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Everything posted by dickenscpa

  1. You know how you here a brand new word and all of the sudden you here this "new" word every other second? I'd never heard of hard tack in my life. Just finished Teddy Roosevelt's book Rough Riders where they fought the Spainards in Cuba and they lived off hard tack. I had no idea what he was talking about and come in to see this thread. LOL! Brad
  2. I know how you feel. This used to drive me crazy. You have to have rules but I also enjoy a bit of freedom. I don't want some overachieving RO down my neck the whole time. Not that all ROs are but some are. Yet, we can't have some yahoo wandering down the range while it's hot. You'd think gun owners who are all about rights, small gov't and anti nanny state could manage to self police themselves so this wouldn't be an issue. I've been a member at Gallatin Gun Club for 3 mos now. Short of owning my own lower 40 and shooting out my back door, which I don't and can't, it's been awesome. There's been afternoons I've had the whole place to myself. Sunday was quite a few people there. It was as smooth as silk. Everyone respected everyone. Every time I've been there with quite a few people it's been smooth and I've met a new friend. I reload and since I didn't get into AR15 until about two months ago I frequented indoor ranges exclusively. I got so tired of someone busting thru the door jumping me for picking up my brass and telling me once it hit the floor it was theirs. On three occasions at GCC, once for .223 and twice for .45acp, someone has come up to me and gave me their brass because they didn't reload and they noticed I picked mine up. I would have been tickled if someone left it on the ground and I picked it up after they left. To gather it for me and hand it to me was very nice I thought. I've started keeping a little cooler with some Cokes, Dr Pepper and bottled water for these nice people. Any GCC members who might read this, I 'preciate ya! Brad
  3. I was playing XBox online about 4-5 years ago and I was playing against some guy from Lord knows where. We're talking back and forth and he finally says, "Dude. I gotta know. You from Middle TN or North GA?" I had to laugh. Brad
  4. We had ADT installed in our first house in '96. We have ADT in our house now but a more new fangled version with remotes and so forth. In that first starter house (It was built in 1947) the front door was bad about not fully latching. You had to be sure you closed it well. We rarely used the front door so not a huge deal. My wife opened the front door at some point during the day and didn't close it properly. About 2AM and being asleep a few hours, a thunderstorm cropped up and the wind caused the door to slightly open. Nothing as sobering as waking from a deep sleep at 2AM to that alarm. I actually set off our alarm kinda the night before last (Monday night). We have a basement level garage and I went down stairs to reload. My wife broke her ankle last Thursday and she's been sleeping in a guest bedroom so I don't kick her in the middle of the night. LOL! 2 yr old asleep in her room, 9 yr old asleep in his room, wife in guest BR and me in the garage. Wife thinks I'm in bed and sets alarm and also locks me down stairs. Luckily my keys were in my pocket. I open the door and the alarm goes off. I was able to use remote to get it off quickly and caught the phone call to give them our password. We set the alarm to give a 45 sec warning when leaving the house and set it for immediate when we go to bed so no warning whistle at night, it goes full blare. First false alarm in about 15 years. Brad
  5. Looks like it has to be one of two things. Arsenal isn't honoring their written warranty. Is that not a written contract or at least an implied contract. If this is the case it looks as if you have some legal recourse here. OR: On Target sold you a used gun as new. I would think you had legal recourse here too. I'm leaning toward you bought a used gun. I think the gun may have been in the rental rotation, making it previously owned. Arsenal seems so nonchalant about the gun being out of warranty. It's like they know something you don't but don't know that you don't know. If that makes sense. Even On Target's reaction is weird to me. I would think they'd turn over a desk, throw a few things and be like WTF? Arsenal. Honor your warranty! But it's like they want to pay for the repairs, shut you up and hope you go away. On Target's silence and reluctance to fight for this is mucho voluminous to me. Brad
  6. Well this kinda sums it up for me. When I bought that PT1911 it was new at the LGS for $399. This was only Jan '11. I see people asking $500-750 for used ones now. TBH, for that kinda cash I'll go with a bit more repituable brand. I'm not a brand snob though. I have every model of RIA 1911 in 45acp. I love these things. I shoot them all every week and haven't had the first hiccup with them. I've got some Sigs and Rugers too, never had the first problem with any of these guns. Brad
