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Everything posted by mav

  1. Fantastic. Thanks for sharing. I had never heard of him either. I am amazed at how some kids can pick things up so quickly and make it look so easy. I remember several years back I saw a video of a young girl playing Joe Satriani's Surfing With The Alien. I felt like total crap that she made it look it easy, and it had taken me years to build up the ability to play it.
  2. You certainly won't get any argument from me. I couldn't stand Bush even though I voted for him twice. The sad thing about the upcoming prez. election is when you mention a conservative such as Palin or Paul, everybody starts crying that they can't be elected, and it will guarantee an Obama victory. So far I only like three potential candidates, Palin, Paul, and Cain. I think Romney will be similar to Bush. I can't stand Huckabee mainly because I think he is nothing more than a RINO who wraps himself in the cloth to get some cred with the social conservatives. I am not sure about Trump or Pawlenty. Gingrich used to be good, but he has become too much of a beltway-type politician.
  3. I always knew y'all were good for something.
  4. Yes and no. Yes, the Tea Party primarily came about due to the fiscal irresponsiblity of those in Washington. However, the Tea Party comprises of a lot of social conservatives as well. I don't really consider the republicans push to defund PP and NPR as pushing an "ideological button" or pandering to "old school" supporters. It is pandering to their base, which consists of conservatives and tea partiers. If you asked the people within both of those camps if they agreed with the republicans push to defund those organizations, I believe you would find overwhelming support. I know I don't want my tax dollars paying for abortions or funding some left wing propaganda outlet. As I stated earlier, there is only so much we (conservatives and libertarians) can do with control of only 1/3 of the federal government. To think that we will be able to balance a budget much less create a budget surplus with hardcore socialists in control of the remaining 2/3 is wishful thinking. What I was suggesting is that we make an honest assessment of our current situation, and with that realization we fight for what we can get. Are we going to be able to get everything we want? Of course not. However, we will be able to make some gains, albeit small ones, towards the right direction. If we can bring the same energy and passion into 2012 that we saw in 2008, then we will be able to regain control. Only then will we be able to see some serious cuts and a weakening of the behemoth. If we throw our hands up in frustration and make claims like that both parties are the same or that we have to get rid of all the bastards, we will lose in 2012. This happened in the 2006 elections. So many people were ticked, and rightly so, at the republican party for their reckless spending. What was their solution? They said they were going to teach the party by not voting. Look what that got us. Fortunately, the voters who abstained from voting in 2006 came to their senses in 2010 and started primarying crappy incumbents and voted an almost record number of democrats out of office. If we can vote in more people like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jim Demint, etc... and get rid of people like Lindsay Graham, Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, etc... we will finally be able to do something meaningful in changing the direction of this country. During the primaries, I will always vote for the more conservative candidate. If they lose the primary, and I am left with the option of voting for two evils, I will vote for the lesser of the two. If given no other realistic option, I would much rather have someone who is going to bankrupt the country over a period of 20 years versus someone who will do it in 5. Hopefully I want have to make those kind of choices in 2012.
  5. Take some lessons and practice.
  6. Never mind. Answered my own question. I took the mag apart and the spring is rather compressed in comparison to a new one.
  7. Hey folks. I just got back from the range and my Nighthawk Talon FLX was having problems locking back on an empty mag. I noticed this every now and then over the last week. Now, it won't lock back at all. I went home and tried a new mag and didn't have any problems. Is this something as simple as changing out the spring on the mag? I have approximately 1500 - 2000 rounds through this one mag. Thanks.
  8. Just curious, why would you post your intent to violate a law even though it is hypothetical? Just doesn't seem all that smart.
