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Everything posted by JWC

  1. They will probably spin it thas he was just upset over all the Confederate Battle flag stuff
  2. News channel 5 alert says Mohammed youseff something the other
  3. domestics ass this is straight up terrorism
  4. Hot Damn was cheap too and tasted the same as Fireball lol
  5. Hedge apples or walnuts...I'm cheap
  6. I switched to full site and see you're in wilson county so I assume so. Thinking about it idk why I even asked because the only comment I have is my best friends mom goes there. Don't really know anything other than if it wasn't nice she wouldn't go there haha
  7. In Mt. Juliet?
  8. I believe that's the Fastrak I mentioned. The last one I worked on had serviceable hydraulics. They are also available with up to a 60" deck. some "residential" models don't go to 5'. Honestly I didn't see the shortcuts on it to separate it from a commercial model. That's why I said they were more well built than other homeowner or residential ztr's I've been around. Don't know about the Raptor though.
  9. Times have changed. Why don't 18yo girls have to register now?
  10. I like Hustler's Fastrak residential model. They're well built. IMO better than others residential models. And they come with Kawasaki engines. I've ran a lot of Exmark commercial mowers and they've always been pretty great. Hard to beat them.
  11. Pshh that's extremely mild compared to what I really think about him
  12. Pot of sh!t at the end of that rainbow
  13. Well that Escaladed quickly
  14. You got the joke all wrong. It's: Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella? Fo drizzle There, it makes more sense
  15. I'm still expecting to find money somewhere in my house that my dad squirreled away.
  16. Good luck to all. I'm out this weekend. Going camping with the family. But I ain't going far I may swing back to the house and grab my gun and vest and go to a small property I can hunt near the campground on Sunday mornin'. who knows.
  17. Get the neighbors on board and no one will squeal. don't let the gubment push you around. 'Specially a pseudo govt like LaVergne
  18. ^lmao I found a tiny pearl in an oyster one time back when I was like 11 or 12 . Which makes me think who feeds a kid raw oysters? And what kind of kid eats raw oysters?
  19. I live in a neighborhood. My neighbor asked me to get chickens. She passed away last summer though.
  20. I'm getting half a dozen a day average from my 7. My kids like the hens and the eggs add up. Good thing they did cause I just said a month back if all them beetches don't start laying again we gonna eat chicken n dumplins.
  21. You oughta fish Mill Creek through town for smallies. You might get your arm broke. We just waded it when I fished it. Wear waders it's one of the most polluted waterways in TN.
  22. It a pencil or a piece of cane.
  23. JWC

    Gun Safe Moved!

    Mines in a tool closet in my garage. I drove it in with a bobcat, unbolted it from the pallet which was even with the small step up into the room. Then slid it 4' on the concrete to its new home. It couldn't have been easier. That was after my neighbor drove the bobcat down the road to TSC and picked it up off the loading dock and drove it back to my house....I highly recommend getting a nextdoor neighbor with a bobcat :)
  24. #tatertots #pizza #corn #chocolate milk
  25. How in the hell did they get the votes to pass the no receiving part of the oral sex law???


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