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Everything posted by JWC

  1. JWC

    Why vote early

    I made it. There wasn't a line at all. Actually my mom walked in right after me and we voted next to each other. I hope they clean that touch screen cause this seems to be highly contageous. When I was done the gave me a sticker that said "I Sharted" Unfortunately my wife didn't make it, she was throwing up too much. She was very disappointed but she was just in too bad of shape.
  2. JWC

    Why vote early

    I have considered it. I mean astronauts wear diapers. We're gonna vote, period. Even if we have to try to cut line somehow. I wish my mom was still a poll worker.
  3. I am kind of a traditionalist. If the founding fathers said vote today i'd prefer to vote today. But it seems my little boy came down with a stomach virus and I have it now. Was up all night. And my wife is getting sick in there right now. I am extremely ill but even if I have an accident in line I'n going to vote. I am not sure how we gonna do it cause we have a 1 week old baby too. It just sucks & wish i'd voted early this one time.
  4. I'll just write a letter and actually mail it if things is so bad I need that. If there ain't no mail I just won't worry 'bout contacting people.
  5. [quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1352138940' post='839437']Tennessee pulled his HCP saying he was a potential threat; so the FEDS gave him FFL. So much for the FEDS taking background checks seriously.[/quote] Fast and Furious
  6. JWC

    A$$ WIPE !!!

    Some dbag skank ran off the road in front of my house, into my driveway and totalled my mom's car in Sept. She was uninsured, had a printed copy of her license, and my neighbor's sister said she "had to be on something" although she passed field test. Mom was with us at my sister's and my neighbors weren't home, the loser actually would've left the scene had a guy that lives on the next street over not called my nextdoor neighbor's sister and her and her son got there fast. So anyway I was pissed when I got there and the girl's husband showed up and gave me their sad story and problems trying to make me feel sorry for them. I told him "buddy I don't care, you detroyed my mom's stuff and are just gonna go on like nothing happened. That don't sit well with me." Later I guess someone told him about my dad and he tried to say "He was sorry" to hear that. I told him "Sorry? You better be thankful, cause you're gd lucky my daddy ain't here cause he'd have probably pistol whipped your wife and he'd have shot you because of your irresponsiblity. You think I'm mad, this ain't nothin' " Which may have been conceivable, my dad lived with us and died earlier that week from cancer. So their problems were low on my mind. And although my mom and dad were divorced, my dad loved my mom and would've got wound up. he'd consider their disregard to other's (her) property a very poor choice in his terminal state. I was very mad, dad would've been very mad with nothing to lose. they knew the system and i assume had done this before. They knew to sell their car to a salvage yard that would pick it up and they can go on like nothing happened.
  7. All local game agencies deny black panthers and Twra denies any lions in the state. Where I come from that means fair game. But that buck got jacked up by something. My guess a fence or car
  8. Company policy says no guns at work. To be honest I feel a little screwed on it though. I work in the field. The office is secured and entry is restricted without a card. I have been in the office 4 times in the past 2 months, just to pick stuff up. I am bound by the same policy in a company vehicle. I jokingly tell my wife to find an ambulance chaser lawyer to try to sue the company if I get murdered while on company time when i could've been carrying and at least maybe had a chance. Outside of that I carry when I can.
  9. my wife talked to her sister that lives outside Seattle. She gets Canadian TV. She said it's been all over their news since it happened. Apparently Canadian media isn't as jacked up as ours and have reported the true and complete story all along. Now that's sad.
  10. 100% cormorant
  11. Awesome gun. To me the big drawback to short barrels on waterfowl guns is the barrels not getting far enough out of blinds/pits and ringing the crap out of you friend's ears if not extremely careful. I refused to send my dog on any more retrieves to a friend of a friend shootin' blackjacks 'cause he was repeatedly swinging over me and making me deaf with his turkey gun in a duck blind.... I prefer short as I can get for turkeys. Are the chokes Invector or Invector Plus? Mossberg 500 chokes and some Winchester chokes fit Invector saving you some bucks they do not fit Invector Plus though.
  12. I have one in horsehide. Same experience as above.
  13. The next paragraph pretty much negates the line against fighting back don't it? Or are we just supposed to hope that an assailant has regard for human life?
  14. You're right, I do need to practice. I have practiced pounding stuff with a hammer or a rock before. I figure I'll use the same kinda technique...backup, backup plan i guess.
  15. I carry chambered, no safety My reasoning is if a threat comes at me very close. From what i have considered/practiced I would attempt to hold them off or push them back with my left arm and draw with my right (or in extreme situation my left although it aint easy.) But one thing is for sure I can't conceive how i'd operate the slide with one hand and the other tied up in a fight. I wonder if i could draw at all. Fighting them off would be #1 and if i could get one step back it'd be ideal but if i could hold them off enough to draw to a weapon retention position just below my armpit close to my body i'd be ok (Oh yeah, it feels dangerous to shoot from here because its so close to your chest but to me it seems like a very realistic scenario in a bad situation, so i practice it. I think in a real fight there's a good chance you may shoot yourself in the left hand or forearm, but hey you're alive if you also neutralize the threat)
  16. I really like my 5.11 double duty. I wear it every day armed or not. I seem to like the plastic buckle and isn't any more bulky in that area than any other belt really. I should try the wilderness tactical out though.
  17. The only way I'd sell my wifes .38 LCR, that I love, is for a green .357 like that. I may have to find one for myself. The only time I ever get to carry it is when she's with me and lets me.


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