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Everything posted by mav

  1. Ron Paul to propose $1T in specific budget cuts - Dan Hirschhorn - POLITICO.com It appears that candidate Ron Paul is about to introduce his own plan to solve part of the financial mess government has created. Congressman Paul is proposing $1 trillion in spending cuts his first year in office. This will include the elimination of 5 cabinet agencies, reducing taxes, and the symbolic cutting of the president's salary. This is what needs to be done. No gimmicks, just cuts to federal spending and useless bureaucracies. I think it takes some guts to come up with a plan like this, and I like it. I look foward to seeing the specifics on his proposal.
  2. The whole problem with labels such as "liberal" is they mean different things to different people. Most of my views as I have gotten older have evolved towards classical liberalism. A classical liberal today would be called a libertarian. A classical liberal/libertarian wants limited government, free markets, a strict adherence to the constitution, protection of civil liberties, private property rights, etc... We also have liberals that are social liberals, which believe in the concept of social justice. Our progressive tax system and redistribution of wealth would fall under social liberalism. This where I part company with "liberals." Next you have the socialists and statists who are also labeled "liberal." I feel that modern Democrats in Washington are a mix of social liberals and socialists/statists. There are some Republicans who would fall under that definition as well. There are so many derivations of "liberal" that I really have no idea what a person means when they call themselves such.
  3. Welcome.
  4. To the latter statement, yes, that is what I was implying (hence the tin foil hat). Do I believe that we are headed towards a police state such as Alex Jones and others suggest? Probably not. However, do I think it is possible that we are in the future? Based on the rapid expansion of the federal government, demonization by the government and media of authentic grassroots movements like the Tea Party, the characterization by DHS of so-called right wing militias and soldiers returning from war as one of the primary concerns in regards to national security, then I would say that it is not out of the realm of possibility, although unlikely. I do not want to be one of those who says, "Never in this country." In regards to Posse Comitatus having to be repealed to put troops on the border, we are in agreement. I don't think it is necessary. We are at an impasse, however, as to whether they should be. As I stated earlier, enforcing the existing laws should be sufficient to curb illegal immigration.
  5. I thinking suspending or repealing Posse Comitatus and/or putting our military on the border is a very bad idea. I have absolutely no fear of our military nor our LEOs. However, those they would report to, the politicians in the federal government, is who I fear. Why in the world would I want to give our federal government new and additional power(s) when they won't do their job in the first place, which is enforce our existing laws? Remember the Berlin Wall? It's primary goal was to prevent mass emigration out of East Germany. There may come a time in the future when a border wall or military patrol on our borders could be used for the same reason. It is doubtful, but you never know. Illegal immigration is an easy problem to solve, but it takes political will. Enforcing our existing laws and removing the enticements to enter the country illegally are sufficient. Let's see, perhaps if our government would do the following: Anchor baby citizenship: gone. Healthcare: gone. Housing: gone. Education: gone. Food stamps, welfare, etc...: gone. To those sanctuary cities and states who provide services such as granting driver's licenses, I wonder how they would like to have their federal funding cut or withheld for violating federal citizenship laws. I would be willing to bet they would drop their sanctuary status rather quickly. These are the things we should be talking about, not granting the federal government even more authority. I must be "heartless" as Governor Perry suggested.
  6. Here is the question for you guys. Who is the bigger dumba$$? Jesse Jackson Jr. or those who voted for him?
  7. I often think that people incorrectly interchange isolationism and non-interventionism. They are similiar, but not the same. Now there are varying degress of isolationism, and my understanding is basically putting a wall, metaphorically speaking, around our borders. An isolationist nation cuts itself off from the rest of the world. Trade is restricted due to protectionist trade policies. No political and/or economic agreements or treaties are made with other nations etc... Non-interventionism on the other hand was one of principles this nation was founded upon. The first example of this occured right after we (with the help of France) defeated the British in the Revolutionary War. France was wanting us to join them against the British. Washington and others said no. This country did not want to enter into any alliances with other nations to keep from being drawn into wars that did not directly affect our nation. History is replete with examples