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Everything posted by JWC

  1. At least it ain't just me! The HF red I bought did the same exact thing and pissed me off 3 different times. I tried some Protec brand green pumpkin and gloss black i had for jigs and lures and it turned out good. Not sure wth is up with the HF red. The Protec jars aren't near as big but no more than it takes you can hit up the fishing section of Bass Pro and give it a shot.
  2. That's kind of broad with no reasons why... The guys in MJ have always been great to us. Even sent green and yellow flowers to my dads funeral. Personally I'd get them to let you run it, see if it's been in for any warranty work, and check it over good then buy it. You'll get a virtually new mower, with a good warranty, that someone else took the initial hit on. Maintain it right and it might be the last one you ever buy. Sounds like a good deal. I'm partial to Kawasaki's it's hard to beat em. Never really been a Kohler fan although I don't have a particular reason. i had 2 pretty new one's in last summer with the internals on the external. That's a rare occurance, I imagine. But even back when I mowed grass commercially I favored the Kawasaki. I honestly can't recall ever having a problem at all with one in 10 years. But we didn't run Kohlers and they might've been the same.
  3. I need some of those to try powder coated boolits in an M1 Carbine
  4. He sounded cool. I started to buy things to reload that I didn't need and then try to find a rifle later. Ha, I actually did buy some 45LC dies because I'm plan to buy a Blackhawk if I could sell a couple lawn mowers. They were a good price though.
  5. Yes it was. Didn't want to use his name. He really did have some nice things. His wife was extremely nice and she had so much stuff still to sell. I wish I could've used more. I didn't know him but wish I could've met him.
  6. Not by me but if you search Nashville craigslist for "reloading" there's a very nice lady in Franklin selling some of her late husband's things that were leftover from an estate sale. I just left there and bought a couple items ($150 dollars worth,lol) but she had several other things that I'm sure someone could use. I just couldn't use many of the things like the black powder cartridge stuff. She had a nice Redding turret press with multiple turrets (which I would love to have I just couldn't swing it) and several die sets, brass, ammo, boolits, molds, a couple things of powder,gun parts, holsters, etc.
  7. Everyone that can legally own one needs a gun. I say good for him. I hope he gets one, shoots it and enjoys shooting it and has some level of personal protection or a maybe even a new hobby. Hell I hope someone at the NRA saw this, contacts him and offers him a free gun and free training. I hope he then convinces them ho bags they should try it, they like it, feel safer, don't have to hide under the bed from strange noises and it goes public. There are a lot of whackos that watch this chit, believe it's real, and are influenced by what they say/do. It could be advantageous for our side. They think, wow the freakshows on tv i love so much have guns and aren't anti gun, maybe guns ain't so bad. As ludicrous as it is these people drive the beliefs of ignorant voters that repeatedly f us all in elections.
  8. if you buy them and jack em up you're gonna have to shoot them as is, toss em, or save em until you start casting. I don't think it's easy to get this stuff off after curing. I could probably shoot the black ones posted above but i wasn't 100% satisfied with my work so i just threw them in a pot of wheel weights waiting to be smelted. Nothing lost but time.
  9. First shot with Harbor Freight Matte black didn't look so great. Redid them with some Protec gloss black and they look better but it isn't even and have some spots where it stuck to screen. Some of it is prob b/c i just did over the matte black. Still working on it. Tumbling with my left hand as i type with my right.
  10. Thanks for posting!!! I'm gonna spend an hour or two of my Father's Day in the garage trying this.
  11. Hey that guy has a similar soundin' name as another feller I heard of.
  12. Keep muddy boots on floor mats. No sippy cups with milk in them for my kids. water only. dang cup gets left in my truck and then it stinks to high hell of rotten milk. That's about it i think but i make up rules as I go.
  13. My mold drops wheel weights at 127.5 also. I NEED to call you Gordon. I just didn't have time last week. I'm even more interested in pc/acetone tumble than the paint that was in the vid. I have powder and acetone sitting on a shelf already. Zero expense to me to try it.
  14. I paid $50/500 cci .22lr. It sucked when I was paying but i wanted to shoot, i had no real options to find any elsewhere because of my rural location at the time. I shot it all and it felt good though. But I doubt pay over $30/500 again. I started casting and reloading. with all the crap i buy I'd say I'll pay about $500 per 100 .38, .357, .223, 9mm, .243, .284, or 7mm rem mag. Haha
  15. Haha. It'd be two steps above frying bacon nekked on the excitement meter.
  16. I wasn't wearing any pants. Lol
  17. I just stood there for a minute wondering if there was a lot on my face and I just couldn't feel it yet. I dislike the face shield but I'll be honest it isn't as uncomfortable anymore lol.
  18. Yesterday I wore these when casting: The tinsel fairy swung by the house and now I'm back to using a full face shield again. Only reason I haven't is because my old shield has a crack in it and is kinda scratched up I just keep forgetting to get one. Gonna swing by the ol China freight store and use a 20% off coupon on a new one this evening. Still not sure wtf I put in the pot. I was scooping up sprues off the work bench, dropped em in and POP. No sizzle just a pop. Wasn't water, there wasn't any anywhere nearby. Best I can come up with is it may have been a primer. Small burn on my forehead is all, welding glove blocked most of it. After a 2 minute time out I, shakingly, got right back on the horse and cast some more boolits on my new Lee 358-125-RF. I like these boolits, they look good. Took me a while to get em pouring right but the good ones look good. Be careful.
  19. JWC

    Last Saturday...

    It's funny that in the snooping thread someone said next they'll be collecting dna. With the recent things brought to light I have no reason to believe they don't collect dna when babies are born now. And it's too much to require id's to vote...
  20. Last Saturday we just joked that "our" gubment probably kept track of our phone records/internet searches/postings/financial records/pretty much everything we do. Hmm.
  21. Cause Sprint coverage sucks in muslim countries? and also in this county...
  22. I watch all them PBS docs. You see the one a couple weeks ago about the Ghost Army. It was pretty cool? Both my grandfathers were WWII vets. My wife's great uncle was something. WWII, Korea, & Vietnam vet. Was in the Marine Corps and the Army.
  23. I almost bought a Henry .22 a while back when I saw one in a Wal Mart. If I see another I'm probably going to. I've wanted a lever .22 for a while.
  24. Life members don't get swag. Only people that sign up yearly. I got a duffle bag and a RPG as a renewal gift. My wife (life member) got nothing. Haha


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