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Everything posted by JWC

  1. I love pad thai.
  2. I give it one week before it's brought up.
  3. I think the difference is they would do more informant and undercover ops and parade marching in front of cameras showing examples of how they "got illegal guns off the streets." While it seems "they" hardly give a damn, are afraid to, or don't see any positive reason to possibly disenfranchise their potential supporting voter's if they make a wide scale assualt into their neighborhoods to disarm gang bangers. So as gang bangers kill gang bangers with just normal investigations after the fact, ordinary law abiding citizens become a safer target to go after with (the way elections have been going) less political consequences. JMO.
  4. I do... And if we aren't prepared for what happens if anything at all happens with ebt cards, we'll starve and/or have to be prepared to defend ourselves. The collapse of welfare/food stamps etc. is right up there at the top of my concerns as far as SHTF goes. Sheet will go down hill fast.
  5. What do you do with the sweet tater slices?
  6. When I dry whole peppers I just pull the whole plant up right before frost and hang it by the roots in my garage until they're dried. 24 hrs in a dehydrator seems like a long time. I believe in my dehydrator they'd be dry by now.
  7. The "National Park and monument shutdown" was unnecessary. The republicans in the house don't need to defund anything. they can delay obamacare indefinitely if most of them just try to log on to the website at the same time over and over. Lol
  8. Not sure bout the generator side but I bought a Predator Chinese Honda clone engine for a tiller i had and for a $100 engine it runs awesome. Easy to start, quiet and smooth running. dropped it off at my uncle's and he ran it a while and liked it so much he went and bought one for his log splitter. i'm absolutely not a china anything fan in the least bit and avoid them normally. they're briggs clones all suck ass. They seem to be good at knocking off Hondas and i can pretty much buy 4 of these for the price of 1 Honda. Biggest thing was it was cheaper than replacing the parts missing (from where I assume someone dropped the tiller off a truck) on the Briggs that was on it.
  9. My mom said it was good night before last. I'll try to catch it tonight. Got a friend going on a 6 month vacation to the ISS next year. It's always cool to me to look i'm always amazed to think I know someone who's been there. Not sure how the national park and monument shutdown really affects astronauts. Their T-38's have been grounded for a while. But i asked my sister the other day how it affects them and he's still training... and still practicing Russian too I guess.
  10. Man I went up to my hunting lease a couple weeks ago and I came out of the woods pretty much wrapped up in spider webs even with a forked limb stuck in the rack to accomplish the same effect as a briar buster.. I actually got some in my eyes at one point, that was jacked up. Must be a good year for spiders.
  11. According to wikipedia his mother was a Hungarian Jew. Ironic...
  12. I use a 1/4 adjustable clevis pin for front spring/detent it works awesome. $2 a TSC if you don't have one laying around like I did. Works like "special" tool made for the job. http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/countylinereg%3B-adjustable-clevis-pin-1-4-in-s175003tsc-pack-of-2
  13. JWC

    Question on Coolers

    They're pretty cool.
  14. JWC

    Question on Coolers

    A buddy of mine paid more for his cooler than I did for my four wheeler. Really. Lol.
  15. I figure on the TVA power or the interstate highway system to be closed next. I told my wife if they don't open these war memorials something bad's gonna happen. It's total horse sh!t. they're fortunate WWII vets are elderly. But Vietnam vets are not nearly as old and have been disrespected since they were there. closing these memorials may be the breaking point.
  16. I've heard they closed most of the bormally unmanned boat ramps on Big Sandy/Kentucky Lake. Where's Lamar? Who's standing up for our right to fish?
  17. Should edit 3rd paragraph, first sentence, to read: "...you and your colleagues..."
  18. Not sure if you facebook but some guy posted an Inland on The Tennessee Gun Trader page for $700 a couple days ago. From the pic it looks to be in good shape.
  19. I love quail! best bird there is to eat imo. I too have wondered how old store eggs are. I've heard eggs will stay good for 6 months or more refrigerated if you don't wash them. We've been wanting chickens but there's a farm like a mile away that sells them and we've been getting them there. They have 500+ chickens. Lady that lives there said they started out and grew to that much demand over time. Heck everyone in my family buys from them now. Convenient too, just pull up to the house and the eggs are in cartons in a fridge in the garage with a bucket to leave money and a bucket with change if you need it. Wife went today and picked up 3 dozen. My kids eat a lot of eggs. I don't really like em.
  20. My email is non-essential to me, surely no one's reading it.
  21. I shot one once searched for an hour didn't find any blood or hair or nothing on my arrow. Climbed back in my stand sat for another hour or two. Thought I had clean miss. Got down looked around a little more and decided i for sure missed somehow even though it looked and sounded good. thought I was losing it and headed for the truck. Walked 100 yds across a hay field and he was laying dead right out in the middle where I was walking. No blood no nothin anywhere. But it was a good shot. It was strange. Sometimes it is strange. On a side note, same day when i got back to my truck there were 5-6 longbeards standing right in front if it. I dropped back down, nocked an arrow, drew and rose up. Picked one, shot him a hair below the base of his wings sweet spot. Last time i saw him he was flying toward the next county with my arrow sticking out of him. It was a jacked up day.
  22. I'll give you one thing, if you can sit all day when it's warm like yesterday you're the damn man! This time of year there ain't no way I could do it. That's Ironman shit!
  23. With some seriousness aside.. Does anyone else think like: "hmmm gubment shutdown, a day or two they won't be focused on screwin' us with something else. I hope they work something out short term and then they have to argue over this crap for a year or two. Keeps em from making new infringing laws."
  24. If your county has a fall gun hunt (Oct. 12-25) then you can shoot em during archery only. Least that's how this reads http://tn.gov/twra/turkeymain.html Sucks to lose em. Been there, done that. Most bowhunters have. I like both broadheads. Over time I've shot fixed and expandables. I liked the expandables I shot a lot they made massive holes and worked as good as any fixed blade I ever shot. IMO modern expandables are as good as modern fixed blades. I think when they hit the scene the first run of expandables gave them a bad rep cause some of them did suck balls. But... now I shoot fixed blades, I'm shooting a xbow they give me the performance i want. I really only went to the to expandables on my bow because they flew so good. If I had to choose I'd pick fixed cause they seem to hold up better as far as being able to shoot them through more than one deer. But as to punching holes in stuff I say (IMO) they're virtually equal. Easy to second guess when you lose one though.


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