of our non-interventionist stance. I feel that the non-interventionist policy was greatly changed after WWII. We became increasingly involved in the affairs of other nations, which ultimately has lead us to where we are now, a mess. We prop up other one dictator one day while tearing down another. The dictator we are supporting is our ally today (only because we are paying him), but tomorrow he is our enemy. One group of foreign military forces is our ally today, tomorrow they are our enemy. It often reminds of 1984's Oceania vs. Eurasia vs. Eastasia. We are getting to the point of perpetual war. I am against isolationism, but totally support non-interventionism. If a situation does not directly affect this country, then we need to keep our noses out of it. If the situation in Lybia is a threat to France and other European nations, then let them fight that battle. We need to stay out of it. If we hadn't been meddling in the affairs of a lot of the middle eastern countries the last 70 years, the current quagmire probably wouldn't exist, or at least we wouldn't have any involvement in it. If a country wants to trade with us, that is great, we will trade with them. However, if they want us to get involved in some internal political b.s. or ally with them against another country they have the red ass against, then no thanks. Until we change our now interventionist policies, the situation is not going to improve (if it can be improved), it is only going to get worse. I think John Quincy Adams said it best, "...But she (USA) goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own."
  8. While I do consider the 47% number a problem, what really chafes my ass is so many in the 47% (especially those protesting) cry out to the government to tax people even more. What is the purpose of working hard to try and make a better life for you and your family if some in the recipient class can just vote more money out of your pocket to put in their's? It's all a bunch of s**t if you ask me.
  9. If I was a parent of one of these kids attending the rallies, I would be totally embarassed. Totally embarassed that the entire country can see how piss poor of a job I did at raising my child. All of these people wanting something for nothing is just shameful.
  10. Very nice Sebe you have there. I will have one as soon as I can find a really good deal on one, although it won't be as nice as the one you have. Oh well... I guess the thread really didn't work. It sometimes seems that knives on the forum are about as popular as a case of VD.
  11. Good thread. I'm game.
  12. War with Iran or Syria perhaps?
  13. That is awesome. You lost an entire person, weight-wise, in 10 months. Congratulations. Sorry to hear about your continued back pain. Hopefully your back pain will diminish as you strengthen your abdominal muscles through proper weight training. Having very strong abdominal muscles does take some pressure off of the back. I will try to keep this brief. Based upon what I have read, it sounds as though your body has stabilized in regards to weight loss. That is good. From this situation you will be able to determine how many calories your body needs to maintain it's weight. Before I ever start a bulking period, I usually record how many total calories (including the breakdown of carbs, fats, and protein) I am taking in a day. I usually record this information for one to two weeks while keeping track of my bodyweight during that period. Once I have established how many calories my body needs to maintain it's weight, I simply increase my daily caloric intake. During the first couple of weeks of bulking I am keeping track of my calorie intake, along with the nutrient breakdown, and measuring my bodyweight. I do this to see if I am putting on weight too fast or too slowly and adjust my diet accordingly. There are numerous ways to increase your calorie intake. Simple examples such as eating more, and/or eating calorie dense foods (i.e. fast food) will work. However, I don't think that is the type of weight gain you are looking for. Assuming you have a good diet (very important), I would look at supplementing with a good quality protein shake. You need a fairly high protein intake for good muscle development. I would forget about the department store crap such as Boost, Ensure, etc... They are very expensive, and they are not all that good. I use Cytosport's Muscle Milk during a bulking period. I believe it is one of the best protein powders available on the market. It tastes great in water (I do not drink milk), it has a lot of protein (32 grams), and it has a lot of calories (310) per serving, both of which you need if you are wanting to put on some "quality" weight. Once you have figured out how many calories your body needs a day, I would start by increasing that by 500 extra calories a day. Two good protein shakes in addition to your normal diet should be sufficient. I would try that for a week or two and see what your weight is like. If it isn't increasing as fast as you want, you can always increase the calories. However, I wouldn't go too fast as this is a marathon, not a sprint. One last recommendation I can give you is keep the cardio to a minimum while trying to gain weight. Anyway, congrats on your weight loss, and keep us apprised of any further developments.
  14. mav

