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Everything posted by dickenscpa

  1. The Lansky isn't a bad system, it's just not right for me. I'm 43 and been using a straight razor since I was 16 and do fine with a 4000, 8000 and 10,000 stone. However, I've always had a good edge professionally done on the front end and with my stones and strop been able to touch up and keep a good edge on it. The spine also makes it super simple to keep your angle the same. The Lansky stones are so narrow I can't keep the same strokes throughout the length of the blade. The clamp even gives me fits. I even bolted it down. I can very easily keep a steady pull thru the Work Sharp though. I thought my Lansky sharpened knife was sharp and shot a Spring turkey and liked to never breasted it out. That was a lot of the impulse part of the buy when I went to Gander Mtn. After getting the WS I've been filleting fish with my camp knife. Super easy. I'm not an authority by any means to endorse either system but if you have the same problems with a Lansky like I did, the WS is an excellent alternative.
  2. She's home! I went to pick my Dad up to go fishing and they called and said it was ready if I could be there in 30 min. Actually cleaner than when stolen. LOL! Also has my good mag still. Lesson learned!
  3. I wound up doing nothing insurance wise and glad I didn't. The lady at the police station said if I had, the insurance company would own it and they usually have it destroyed.
  4. I stopped by just today at Gander Mtn in Providence to pick up a wrist sling for my bow and bought a Work Sharp on impulse for $89. Sharpened four knives in no time. First time I got a good edge on my old Buck 119. I've used a Lansky for years and never could get a good edge on 440 steel with it.
  5. My conscience feels a bit better too that my gun isn't out there with a criminal.
  6. Just an update on this ordeal - I just got a call from the police that someone tried to pawn my gun this morning. They don't think he's the one that stole it but he is telling who he bought it from. The detective in charge is related by marriage and said I could call him tomorrow and pick it up. I hope it's not trashed and the expensive mag is still in it.
  7. We cut cable a couple of years ago. My son is 12 now and daughter is 5. I was paying $242/mo for bundled cable, phone and Internet. I kid you not I cut the cable and it was 6 mos before my son said something was wrong with the cable. We're not huge into tv anyway. We have the Roku with Hulu Plus, we already had Amazon prime for shipping. We do ALL our Christmas shopping online and even do Hello Fresh for three different and unique dinners a week. We already had Netflix for the DVDs and I had no idea at the time streaming came with. We also cut home phone. We have unlimited minutes on our cells and only telemarketers called home phone. We went from $242/mo to $39.99/mo. However, all of the sudden in January our Internet went from $39.99 to $54.99. It's Charter, no explanation. Between Hulu, Amazon and Netflix we watch whatever we want. Anything else we've found we can stream online via the kids wii u. I do kinda think we actually watch more tv now though. We've discovered shows we'd never watched and will binge watch a series since we don't have to wait a week for the weekly cliffhanger. LOL!
  8. I didn't even realize I had anything with NRA, I am a member. I'm going to call state farm Tuesday to see if it's worth claiming.
  9. Well, as the day has went on, right or wrong, I've placed more and more blame on her. In all my years of carrying that's maybe the third time I've left my gun in the truck. I usually keep it on me and just don't draw attention to myself. If I know I have to go to the IRS building or something, I usually leave my gun in a safe in my office and hope I don't get mugged.
  10. The business does have the legal posting for no guns. She was helping me out, she's a client, my wife's friend and due to previous discussions I know without a doubt how they feel about guns so out of respect I left it in the truck. You never think it can happen to you and I didn't think five minutes in there and out would result in catastrophe. 99/100 I wear my snubby on my ankle to church because my 1911 on my hip is uncomfortable with my guitar. Today I did SO many things out of the ordinary for a Sunday morning and it's the morning I get hit. BTW, it would have been in a tuckable holster and concealed but she also knows me and is a hugger. So I left it in the truck. Like most men aren't technically afraid of their wife but they do things they don't want so they don't have to listen to a bunch of mouth, that was me today and it didn't work out well for me.
  11. The only reason I left out the place I went to is its a friend of my wife's place of business. She met me there to give me these little steel balls I couldn't order in time for the science fair. After I ran my mouth and called it a free kill zone I hated to name her business. She's also a tax client. However, I was in the Walmart/Lowes area on Mt Juliet rd and that early on a Sunday morning there was little to no activity. I didn't see anyone in the parking lot. Also, I hid my gun before I got there because I knew where I was going. Unless someone followed me from my driveway to the parking lot. I will say this, if someone didn't see me put the gun there, they got EXTREMELY lucky to find the hiding place that quickly. I couldn't be late for church and I didn't diddle around. Five minutes tops.
  12. Thank you. My grandmother dying was kind of expected, but the timing of the news/phone call was weird to me.
  13. What a morning! I do the music at Church and left this morning to pick something up for my sons science project before hand. I had to go into a free kill zone place to pick something up. No one was around and I slid my gun into a console. I went inside and when I came out, my holster was on the ground and window shattered. The only thing they took was my RIA Match 1911 that I bought off Magiccarpetrides here on this site about 4 or so years ago. I loved that gun and I'm distraught. About a year ago the company I worked for screwed our med insurance and my wife had an accident. I got stuck with $63,000 in med bills. I had to do what I had to do and sold all my pistols but that one to pay bills. While the cop was taking my info, my Dad called and my grandmother had died about an hour before. I stayed home from church and I think I'm just gonna mope a bit. BTW I live in the Lebanon area so if someone sees it for sale I'd appreciate the heads up.
