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Everything posted by JWC

  1. Looks like an indian sex stone to me
  2. My dad had pancreatic cancer. TrickyNicky said it pretty well about dad's being sick. Dad called the chemo they ran through him "alligator piss." It really zapped him. He also had a Whipple surgery. Pancreatic cancer is very scary when you start reading about it. But they say a very small percentage are even elgible for surgery so that is optimistic that your father is. It's a tough fight. Prayers to ya'll.
  3. I have a compression tester you can borrow. I'm in Mt. Juliet and work in Franklin.
  4. I got 11 more days 'til I'm headed South for a week to put the beat down on some FL bass!
  5. He need to take his own advice an git out da way... So I can get a mo better view of his ho dancin'! :)
  6. I sighted my rifle in today, kinda, if that counts. Lol
  7. Every time I here "wild game tastes different" it reminds me of a good friend of mine who took his family to eat supper at a guy he works with's house. His daughter was about 10 at the time. Afterward she said "Dad that spaghetti tasted funny." He said "Yeah I bet it did, cause it was ground beef and you ain't ever ate ground beef." Lol
  8. When I was like 7 my coach threw a ball and broke my nose. I wonder what the statute of limitations on that is? Ha I still mess with him about it whenever I see him. Nowadays he'd have got sued I guess.
  9. You reckon that was the pin you were looking for? I saw a .50 cal gun barrel prop cnr once. Call said IP but it was damn sure a barrel. I wanted to dig it up and see the other end but crew chief wouldn't let me.
  10. Deer hunting is over for this season. Unless of course by "this year" you mean fall of this year. Ask him to take you turkey hunting :) and buy a license.
  11. Be crazy if he's only at Bama a week or two then goes to Vanderbilt. I'm a Tide fan but I don't really like him. However he'd be a good head coach for Vandy. Even if he is a cancer they won't get anyone better, unfortunately. The best they can hope for is another no name guy that works out. They're about 1 for 10 on that since I can remember. And if the guy they pick up does ok he'll be gone to another better job in a year or two anyway. Might as well have someone there for a year that has won a couple of games and coached at a high level. David Williams needs to be calling Kiffin tomorrow. I would have to assume he has a contract where he can leave for a head coaching job. He's not a terrible choice as an OC. Saban's status will keep him from having too much power to screw up much. Hell he may want to be an OC. He's touted as an offensive minded guy. Maybe he'll be great not having to mess with the other parts of a team.
  12. Phil had a beard in "The Duckmen of Louisiana" That tape came out 'bout 25 years or so back. It was the best one they made. Not sure you can even get it on DVD. I never loved their calls. I didn't like the raspiness. I always preferred Haydel's. Just like I never really loved Mossberg's so I doubt I'll buy one. Phil shot a Browning A5 16 ga in the previously mentioned video too.
  13. Crazy how most of them just keep walking like nothing happened.
  14. My wife's aunt lives outside of Miami and 2 years ago she came up to the panhandle for Thanksgiving and my wife had to take her a jacket because she didn't even own one.
  15. Yeah and since I posted I remembered I also have: fire extinguisher 12V compressor Bottle jack 12v Electric fillet knife turkey decoy Milwaukee M12 cordless grease gun Coffee can full of nails and screws 2 or 3 rolls of flagging a can of Seafoam I have a tool box. None of my stuff is really for surviving. Most I just put in there to do something one time and it never made it out. But now it's there and I leave it in case I need it again.
  16. My Grandaddy would've raised hell if you shot one with a .22. We eat the brains 'round here.
  17. In my tool box I have: Chainsaw Brush axe (some people call it a kaiser blade some call it a slingblade, some call it a brush axe) Chain Ratchet Straps Tool box Jumper Cables Wool Blanket Box cutter Duct tape, Electrical tape Tie wire Bolt cutters (some dumbass locked the 2nd lock onto the chain instead of the other lock at my hunting property one time) Extra treestand harness Oil Rubber boots Come A Long Targets and a stapler Rope Couple of square yard sticks. (Not sure how they ended up in there but we use em for kindling and for staking pepper plants and marking rows in the garden. I figure they don't hurt much in there) And random other crap i've thrown in there over time. Usually take the saw out in the summer because I don't really go places where I'll need it.
  18. I've thought about engraving mine with a Dremel to say: Property of US DEA Tampering with Evidence is a Federal Offense Other Cameras in Area
  19. Ha! I went to TSC and Walmart looking for some. Nada. Came home searched the garage and shed again for the foam doodads, I know we had some. Gave up. cut 2 pieces of heavy vinyl sign stuff we use as tarps and 2 pieces of tie wire and put one on the back spigot. Went out front put that one on. Walked to back garage door, opened file cabinet we keep solvents n stuff in outside the door. remembered where the foam things were (well one of them anyway) Walked back out front and put the dang thing on.
  20. Hanging in my tree. It's windy.
  21. It's definitely not perfect but I have pretty much all I need. I wish I had room to leave stuff set up. But I have to put my table and grinder and stuff up because it gets in the way. Well good luck and seriously you can text me at 615-423-7460. I honestly don't mind. With 3 (or 2.5) of us we could knock one, or a couple, out in no time.
  22. Every one in that big ol pile of rabbits was plain ol cottontails. I like to hunt them cane cutters too though. Funnest thing about the trip we killed so many was on the first day on the way back to the housethat afternoon. My buddy's cousin called his wife and told her to get everyone together. All their neighbors and family all around got stuff together and came immediately. So we had an impromptu party almost like a family reunion. I eat so much red beans and rice I thought I was gonna have to go go the hospital and have my stomach pumped. :)
  23. rugerla1 it's kinda late in the game but I live right over in MJ and have a grinder and all that stuff and space to do it. if you bring them we can butcher them in my garage. I'd be glad to help. If it's as cold as they say this weekend I'll even fire up a Redi-heater. I just hate for you to have to restrict the number you want to shoot just because of the cost of processing.
  24. IDK. I've hunted the Mississippi Delta some. One trip we killed over 150 rabbits in 3 days. The biggest difference is the rabbits hold tight in the ditches and cover they have and they won't jump til the dogs are right on em and they don't like to run out into the open. They got coyotes all over the place down there and I haven't been convinced the coyote has destroyed small game hunting.


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