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Everything posted by JWC

  1. I've bought some of the Monarch Prvi Partizan .223 at Academy and I like it. It shoots really good outta my rifle. On a side note i refer to it as Perv Party. I still ain't gonna buy Remington Gold .22, that stuff sucks. I'd rather run out or pay high prices for something that works.
  2. If someone were to start a rumor that rodman is really a spy. They'd probably detain him.
  3. If you notice Mag Pul refers to 30rd PMags as Standard capacity. I saw it in their statement the other day.
  4. That's where the damn .22lr ammo is going.
  5. I feel guilty for shooting 1500+ rounds of .22lr through my 1911-22 and 10/22 in the last couple days. But that meant I only shot 200rds of 9mm, 200 rounds .223, 50rds of .25, and 20 .243. It was fun all the same. I still have supply at home. One things certain, if I lived down here in FL my stockpile would be a lot lower. Pretty sweet being able to walk out the door and shoot whenever i want. I had to drink extra Mountain Dews so I'd have cans to shoot.
  6. Told my wife we each need new Browning Citori's. Thanks for the advice Joe. you're a dildo.
  7. Wish she'd have seen my 2 year old with his little muffs and shooting glasses in my lap shooting my 10/22 with me today. Too many people got a real problem minding their own.
  8. Didn't want to but I bought 2 bricks of CCI standard velocity today for $49.95ea at a LGS down here in FL. I hated to but it is what it is. And the guy called it $100 even since i paid in green money. I ran 200 through my 1911-22 after i got home and may get my wife to buy another brick tomorrow when she goes to town. It's a beatch but still cheap to shoot at a dime a pop and i had fun so screw it.
  9. How bout you give me $500 and you keep your rifle and I keep mine?
  10. Doubt Maryville, TN is on their radar. They'll just target urbanites and then push their citified views on everyone else like always.
  11. Yesterday Academy had some stuff. 3 box limit total, 1 per caliber but I got a box of .223, a box of 5.56, and a little 50rd box of ,22 LR
  12. The idea sounds somewhat reasonable. but in the spirit of compromise they're always spoutin' off about I would only somewhat agree to the infringement if we got something good in return. like removal of suppressors from NFA and a Firearms Act of 2013 that states absolutely no new "gun control" legislation, fees, taxes, or orders related to firearms or ammo or components... forever. Be nice to not make as much racket and not fret about this crap again for the rest of mine or my kid's lifetimes.
  13. My son recently got the Cabelas Turkey hunting catalog. Amazingly he didn't shred it. I think because I showed him the decoys and taught him to point at them and say gobble gobble gobble, well really his sound is more like dog-o-dog-o-dog-o-dog-o-dog-o
  14. Maybe she should just turn the rifle around so the mag won't be backwards?
  15. I saw it when i went to get the .22. Added to cart By the time I got to the review your order it and the .22 was gone, dammit.
  16. No ammo in Franklin. But they had some gun boxes in a cart that they were I guess were thinking about putting out. One was an S&W M&P box. I guess a 15/22? Not sure though, she was rolling it back to the back.
  17. [quote name="Wyldk2" post="893293" timestamp="1358908261"]An to think some hunters say atvs run their deer off. I call BS on that one. Beings that place is open 24/7/365, the deer are used to it.  [/quote] I call bs on your calling bs, lol. Regardless of where it is or how often they see and hear them, I don't think deer or turkeys ever completely disregard atv's.
  18. I wear Redhead snake boots when I hunt at my wifes grandparent's place in FL. Wouldn't go out without them, killed 2 monstrous eastern diamondbacks on two different deer hunts. Up here I usually just wear Lacrosse Grange rubbers. They afford me silent walking and their flexibile plus I can cross creeks and stuff and also stay dry in heavy dew. I like tall boots when it's warm. I always figured that the rubbers pulled over your pants would still offer some protection. But I like having the snake boots too.
  19. [quote name="Citizen_B" post="896637" timestamp="1359219998"]Wal Mart in Franklin is now limiting to 3 boxes per customer as well. Unfortunately they only had about 5 boxes of odd calibers in the case as of yesterday. Hopefully the craziness will slow down soon.[/quote] Next time I go in any WM I'm gonna buy the 1-2 boxes of Remington 7mm Rem Mag 150gr core loks and 22 shorts just so the cases will be completely empty. Thats what i shoot in my 7 mag any way and a single shot 10/22 will save ammo.
  20. I bought 5 at a yard sale last year. What a score!!! I keep a lot of gas cans around.
  21. If I become a billionaire I gotta say screw Biden, I'm buying a F/A-18F Super hornet. 2 Seats-and I have a friend that can definitely fly it for me. Til then, screw Biden, I have an AR.
  22. [quote name="Wyldk2" post="895126" timestamp="1359073472"]I have a few boxes of .22 ammo when TG&Y was still in business. Some i inheirited from my uncle. Still shoots the same.   Just wish they were still $1.00 a box ( still have the pricestickers on them).[/quote] Homer was good about hanging onto stuff. I picked up a.243 from Uncle Larry and he threw in 12 boxes of ammo. And I'm not sure but i imagine he has a couple thousand .22. Kenneth too. You seen his yard? Hoardin' is in our blood, lol.
  23. Ha, no M1 Carbine. I guess it and the regular old Mini-14 weren't black and scary enough.
  24. [quote name="Garufa" post="894621" timestamp="1359040729"]There are ones in Lebanon and Murfreesboro as well.[/quote] and I swear the last couple things I ordered came so fast I think they got someone to pull the item then drive it right over to my house.


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