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Everything posted by JWC

  1. JWC


    I don't think the devil would do it.
  2. JWC

    Garden time!

    Gonna plant my early stuff next weekend. I like to plant the week of my birthday (9th) seems to always work out pretty well. I do have a row of garlic up there in the garden somewhere. Guess I'll figure it out when it comes up. I have 4 big bunches of sweet onions I ordered waiting in the garage to be planted. And one day I cleared all the henbit and stuff out of the bed I like to plant my lettuce in.
  3. Will anything change?
  4. Fizzerine
  5. I have half a 16" one. All I need Is a gas block, gas tube, and some sorta hand guard. Well I guess all I have is an upper receiver and a barrel so half is questionable.
  6. I have half of one too. All I need Is a gas block, gas tube, and some sorta hand guard
  7. It'll be 70 right up until the day before then go to 35 I'm sure, lol
  8. I'll be there. We fish it every year. Won it in 2011. Great, well run, tournament.
  9. Worst hit man ever. Who chooses a Walmart parking lot? They have cameras all over, and people 24-7. I would also think Walmarts in M'boro could possibly have better camera views. There was a lady that supposedly disappeared from a WM parking lot a few years ago in the Boro (wasn't the same one) and all they had was parking lot surveilience video. They could have maybe stepped up after that. What a dumb ass. Enjoy shower time bitch.
  10. JWC

    Anyone here dips?

    After I posted earlier I started doing some work here at the house and all afternoon/evening I been singing that "I'm Pretty Good At Drinking Beer" song. Seemed to fit.
  11. I saw that too. Should just put them side by side and race and say everyone has to do back flips on the jumps. 1st to bottom wins. Did i mention I hate judges?
  12. Seen it. Good program
  13. If it was more shooting and less skiing we'd probably be better. I like the skiing events, hockey, and ice skating races... oh and curling. I think anything with judges is rigged. I like events with clear, non-subjective winners. Even though the snowboarding is pretty cool. Overall I like the winter games.
  14. I'm glad new Cabelas is in Bristol, VA and not TN so we won't have to pay sales tax plus their high shipping on online orders. Hell a store in Bristol, TN might as well been in another state anyway as it's 500 miles from the rest of TN.
  15. JWC

    Anyone here dips?

    Copenhagen Original Long Cut. I used regular Cope and switched to Long Cut when it came out. It pretty much controls my life. I've never been successful at anything in life so doubt I'll ever quit. I think the only way I could is by taking some kind of drug. But then I'd just be controlled by the drug. I've also been with a lot of women. Lol
  16. You only have to run faster than Dave
  17. JWC

    10/22 Package

    Well yeah, it does that now but it didn't really blow my mind in usefulness is what I was trying to say.
  18. JWC

    10/22 Package

    Funny you mention that OS. I modded my bolt release just to do it and I don't know why. I never saw a difference cause I used it right before. I just never realized.
  19. Those are nice. That's my wife's grandma's carry gun. I like the idea of a nice gun stamped "Gallatin, TN" My family has a very, very long history in Gallatin and Sumner County.
  20. The biggest proble TN has is that we don't have more of them and a nice liberal year-round, day or night season to shoot them. JMHO. But hey I like to eat pork and don't really like buying meat at the store. Don't really trust where it came from, how it was produced, or handled. If I could harvest pork the only thing left to buy is chicken and would probably go to buying local grown because I'd have more money to put toward it. Hell i think we oughta work towards getting a population of feral chickens too!
  21. Mine wasn't recalled. Oh well. Wanted to double my money. On another note I hope they issue a recall for accidentally dropping extra powder in the Winchester Western bricks I have. Then maybe they'll function better than the last one I half-assed shot. Gonna have to dedicate them to the revolver I guess.
  22. I've got a couple downstairs i'll check. If recalled they need to send me some more before they send out the Brown truck. Don't they know this stuff is impossible to get. I don't want no refund or voucher. Heck if that's the resolution I'll just sell it if and double my money. :) lol
  23. I pondered hogs today. I don't really see what the State has against them. Best I could come up with: crop damage They still grow crops in all the states where there are really large hog populations. Deer, turkeys, and even non-game species still thrive. Only difference I see is folks there get to hunt something year round if they want. To me the added hunting opportunity outweighs any negative. I'd like for em to be on a property I hunt. Be a nice addition to my $150 per year resident sportsman license. And outlaw or not if I ever see one while hunting in Tn I'm gonna shoot it and sneak the meat home :) I dearly hope their stupid experiment fails miserably. Technically they can still be hunted if a property owner gets an exemption. I understand the idea is it will keep them from being stocked or spreading but who really gives a damn if they spread? Who wouldn't want another huntable species statewide?
  24. I used to shoot fish a lot. We had a boat all rigged up and we shot a couple tournaments here and there. We all shot recurves instinctively. It's the only way to go bowfishing. But I don't think it ever helped my shooting though because of the aiming low thing. I had a PSE Coyote for dry land shooting and shot it a little bit for fun but never felt confident enough to ethically hunt with it. When it came to hunting i got back on the compound training wheels. Still I look at it like with guns, no matter what you're shooting, you're shooting and you get better all around.
  25. Acetone for cleaning stickers off, tumbler for powder coating👍


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