    New Forum Idea!

    Which 1911 is best? Glock Vs. Whatever 1911 Vs. Whatever
  15. Yeah, that may work. There again it might teach the person who stuck their arm out to never do that again. Having a bicycle pump shoved up your rear and inflated to 125 psi wouldn't be exactly comfortable. That is not the way to teach someone a lesson. You may hurt them, you may get sued, or they may hurt you. None of those are good.
  16. I had mine taken out three years ago at the dentist's office. No problems for me, although my dentist was having a fit trying to get a good grip on the tooth to pull it. The only time I have ever experienced any pain at the dentist was when he gave me a shot in the roof of my mouth. I climbed the seat a little on that one.
  17. Now I could be wrong, but I have always considered the animosity of some individuals towards cyclists nothing more than jealousy. They are jealous they they do not have the body to look good while wearing skin tight spandex instead of looking like 20 pounds of squeezed into a 5 pound bag.
  18. TGO did have a member (I won't say former member, because he is still here in spirit) who was a pastor and avid gun owner, Mousegunner. Unfortunately, he passed away earlier this year.
  19. I have just come to the downside of putting on extra size. You need to buy new clothes. I have been doing too many squats and leg presses because my jeans feel like they are squeezing the oxygen out of me. I went by Sears this evening because they were having a sale on Levis. I was laughing when I was trying on various jeans because nothing fit right. Everything was too tight. I ended up going with the 34/34 569 Loose fit jeans. It is funny because you can fit two of me in the 34 waist, but it was the only thing that I could find that was comfortable in the rear and thighs. I shouldn't have any trouble whatsoever doing IWB carry . The nice thing is I am only 12 pounds away from my next goal of 215, and I am only 1 inch away from a secondary goal of having 18 inch arms. I also set a personal best on the leg press today. I managed to get out 10 reps with 9 - 45 lb plates on each side (18 total). I actually videotaped myself doing this because a lot people at work don't believe the response I give them when they ask me questions like, "How much can you lift on such and such?". I know nobody really cares about this stuff, and a lot of you think I am nuts, but I find it enjoyable.
  20. Your thinking is correct. 1 Timothy 5:8
  21. That is not a problem. As I said earlier, this thread isn't about who has the most expensive toys. If someone posts a $10k platinum handled damascus custom job as their favorite knife, that may indeed be their favorite knife. However, I would be willing to bet money that that knife has never nor will ever see any usage. This thread is about telling us what is your favorite knife that you will actually use. I know one person in particular on this forum has several less expensive foreign-made knives in his collection, and if one of those are his favorite then he should post it. I have always believed that everyone should have a good (not necessarily expensive) knife. Perhaps those who might be in the market for a knife will view this thread and get some ideas as to what people like to use.
  22. I wanted to create a thread so everyone could show off their favorite knife and tell us why you like it so much. I would like to point out that my intention for this thread is for "user" knives, not safe queens or heirlooms (even though one of them might be your favorite ). My idea behind this thread is to give forum users a quick and easy method of searching what some of the other members really like and use instead of searching through pages of threads. My favorite knife is one I bought earlier this year. It is my Chris Reeve Professional Soldier. Just to rehash from my earlier review on this knife, the Professional Soldier was a collaboration with famed knife designer Bill Harsey at the behest of owners of Professional Soldiers ® - Home (a forum for active and retired SF). Bill Harsey has collaborated with Chris Reeve on several other knives, such as the Neil Robert's Warrior Knife, the Pacific knife, and the famous Yarborough (Green Beret) knife, which is presented to each graduate of the Army's Special Forces Qualifications Course. The Professional Soldier is made from S35VN stainless with a hardness of 55 - 57 RC. The dimensions are as follows: overall length: 7.5" blade length: 3.375" blade thickness: full tang 0.165". The knife is coated with KG Gun-Kote, and has a cutaway that can accomodate up to a 5/8th inch shackle. I doubt I will ever use the cutaway for loosening or tightening shackles, but it is just the right size to perform some dental work on an individual by prying out teeth. Just kidding. The knife also comes with a Kydex sheath manufactured by Blade Tech holsters, knives and tactical gear for military, law enforcement, shooting competition and hunting.. My original intention for this knife was to utilize as neck knife. While the knife isn't necessarily heavy (85 grams), the extra weight of the sheath and chain make it a little much to carry around your neck all day. To find a more suitable use for the knife, I took a spare piece of Tek-Lok and fastened it to the sheath using cable ties, which I feel is better in this case than using Chicago screws. The price of the Professional Soldier may be a sticking point for some as it costs around $200. However, it is a Chris Reeve knife, so you are getting a knife that is built to last, and Chris Reeve Knives has impeccable customer service. For those of you who like to "buy American," this knife is made in Idaho. I chose this knife as my favorite for the following reasons: 1. it is extremely well built 2. it is incredibly sharp (razor blade sharp) 3. it has excellent balance 4. it is less than 4", so I can legally carry it 5. it isn't terribly expensive 6. and I really like the grip. It is not coming out of my hands. Here is a pic of my Professional Soldier with the modified sheath. Uploaded with ImageShack.us So, if you want to particpiate by showing and telling us about your favorite, then post up. Just to reiterate, this thread wasn't designed for you to post your most expensive knife, a family heirloom, or one that has deep sentimental value. It is for knives that you have no problem using everyday, and wouldn't become suicidal or go postal if you lost it. I look foward to seeing what you guys really like. Thanks.
  23. mav

    Mk III

    I don't really know on that one. I have shot a MK II, and I thought the trigger was great. When I bought my MK III Hunter, I thought the trigger was lousy. Even the dealer who sold it to me said I probably wouldn't like the trigger, but that I should break it in. I tried, but it was a no go for me. I bought the Accurizing kit, and now it is good trigger. Not as good as a Model 41, but still good. I had written a review on comparing my MKIII and my Model 41.
  24. mav

    Mk III

    The MKIII trigger sucks too. I changed mine out to a Volquartsen Accurizer. Big improvement.
  25. Do I sense a new bumper sticker in the future? "Stop bein' a d**khead, and balance the f**ckin' budget." Quite a bit vulgar, but funny nonetheless.


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