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Everything posted by JWC

  1. Yeah work sucks. Get back to work
  2. My son will be 4 in 2 weeks he watches people opening toys and playing with them on YouTube. It's strange.
  3. Hahahaha ... Thought I'd post to show my amusement in hopes of being on the list too #infidel
  4. As soon as my Amazon Fire Stick gets here in the next couple days Dish can pound sand. Wife cut back our Didh to try to save. -I watch Outdoor Channel, Predators games, and Braves baseball. We don't get outdoor channel. 2 nights last week I wanted to watch a movie. I could not find one or anything else interesting on the limited channels we have. I defaulted to hgtv. Screw that. Then I decided to watch a movie on my phone on Amazon prime instead. There's a crap ton of westerns on there so I'm gtg. I'll figure out the baseball and hockey somehow. PBS kids has all the shows my kids watch except bugs bunny and Scooby Doo.
  5. I made my Facebook better. I was going to delete it but I do like the connectivity. I have a lot of old friends and if I want to to can get in touch with them plus I like to browse the buy, sale, trade and beekeeping groups. So I just unfollowed everyone except my wife and every group. Now I only see what I want to go to and don't get links to a bunch of stupid crap. Anyway I think fb has pretty much run it's course. It's too full of junk now.
  6. I thought I'd try one so I had my truck pulled up on it and beat the sh!t out of it with a bf tire hammer. changing auto tires ain't no thing but atv tires suck, period I'm definitely a diy'er and have changed many tires but after trying the one I just carried em to Wilson Farmers Coop. they removed the old ones and mounted the new for seriously like $20. In about 15 mins. Aint no way I would screw with them for that. . I think bought them from rockymountainatv
  7. Whether it was right or wrong I believe my uncle was instructed to remove firearms from his home when my cousin got out. Then again maybe he was just playing it safe as not to risk anything. But the issue would have been times when say my uncle was away and possibly my cousin could be home. Then I suppose he would be in possession. I carry on their property every time I go there. On a side note I'm going to ask him if I can buy his Rem 700 .257 Bob. Seein' that he's strictly a bowhunter now.
  8. I wouldn't mind listening to the Space Station. I know a guy there. I have been around a couple times when he has called and that'll have to be good enough. Not going to buy a scanner just for the few times I might get a chance while he's still there.
  9. I hunted with a 7mm RM for a long time. Back in like 1997 I had the chance to go out west elk hunting very short notice. I sold my only deer rifle, a 30-30, and bought a used 700 in 7mmRM to carry. Went 2 more times in the next couple years. Haven't been since 2000 but I never seemed to have to funds to buy another rifle and couldn't bring myself to sell or trade it. I was happy and it was effective so I just kept on hunting with it for nearly 10 years. I have a couple other rifles now so it just collects dust though. Preferring my 7mm-08 or .243. So I was like the other way around of the guy that buys a gun thinking he may go out west one day. To be honest with you I shot a doe with my 7mm-08 this year and couldn't find her. If my 7mag had been sighted in I would've carried it the next day because I was pissed. I don't recall ever losing anything with it.
  10. Hmm I will teach these subjects in homeschooling of my kids and they could always be surveyors and not have any competition in their age group. Thanks for the heads-up Don't kid yourself JohnC, high school of the future is intermediate indoctrination and the 2 free years of college is Advanced Voter Training.
  11. I don't really know nothing about nothing... But to me, there ain't no way that system they have going with their kings and successors and all that can stand the test of time. There's too many wives and sons and grandsons and heirs. There just ain't no way that can all work out.
  12. Join for life and you'll never get another gift either.
  13. Admittedly, I don't know for sure. I read it on NRA's website though. Funny how things change after you discuss them and think about them. This morning I've pretty much decided to go just because it sounds fun and I don't want to pass it up.
  14. If they missed a door I suppose I could walk around until I found that door. I have read that carry was permitted in Indy last year. Have not read of any discharges. Seems a large crowd can be just fine. That sort of thinking sounds kinda "liberal-ish" and probably the thought of whoever came up with posting the MCC to begin with. If that's the idea well maybe it's best I be safe with my money too and keep the small amount I would spend over here in Wilson county. Obviously it won't be a big loss as I live nearby, I know where to park for free downtown, and I won't be getting a room or anything like that but as the annoying saying goes - it is what it is. Truthfully yeah it may be best bc if someone did f up it would be plastered all over every media source and would be a major issue. But I guess it'd be ironic and made into a small story if someone was attacked walking unarmed to/from the event also.
  15. I'm pre-registering but I'm a little torn. This event will bring a helluva lot of money to Nashville and it's the friggin NRA so maybe they shouldve worked it out. However there still won't be any carry in the Music City Center. Maybe I'm being stupid but I think it's bs. I guess I'll have to think about it some more. But on principle Idk if I'll really go. Meh, maybe I'll just drive to town and break into cars that weekend.
  16. JWC

    Down The Drain

    Why didn't we send a washed up old singer to sing a crappy song to that meeting??? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2015/01/16/john-kerry-and-james-taylor-play-paris/
  17. For your sake I hope it is too
  18. Yeah La Vergne is real nice. Maybe some of the Yankees in MJ will move over to La Vergne because it's better. This rating is suspect because even Smyrnanians hate on La Vergne. Maybe native officials in the surrounding areas got together for a top secret planning meeting and said "what are we gonna do with this major influx of transplants?" Some dude in the back stood up and said "I got it!!! Let's manufacture info that states La Vergne is good and they'll all start to go there!"
  19. It's already broke, get to work lol.
  20. ^not at 10% off haha
  21. My take is he's a pu$$y if he can't be a police officer missing the end of one finger. My dad smashed his right middle finger off at the last joint and missed like 3 days of work because had had to make trips to the doctor. My neighbor is a mechanic and I think he has a total of 3 full length fingers from a farm equipment accident early in life. And his aren't the tips, they're at or past the knuckle. He can do anything he wants with his remaining nubs down to threading a needle if he pleases. Besides that always assume every gun is loaded.
  22. That fort is pretty cool. And the lighthouse
  23. I have a beard under my fleece mask Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Took this just this morning while hunting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. It's about as close to hiking I get haha


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