  7. I have been a staunch supporter of Taurus for many years. Took my HCP with my 2" .38 snubby and have shot many rounds thru it. Took that class with my Dad and will never sell it. It's hammerless and the smoothest DAO trigger I've ever shot. Rides on my ankle almost every day. I've also had the following that didn't perform quite as well. PT1911 - went thru extractors like candy. Made 3 trips to Miami. Judge - cylinder quit locking up. Made a trip to Miami and got traded. 2 709Slims - quit locking back the slide on an empty mag but would lock back with rounds left. Dad took one of them to fool with but hasn't shot it to date. 24/7 Pro DS 45acp - dropped the mag after every shot. One trip to Miami and multiple mags from Taurus. Never sent the 709s to Miami, they just sent me replacement mags that would work for about 5 cycles apiece. Last set they sent me I've never loaded so they should work a bit. The Judge went to Miami and came back in about 2 weeks and has been fine every since. I know the guy who has it. I came to the conclusion the 24/7 Pro DS was a single shot gun and gave up. Gave it to a friend that knew its history. The first time the PT1911 went to Miami, it was gone so long I almost forgot I had it. I sent it in March and had to get my LGS to jump up and down to get it back in July. On the 5th round the extractor broke again and all series 80 guts went flying. I wanted to go with an aftermarket ext for the PT1911 but sent it to Miami to get a stock one for a backup. The one choice for aftermarket to eliminate series 80 was on backorder anyway. Took right at a month. When I got it back there was no barrel in the gun. When we called they had no idea where the barrel was and couldn't send me another since theirs is "matched." They made me send it in a 3rd time for a barrel just so I could get rid of it. I still won't bash Taurus but I've bought 6 of their guns since '09 and had problems with 5 of them. If I have the choice I probably won't buy another. I'll definitely limit myself to their revolvers only. IMO they should cut a huge portion of their fringe models and concentrate on quality for a few models. Lifetime warranty is great if it's for piece of mind. Gets old when you realize it's a necessity. They're supposed to cover shipping in the first year, that doesn't always work. If I could only afford one gun to protect myself and it consistantly took multi month vacations to Miami, I'd be even more urinated. Brad
  8. dickenscpa


    My son had Crossover for Scouts this past Friday night. After the ceremony, my wife took our 2 yr old daughter home and my son and I camped out. When we got home the next day my wife had pulled about 12 ticks off herself and I think 4 off our little girl. I had one embedded in my waist line and my son had 1 under his arm. My wife doesn't eat meat. Our little girl barely eats enough to keep a bird alive. My son and I eat anything that moves. I have really high iron and I'm sure protein levels. I can grow a 3-day beard by 5PM and I get my 5 o'clock shadow at 9AM. I have to trim my nails every other day. Anything metal on me turns green and falls apart - watch bands, wedding band, eye glasses, etc. I wonder if that has anything to do with me not getting many ticks. They either taste me or I emit something they don't like. Timestepper already told me I didn't smell too good. Also, mosquitoes don't seem to prey on me either. Brad
  9. dickenscpa


    LOL! At least I told everyone you were a gentleman! I rarely have a problem with ticks. Grew up in the sticks and been in the woods my whole life and rarely find one crawling on me, much less dug in. This last Fall I took my 9 yr old son squirrel hunting on opening day. We hunted from 2PM til dark. My hunting land is about 30-45min from home and I think we went thru a drive thru to boot. We got home around 9PM. I was about to get in my shower and my wife got me just before I got in and told me to come help her. I had to hold my son down while my wife took tweezers and pulled well over 200 dug in ticks out of him. He didn't get Lyme disease but was miserable for a bit scratching. I didn't have a single tick on me. Brad
  10. They either sold you a used gun or On Target became the official owner by making it a rental gun for the range. That's why they hadn't called Arsenal yet. They knew they had no case with Arsenal. They were stalling you these 2 1/2 weeks and avoiding you hoping to figure out what to do or you'd give up. Brad
  11. dickenscpa


    Count me in as a victim too. I feel so horrible. The gentleman seemed so genuine, like he was really concerned for me. He said the pics were for research only. I feel so dirty. Brad
  12. I bought a scope last week and went to the range but they were having a .22 match and I couldn't shoot. Was too busy Sunday after Church. I wound up putting the scope on and putting BUIS on at a 45 deg. (See, I told ya'll I went full bore Mall ninja ) My son has Crossover for Scouts Friday night and we camp at Boxwell. I have a 10AM meeting that morning and as soon as it's over, I'm leaving the office to site the scope in before I pack the camping gear. The range was closed Tue, Wed and Thur of this week. Brad