  9. Pretty impressive. I wish I knew how to make knives.
  10. Ya know, I really don't understand why a lot of people are so upset over the deal that was brokered. Yes, the cut of 30 plus billion is peanuts when compared to the size of the budget. Heck, the 60 plus billion the republicans originally wanted was peanuts. Do you honestly think that if republicans would have dug in their heels and refused to compromise and allowed the government to shutdown that democrats would have seen the light and caved in to the republican's demands? If so, please tell me tell how nice it living in Fantasyland. Do you not remember the hubris of the socialist party (dems) when they were passing the energy bills and Obamacare? The vast majority of americans did not want it and screamed at their representatives to vote against it. Not only did they pass such abhorent legislation, they rubbed it in our faces. Remember the video of Pelosi walking down the street with the huge gavel? There is no way in hell that the socialist party is going to lose their spine just because the republican party forced a shutdown. If the republicans had of forced a shutdown at this point, what would we have gained? Not much. This was just one battle in what is going to be a long war. Did we gain much from the first battle? No, but we did move in the right direction a few inches. The next and more important confrontation will be the FY 2012 budget, which should be voted on by September. The Ryan plan won't fix all of our problems, and we will still be incurring debt under the proposal, which Ryan honestly admits. However, it is a good start towards getting our fiscal house in order. One thing I would like to mention here is that so many people are pissing and moaning about how the republicans and democrats are the same. Yes, some of them are and they need to be dealt with, but we also have some that are really good and they understand the gravity of our fiscal situation. The republican controlled house did pass a repeal on Obamacare this year. Yes, I know a lot of it was political posturing, but they still passed it. Under the Ryan plan, Obamacare is defunded, which says to me that the republicans are serious about fixing some of the problems the democrats have given us over the last 4 years. I guess what I am trying to say is don't give up. That type of attitude is what gave us Pelosi and Reid in the first place. If you want things to move at a faster place, which is what we all want, then we will have to regain the senate and vote Prez. Candyass out of office. Until then, we can continue to fight and gain a little ground here and there, but don't expect monumental change with control of only 1/3 of the federal government. I will take any step in the right direction at this point. One other thing, our current fiscal situation was not brought about by a few years of reckless spending, but by decades of it. It is going to take more than a mere four months to fix this mess. The Tea Party brought about an almost record breaking victory in 2008. If it can happen again in 2012, then I expect to see some enormous changes.
  11. Just got back from the show. I was stunned at the number of empty booths at this show. Perhaps the recent shooting has detered many people and vendors from attending this show. I did not see any people outside trying to sell or trade their guns. I bet there was only a hundred people at the show when I went around 12. I could be wrong, but this show might be dying. I remember a couple of years ago you couldn't find a place to park at this show. Now, parking is not a problem, and it seems each successive show is weaker than the previous show. It is very unfortunate.
  12. Well... It is that time again. Another gun show at the Alhambra Shrine. Anyone planning on going? I know I have b*tched everytime I go and have vowed to not go again. However, I will probably end up going anyway sometime Saturday. At least the money goes to a good cause.
  13. To my understanding the governor of Hawaii made it his top priority to produce Obama's birth certificate to combat the birthers. I haven't heard any news that he was able locate it. What I don't understand is why there has been such an impassioned defense in this thread regarding Obama's birthplace. I know it was stated that "birthers" make conservatives look like "****ing idiots". I don't think that is the case at all. I have no idea where Obama was born. I am skeptical that he is a natural born citizen based upon his behavior, such as spending millions of dollars fighting lawsuits on the matter. Even though I have my doubts on his eligilbity status, I do not scour the internet daily in hopes of finding some tidbit of information that either confirms or erases my doubt. That said, I do not have a problem with people digging into this issue, nor do I have a problem being associated with them just because they happen to be conservative. I would much rather have a "birther" on my side who is a strict conservative constitutionalist versus some liberal country club republican. Keep in mind that the democrats are not solely to blame for the mess we are in. A lot of moderate republicans (RINOs) have been voting right along with them over the last several decades. Personally, I think RINOs have made conservative republicans look more like "****ing idiots" than birthers just because both the conservative and moderate/liberal are linked by a ® after their name.
  14. I don't believe that. We ran with the epitome of moderate Republican in 2008 in John McCain. During that election cycle everyone was saying that we had to go with a moderate like McCain if we wanted to win. Well... Guess that didn't work out so well, did it? If Palin hadn't have been on his ticket, Obama would have beat the pants off him. If we do not have a conservative firebrand running in 2012 that people can get excited about, then I don't think we stand a chance at winning unless the economy and everything else turns for the worse.
  15. +1 I am not a birther either, however, I am skeptical in regards to whether he was born in the US. I don't know why so many have a problem with people investigating the matter. It doesn't bother me in the least. If Trump wants to use his money and investigate the issue then more power to him. I don't really trust Trump, but I do find it refreshing that he will speak his mind and not b.s. around a question. I would vote for him over Romney or Huckabee. I would almost consider voting for Obama if Obama was running against Huckabee. That is how much I dislike the man.
