The trick to buying the Judge, or really any revolver, is to go thru the checklist at the gun store BEFORE you buy it. I check everything out like how tight it is in full lock up, alignment of chamber and forcing cone, gap up front, etc.
  6. Zombies are really just a euphamism to take the focus off the real problems and danger we're about to face. A massive Sasquatch assault. All of his names from the four corners of the earth will unite into one militant force. Makes Zombies look like childs play. The new apes movie is really just a cute inuendo paying respect to the great MagnaPed!! Brad
  7. I'm cheap, I mean cheap. CPA to boot, we are notoriously cheap. LOL! You can see by my age to the left I grew up during the heyday of video games. I was too cheap to spend $.25 on a game. I chose my birthday and Christmas gifts as a year's worth of martial arts lessons as opposed to Atari, Nintendo, etc. My brother got a Nintendo one year, but I had moved off to college and never played. Christmas of 2004 I went shopping for my wife and when I got back she wasn't home. I was looking for places to hide her gifts and I found where she bought me an XBox. I was kinda of confused 'cause nothing in our history would lead her to think I'd want to play video games. Well, I got hooked. Three different versions of Ghost Recon was my poison. With my kids old enough to want to play stuff we have a Wii now. There's nothing like a stressful day at the office and coming home to shoot and blow stuff up. Brad
  8. Who's River? BTW, when I get some time I'm going to try to pick up some of your lead if you have any left. Brad
  9. If that's you in your avatar, you may be right. Hate flip-flops. Finally broke down a few months back and tried Crocs, love 'em. Camoflauge, BTW. I ride my Harley to the office more times than not, but always wear proper riding boots and bring office shoes with me to change into. Just this morning on 40 W there was a guy on a bike and we're doing 80mph and he's wearing yellow flip flops. We called sandals Jeruselem Cruisers. Brad
  10. Any of you play the online Zombie for Call of Duty Black Ops? Specifically I play on a Wii. Knowing that a real life Zombie attack is imminent, I've been spending a lot of time on this. Learning their movements and patterns as well as what caliber works best. I've noticed the longer the Zombie is a zombie, they take more hits to kill. What ever you do, DO NOT let dogs get the virus. They are vicious. I'm really getting fed up with my wife telling me to put my "game" up and go to bed. She has no idea that it's not a game, it's a realistic training tool. I've become a much better marksman since I quit wasting money at the range and focused solely on Black Ops. I would have had no idea that the teddy bears playing music would draw them in, therefore exploding and killing everyone of them while you escape. Between craigslist and ebay, I bought 72 of those vintage Teddy Ruxpins and over 300 "C" batteries. Who else is suplimenting their training and research with Black Ops? Brad
  11. I started rolling my own back in Feb, but the last WWB I bought in 9mm had 4 .40's in it. Brad
  12. My son isn't worth a flip at video games either. He has one of those little Nintendo DS things with brainy stuff, but doesn't play what most would call video games. We also have a 19 month old daughter, beautiful and looks like mamma, that I have to turn into a little bushcrafter too. Brad
  13. You can go to TWRA's site and they have a button to click to request temp tags, right next to the check in button.
  14. Sounds like my son. He turned 9 this past June and I've taken him fishing, camping and hunting since he was 3. He loves being outdoors. If we're out on the boat and not catching or in a blind and not seeing deer or turkey, we talk. Whatever he wants to talk about. Then we'll take the 4 wheeler or boat and just explore. We camp a LOT. If for some reason we can't go one weekend, we'll sleep in a hammock in the back yard sleeping under the stars. He is a very good student of bushcraft.
  15. I have the Judge Magnum and you can indeed shoot 2 1/2 and 3' shells. For a while the personal defense shells only came in 2.5". I've never had a problem with a dirty chamber going from 2.5 to 3" shells. However, if I shoot a lot 45Colt and then go to shells, I can tell a tiny bit of difference. This is after going thru 75-100 45Colts though.
  16. Sent you a PM
  17. Is it with or without a rail?
  18. I refused to pay the $5. They did follow me in a golf cart, but told me to forget it. I had my son with me so I had to pay $1 for a 9 yr old to get in. That was my last gun show. I hadn't been to the one at the Fairgrounds in YEARS. The RK shows in Lebanon and Gallatin were laughable so one visit apiece for them taught me a lesson. I remember back in the day when the show at the fairgrounds took up many buildings. You just about had to go Sat & Sun just to see everything. I asked a couple of different people if it was just that one building to make sure I didn't miss anything. I was looking for another 5" RIA 1911. Bellshires sells them for $375 and my LGS sells them for $417. The cheapest I saw at the show was $479. I also needed a few little accessories for reloading. The one reloading guy in there gave me his flyer and said he was opening up shop here in Nashville. I asked for 4 things and he didn't have any of them. I did notice he was 16% high on the powder I use and 13% high on the primers I use.
  19. dickenscpa