  13. I live in a strict neighborhood that doesn't even let you park a vehicle outside of the garage. The neighborhood was brand new in '03 and has laxed a bit. We have a 4 car garage and my wife needs every bit of space she can get to park inside. LOL! On my side I have my reloading benches, lawn mowers and lawn equipment, Harley, ATV and bass boat so my truck sleeps outside. I actually bought a nice cover for my boat and when there's no threat of freeze I'm leaving my boat out in the warm months. She wanted a small garden. I balked because I was concerned about the neighbors, even though we could tuck it out of site. I let her plant some tomatos last year in a 3'X3' spot and put onions and peppers in pots. Boy did that provide last year. This year she wanted to go a bit bigger. I was reluctant and then a neighbor across the street put a garden in. Wasn't sure how I felt about where he put it. Then my 9 yr old son hit me up (No input from Mamma I'm sure ) about how I go on about being self preserving and survival. So my hand was called and I folded. My wife had been composting all off season. I let her go and buy one of those raised garden enclosures plus the 3'X3' she had last year and now we're border line green acres. I wish I could find me a little piece of land where we could plant some proper size. I've got 3 land options already but they're such a drive from home it would be hard to properly care for them. Also if it got dry, I'd have no way to water. I grew up doing this. My wife is learning. I think it will be an absolute necessity for my kids to learn for their future. Brad
  14. Shoot me an email. I may be able to help depending on what you need and the time constraints. dickenscpa (at) charter (dot) net Brad
  15. I recently joined myself. I always like handguns and the only long guns I had were for hunting. I couldn't understand why someone would want to shoot one all the time. Well, I got bit myself and bought one last week of February. I bought a lowly DPMS that usually gets made fun of, but I love it. I put 100 rnds of factory thru it and about 2500 reloads in less than 2 months. They put those little hanging gongs up at Gallatin Gun Club yesterday at 100, 200 and 300 yards. With iron sights I hit the 100 yd gong 42 times in a row. It's SO addictive! I swore I'd never own a black rifle. Then I swore I'd keep it simlpe and not deck it out. Now I want to put a scope on it and reach out and touch that 300 yd gong and make it a tacticool, Paul Blart Mall Ninja, SHTF, zombie killin' machine. LOL! Brad
  16. dickenscpa


    I watched some youtubes this past weekend 'cause I wanted to make a rifle sling out of paracord. The cool looking weave I wanted proved too much for my patience. The more simple braid said to start with 20'. I played it safe and went with 22'. The result was a sling barely over 2'. LOL! My braid was super tight in spots and super loose in spots. Someone here or GOC was selling paracord rifle slings and I wish I'd sprung $30 for one now. Brad
  17. If you you weren't so far away I'd run over there and help you and it'd be done in no time. My Dad has enough left over 12-2 to do two houses from scratch. LOL! I love meeting people from this forum. Everyone here I've met in person has been first class. Brad
  18. You'll have to drill holes through the joists if you decide to drywall that ceiling. But you're not allowed to have a junction box behind drywall anymore. Is the line you're going to tap going to a light fixture? Depending on whether it's a line or load, your lightswitch could end up turning off your outlet. If it's 12g wire make sure you tap with 12g. It's going to a 20A breaker and that's too hot for 14g. I agree with subsonic, tap that light switch. Make sure you get the feed and not the switchleg though so the switch doesn't control your outlet. My Dad always taught me "hot on the left and switch leg on the right" but that was just his preference in case we ever had to go back. I don't think that's a hard fast rule. Like now it's pretty universal that black is hot, white is neutral and bare is ground. Back in the old days it was the electricians preference. Been in some older houses doing an add on and found out that white was hot. My Dad owned a plumbing&electric company for 46 years. From the time I could walk every weekend and every summer vacation he worked my tail off until I graduated college. No Christmas vacation, no Spring Break trips - I worked. One summer between college years he agreed to finish a job on elec and plumb someone else started. He NEVER did that but this was an opportunity to get in with a new GC. He drops me off with tools and material and leaves. I was in college 1990-1994 so everyone and their dog didn't have cell phones at the time, neither did I. I was gonna put my stick copper under the house to finish up the water line and the closer I got to the crawl space it SMELLED. Previous electrician got his neutral and hots crossed and grounded to the copper the plumber had already ran. Apparently another trade hooked the house up to the temporary to run their power tools. I HATED when they did that instead of running their cords out to the temp. I got a jolt or two from that myself. Anyway the previous plumber that got fired for not finishing the job or returning calls was dead under the house since his copper water line was now hot. So I'm a teenager stuck out in the boonies all day with no way of calling out and a dead body. Brad