  14. I actually broke down and looked at it last night. I have BCBS of TN. I've had a private policy since 2009. I work at a CPA firm and out of 50 CPAs only four of us are under 45, the ones over are over by a LOT. I got the letter from BCBS back in Oct that my policy would end Mar 1st. Thru the firm our policy is $1442 of which $350 is me. The firm would pay my $350 and the balance for a wife and two kids would come out of my check. Wife is a stay at home Mom. I choose for them to add $350/month to my check and I take a private policy thru BCBS for $799.51 for better coverage than what the firm is capable of offering. Thru obamacare, I make too much to qualify for any subsidies but thru the open market deal of BCBS all four of us can have the same policy we were actually on for $464/month. So actual additional cost for me would go from $450/month to $114/month. I don't usually throw out personal $ amounts but thought it was important to be fair and honest. I'm torn. I don't want to support it, but times are hard and my taxes pay for it anyway. I don't qualify for subsidies but cheaper is cheaper. ETA: That $799.51 price for my private policy includes Vision and Dental. Don't know the breakdown as far as how much each is but the Vision and Dental portion suck hard. Just added those two pieces this past May and would not have re-upped them regardless.
  15. Glad it has a good home. I want another!
  16. Did you buy a Judge from a guy who used to work down the street from you by chance? If so, small world. LOL!
  17. I see you're in Mt Juliet, I'm in Lebanon. About how far of a drive is this site?
  18. I cut thru that area to get back to Lebanon from office in Maryland Farms, it's the way I bypass 440. Looks like what used to be an adult bookstore adjoined to Gun City is now a firearms store. Shippers maybe (?)   Did I read that wrong?
  19. I have a 16' BumbleBee like the OP but with a 90HP motor. I'll ride my Harley in rush hour to commute to the office, but speed on water scares me. My boat with a 90 on it will go WAY faster than I ever intend to.   My son and I went fishing on MLK Day. I had the day off and it turned out to be a nice day. Didn't get a bite but had fun. Get back home to back the boat in the garage and I left the keys to the lock on my trailer on my bumper when I was hooking the boat up to leave the house. They apparently fell off between home and the ramp. Had one of those expensive hitch locks that your not supposed to be able to cut easily or get with bolt cutters.   Didn't know what I was gonna do. I knew I couldn't haul a boat to the office on the interstate every day. Well, that expensive lock fell victim to a dremmel and cutting wheel in less than a minute. So much for paying extra for the lock.   In hindsight, I should have just pulled the ball and hitch out of the receiver and kept the lock in tact on the off chance the key turned up or I could have had a new key made cheap. I was so mad at my stupidity I didn't think straight. LOL!
  20. My son is just now 10 but he's been turkey and deer hunting with me since he was 4. Obviously those front end years he didn't shoot. Actually so far, rabbit and squirrel is the only shooting he's done, but since he was 5 or 6 he has been AMAZING at calling turkeys. He loves sitting out in the blind and using the turkey calls. About 5 years ago he called in a big tom that I took with a bow.   That was just as much his turkey as mine.
  21. I assume by .224 you're gonna shoot lead out of your AR? First off I'd like to know how that works for you. I've reloaded and cast for a while but never cast anything that required a gas check. Back in the day people would just about give you gas checks when you were trading other things. Now, gas checks are hard to find.   The only production mold for .224 I know of is the Lee Bator and they are hard to find. It's a production model, but I've never seen anyone carry it in stock. I have a feeling Lee kinda quasi makes them to order. I'm sure Ranch Dog or the like would make one just like you want but many $$'s.
  22. Did you notice if they had any Winchester or Hogdon powder for pistols? Like Win231, HP38... I went last Saturday and the only powder they had was mainly rifle type powders. I had stocked up on Mil Surp 8lb jugs for rifle before the panic hit. I bought their one and only 1lb jug of Win WST. Never used it but was able to look data up on my phone while in there. It seemed to be a popular enough powder that I could find a lot of usuable and safe data on.   Who knows, this may open my options on powder to feed my 1911s. All these years Win231/HP38 was what I picked first and just stuck with.
  23. dickenscpa


    We have the larger ticks here too, bigger brown ones and the bigger brown ones with the white dot. You're right though, these were the small seed ticks that you can barely get a set of tweezers on. The last time I got a mess of ticks on me was August of 2001. Even at that it was the first time in a long time I got a bunch of ticks on me. My 10yr old son was also conceived on this little camping trip. I was on a mtn biking team and we camped out at LBL for the Dog Daze 50 miles race. There was a storm and some trees went down. In a really tricky piece of single track a tree had fallen and you didn't see it until way to late. I bailed and slid down a little 10' slope. After dinner, my wife took out the tweezers and pulled Lord knows how many of those seed ticks off my feet. I was 30 at the time and I can't remember having that many ticks on me all the back to being a child. Did get into some chiggers cleaning out a fence row for Granny at around 7 yrs old. Brad
  24. The word sexy came to my mind too. Never thought that about a gun. May have to leave the office early, go home and give Mamma a little sugar. Brad
  25. I was referring to other nice people giving me their .223 brass. I can't put a catcher on their guns. LOL! They probably saw me picking up my brass from my 1911. When I shoot my AR, I put my case on my right and prop it open 90 degrees and my brass falls right on the eggshell. Which was probably a dead giveaway that I was saving it to reload. Brad


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