    Taurus PT1911

    The guy in McMinnville lowered his from $725 to $718. It's brand new from a business not an individual.
  20. dickenscpa

    Taurus PT1911

    I've got a PT1911AR and the only complaint I have is I don't really care for a rail, especially when holster selection is involved. However, it landed in my lap at a heck of a deal. I've got over 2K rnds thru mine without a hiccup, mostly reloads. It is by far my most accurate pistol. I do have mine in the shop right now thru no fault of its own. I was short on brass and wanted some so I bought a box of ammo and had an overcharged round. It really did a number on the brass and required a dowel and fiddling to get it out. It bent my extractor which retains FPS and spring so LGS is fixing it for $30 worth of parts. Saved me $30 to FedEx and it's right down the road as opposed to Miami. I have a full size RIA GI model and it's a good gun too, but I don't shoot it as well as the PT1911. It's more finicky with ammo too. The second mag I shot thru it, one of the grips cracked at the top screw. I don't get hammer bite from it at all even with the less pronounced BTG but the hammer design digs into my side if I try to CC it. I bought it 'cause I wanted a non-railed 1911 to CC with more holster options but it is so uncomfortable. I want a Ruger 1911 BAD. I saw one guy had one in stock at ### for $725 but I'm reading people getting them for $599 and I'd hate to pay an extra $126. Any body know of a shop with one in stock in the Nashville area? Brad
  21. I would have thought Daddy left her more than what Bruce has.
  22. My LGS and range sell TN Cartridge. I've shot quite a bit in 38spl, 45C and 45acp. Never had a problem with the revolver rounds but out of 150 rounds of 45acp, I had three double charged, over charged or something. I still have two of the pieces of brass, it's what made me decide to start reloading. I screwed the two pieces to my reload table as a reminder to be careful. The first one, I had to have the guys at the range help me get it out of the gun and they kept it. I didn't get a 1911 until Jan '11 and started reloading right after. Couldn't hardly find 45acp anyway. Before that, I shot 38spl & 45C at about 1000 apiece,with no problem. My LGS has a little 357M left but doesn't stock it anymore.
  23. I did have to pull those first 8 or 9 I made because they were too long. I will have to say the coating was completely intact. The base of the projectile was ever so slightly reshaped from my crimp. Thru trial and error I expand my cases minimally to accept the bullet and in turn making crimping to .471 a minimal effort. I guess the basis of my fear was that grabbing a bullet from the box and placing it in the barrel was to big to pass thru the barrel. This messed with my head a bit. Even though I knew the projectiles should be .451 or .452 and all that I test measured were .450-.451, it messed with my head. I knew my powder load was on the safe side. Just couldn't figure out what happened in the firing process that shrank that bullet and kept it from lodging about 2.5" in a 5" barrel. I guess it's one of those I've been shooting a long time (factory ammo) but fairly new to reloading. So, every little detail (not blowing up) has been heightened to the nth degree in my little analytical mind. I never had a bullet puller before reloading so I never pulled apart a factory round and noticed that an unfired projectile is too big to slip thru the barrel. I just could not wrap my head around that. I'm very thankful to have you guys to lean on. 'Preciate it big time! Brad
  24. Thanks guys, I really appreciate your feedback. Really thankful for this site. Hopefully I help others when something comes up that I know about. I wish I had one or two of the Raniers left. If I could have seen they wouldn't fir thru a barrel, yet I knew they shot thru it, I'd felt better. LOL! Thanks again! Brad
  25. Thank you for the reply, I didn't think about the coating being sticky. Are all bullets technically bigger than the barrel and shrink to fit upon being fired? Stupid question I know. Since I was using lead data on my plated bullets, I used lead data as a starting point for these. I was loading the 230g Raniers at 5.2g of Win231 for an OAL of 1.270. Dropped my charge down to 5.0g when I used an OAL of 1.255. I'm shooting from a 1911 5" brl. My gun did not like the 1.255 like the factory stuff I had bought. I think Ranier's pointy nose caused jams at that OAL. 1.270 fed and shot like butter. Since I had to drop my OAL on these new lead bullets to 1.22, I dropped my charge down to 4.6g just to be safe. The very last bullet on this link is mine, 230g RNF. Precision Bullets Online 'Preciate your help! Brad


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