  19. Took the wife and kids to that one this weekend. Long drive from Lebanon. Brad
  20. I've been on the waiting list a LONG time. Brad
  21. They seem like a good group of guys to me. I talked to them at the Wilson Co Fair last Aug and considered getting involved. I'm not really into that but my 9 yr old son is a war buff for ALL American wars and most foreign. He's AMAZING with all that stuff. He was in the Tennessean Saturday as the youngest competitor in the Geography Bee. AND he made the finals. Brad
  22. Right before I was about to do the deed of joining Stones River or Sumner Gun, I get an email last night that I made it into Gallatin Gun Club. I'm pretty tickled about it. I misread my directions and upon further study, I was farther from Sumner Gun than I thought. Brad
  23. I can never remember that saying right. LOL! When confronted I could always deduct in my mind - Red touches black...friend of Jack or kills Jack. LOL! Brad
  24. Between cell service and not seeing my wife flagging me, it was like the "perfect storm." I live in a decent neighborhood on a hill. You'd think we'd get decent cell service. I'm on Verizon but have had sprint and Nextel as well since we've lived her Oct '03. My brother has AT&T and nothing picks up in my neighborhood. You can look outside and see my neighbors all walking their lawns trying to get a signal. LOL! The only thing that was flawless was the old Nextel direct talk. When they switched to sprints system that was sketchy too. My street is maybe .3 miles long and shaped like a horseshoe, I live almost exactly half way. Going home the road is a straight away that turns left onto my street or you can pass that left turn and go about .2 of a mile more that dead ends into a turn left only situation into my street, thus the horseshoe shape. If you take the first left, I'm the 5th house on the right. The second left, I'm the 5th on the left. This creates and "infield so to speak and the only piece of the neighborhood where back yards meet. All other houses are on the outskirts and their lawn backs up to wooded area. We always take the first left. My wife did and when she retreated, she went to a driveway backtracking toward the first left. I took the second left which I hardly ever do. A song was on the radio and my son wanted to hear it so I took the slightly longer way to give him more time to hear it. So there were houses and back yards between us. I would have normally drove right passed her but not that night. Can't really say that was a wrong thing to do, just an unlucky, freaky chain of events. The light flicking off and on also timed just where I didn't see it and was already in the garage. What I've learned. Need to add a scenario to our practice plan. My son is heavy into Scouts and we've had family practices for emergencies. However, they were focused on waking up in the middle of the night to the alarm going off and a house fire. Apparently we need to add something as simple as coming home to the list. And possibly more. I didn't post this thread for a critique of my technique although I understood going in that would come. Ima big boy and none of us are perfect and none of us know truly what we'd do until the rubber hits the road. I wish now I hadn't gotten snide and sarcastic in my previous post. I apologize, I'd like to think I'm better than that. I turned 40 a couple of months ago and in a very short time, this world went haywire. I've done everything I can to safeguard my family. Built a home in a secluded neighborhood with no thruways. Fenced in back lawn with coded gates and tied into the alarm. Two dogs, a Jack Russell that yips at anything and a 120lb predominantly lab/German Shepard that would eat pavement. We aren't allowed to park in the driveway or leave anything in the driveway. I leave my ATV trailer at Dads. I got lazy and postponed taking it to his house 3 days and on the 3rd day in broad daylight with wife and kids at home, someone stole it. Nobody in the neighborhood saw a thing. What in the world can a body do in this day and age? People are crazy! Brad
  25. Yes I took the safety off. I took it off while I was not under duress. Finger off the trigger. That's the way I practice. It was loaded too.


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