  16. Its too bad the man couldn't respond to Obama's retort with something like, "Trade in my gas guzzler? That is a fair enough request. Ya know, most of us don't really like all of the spending in Washington. Perhaps we should trade in our president."
  17. Just a note for those of you getting the Volquartsen accurizing kit, the pretravel screw can come out when you fire a couple of hundred rounds through the gun. I used a small amount of Loctite on the screw and it works perfectly.
  18. Yeah. I usually stop by after work around 6 - 6:30. I was incredibly ticked tonight after shooting. It was the closest I have came to hitting a perfect score on one of the exercises I do. I put the target at the end of the range and shoot 200 rounds in the x-ring or 10 ring. Anything in the 9-ring is a missed shot. A perfect score is everything in the x or 10 ring. On the third to last mag I got wild and put 2 shots in the 9 ring. I was totally frustrated. 85% of my shots stay in the x-ring. When I get good (if I ever get there), I will be able to keep all of them in the x-ring.
  19. Very nice. I just got back a few minutes ago from Shooter's putting some more range time on my Mark III. They are great guns.
  20. I understand all of that. Glen Beck states that we, the american people, needed to be slapped around so to speak from the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Obama, etc... in order to wake up and have our Howard Beale moment where we scream, "We are mad as hell, and we are aren't gonna take it anymore." Well..... I don't know if I can accept Glen's premise. Yes, the Republicans pretty much sucked over the last decade. They were slowly spending us to the poor house. However, the democrats went into hyperspace with the spending the last couple of years. Although it is harder, I would much rather work in trying to remove a politician from office that is slowly spending too much of our money instead of a politician that is spending like there is no tomorrow. The damage the latter creates is incredibly difficult to fix and can take years unless you get complete control of the government.
  21. I don't understand why so many claim that the Republican Party is the same as the Democratic Party. Yes, unfortunately they do have quite a few similarities, but they are not the same. Once the primaries battles (which is the time to nominate the most conservative candidate) are over, I will disregard my principles if I have to and vote for a moderate Republican over a Democrat. If a strong conservative independent is running and stands a good chance at winning, then I will vote for the independent. Otherwise, I will be voting for the Republican. I remember in 2006 when so many people stayed at home in protest over the Republicans losing their way. What did we get in return? Pelosi. Thanks. How long is it going to take to fix all of the bulls**t that was implemented over the last two years?
  22. The liberals and socialists (statists) are not as stupid as you think. Well, some are, but we won't worry about those since they are nothing more than useful idiots to statist politicians. The statists that do have a grasp on reality understand that the "tax the rich" mantra will not work towards eliminating the debt. That is not their intent. Their goal is to have everyone subservient to the state (federal government). They will take from the upper-middle and middle income earners and give to the poor realizing that the poor will remain as such guaranteeing the political class a loyal voting bloc. Once everyone, outside of the ultra-rich and the political class, receives their sustenance from the state, that is when the cuts and rationing comes. If the entire society outside of the aforementioned classes is essentially working for the state, and the state has pretty much removed all competition in the form of free market capitalism, the only place its citizens can turn to is the state. They can go hat in hand to some state apparatchik and ask, "Please sir, can I have some more?". You underestimate your enemy if you think they are stupid, and yes, they are an enemy. They are every bit as dangerous as some middle-eastern terrorist. It is unfortunate that so many in our society are either too stupid or too self absorbed to realize what has been happening in this country. Hopefully the awakening of some in society, as evidenced in the last election and the formation of the Tea Party, will remain vigilant and continue to vote these statist bastards out of office.
  23. Nice. I would be interested in reading a range report when you get out to shoot it. How do those compare price-wise to the Kimber Ultra (3") series? Are you gonna stay with stock mags?
  24. NYC isn't all that bad. It is crowded, dirty, and it sucks driving around downtown during rush hour, but other than that, it is okay. Whenever I go, I stay out on LI, which is pretty much like here, and take the train into Manhatten. I never take the bus. I always use the subway or a taxi (which is an experience itself). If you have never been, I would go. It is worth seeign once. As far as beggars go, I have never had a problem with them asking me for money. That could be because I blend in well because everytime I go I usually get asked on numerous occasions how to get to such and such.
  25. Hell yes it will slit more throats than an Eskabar. A $150 more worth of throats. In all seriousness, price really wasn't an issue with me on this knife. I like CR knives and I wanted this particular model, so I bought it. Is the knife worth the extra money? To most people, probably not. To me, yes.


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