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Everything posted by mav

  1. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352484172' post='842555'] A true, clear message from constitutional roots, economic stability and a vision for showing America a good future is all the message needs. [/quote] I agree with you completely AR. The sad thing is that we did have a candidate that had an unwavering stance on those very issues. Unfortunately he and anyone who supported him was ridiculed and mocked even during the primaries. I know I am gonna be laughed at or worse here, but I honestly believe that the Republicans need to shift more towards the Paul side of the camp. All of this neoconservatism has been disastrous.
  2. [quote name='Razz' timestamp='1352480679' post='842519'] First, I don't lecture. I may rant to let off steam but all of you are big boys and can give and take as you wish. Second, it is a very rare occasion that you see a different opinion from the hive mind around here, so when you see an opposing opinion it's easy to take more harshly than intended. I am merely questioning the goals of some members. You completely ignored that with your lecture to me. Third, the moderators of this site are as good and better than almost anywhere I've seen. I never called that into question. Fourth, nobody cares if I continue participation or move along. I could stop posting tomorrow and nobody would notice. I'm ok with that. If TGO wants one opinion about the way the firearm community exists, I'm ok with that too. If you really want 2A to remain unharmed, try inclusion into the boys club instead of constant bashing. Fifth, relax, take a deep breath and realize that you can read a post and use a calm tone for the OP's voice. It's amazing how differently things come across. Projection is a powerful thing. [/quote] Hmmm, let's see. You said you that you rant or let off steam. You also used caps in your original post, which indicates shouting. I am the one who needs to relax and take a deep breath? I don't see that one, but okay. As far as the 2A goes, I don't really see it as a right or left issue. If statists, which are present in both parties although they more numerous on the left, have their way, we will see an errosion of the 2A.
  3. [quote name='Razz' timestamp='1352476684' post='842475'] Here's a news flash that I would REALLY like to see some attention paid: There are a ton of moderate and left-leaning dems that are pro 2A. The NRA is such a right-wing institution that these folks avoid it like the plague. Sites like TGO have so many loudmouth conservative spouting downright hateful speech about dems that you'll rarely have the opportunity to have a discussion about protecting 2A with people who actually have the ability to sway other moderate dems. 2A is NOT the property of conservatives and yet that is EXACTLY how many republicans act. The thing is, I don't think many conservatives really care about PROTECTING 2A as much as COMPLAINING about liberals. I make it a point to have one positive discussion per day with an open minded democrat. We don't often see eye-to-eye when the conversation is over but I know they leave with a little bit more knowledge than they started with. What I DON'T do is belittle them about their political affiliation and speak of their alleged inferiority. (if your response is that you don't know any open-minded dems, please don't bother responding at all. You're part of the problem but too stupid to realize it) I'm tiring of firearm enthusiast websites who's front page of recent posts are over 50% political whining without some objective thinking. I want to be a part of this community but my patience is wearing thin with a lot of you. I'm hear to learn and share experiences but my willingness to be a positive participant at TGO is almost gone. Edit: My repsonce here could have just as easily been posted in any of the recent rash of anti-liberal, reactionary threads of late. It is not directed at BrazilNuts or any one person in particular. [/quote] Well... I don't think making a post lecturing everyone is going to do you any favors. Sure, TGO has a lot of loud mouths, partisans, and people of diminished mental capacity, but so does every forum on the web. Personally, I think David and the moderators do a great job with this site. It is certainly better than other forums I have been on. Instead of whining and shouting about the forum and threatening to leave if it doesn't change to your standards, become a more active participant. If you don't like certain posts or threads, don't click on them. If someone disagrees with you or they are being belligerent, ignore them. It is simple as that. BTW, the reason over 50% (as you stated) of recent posts are of a political nature is because we are in an election year and just had an election. Give it a month or so, and I am sure it will decrease rather rapidly.
  4. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352412383' post='842047'] We know... [/quote] You may know, but I would be willing to bet money that most people, that includes some here, that are criticizing did not know.
  5. Sheesh. While I am certainly no Iran apologist, would we not try to shoot down another country's drone if it was flying over our soil? Fellas, all of this neocon foreign policy adventurism is one of the reasons the Republican party is in the toilet. FWIW, the Obamaphone is nothing new, although it is more frequent in its usage. The original program was Lifeline and it was created under the Reagan administration. During GW's term, cell phones started to be handed out. The whole thing is more entitlement freebie bs, but at least be fair in your criticism.
  6. Ever since I was first able to vote (1992), I have voted straight line Republican. Over the last year or so, I came to realize that there are only a few differences between the parties. Other than those few differences, the parties are pretty much the same; they are for big government. For example, all we heard from Republicans during this election cycle was repeal Obamacare, repeal Obamacare, repeal Obamacare. From Mitt, it was [u]repeal and replace[/u]. If Republicans hated it has much as the vast majority of the citizens of this country, then why the heck didn't they defund the damn thing. The House controls the purse strings, and Republicans control the House, so what is the problem? The answer is they didn't want to do it. Republicans wanted to use it as a political tool to get reelected. Therefore, when people complain about Obamacare, they should point the finger at both parties. Those that screwed us by passing it, and those that screwed us by failing to defund it when they had the opportunity. I have become so disillusioned with our federal government. Both parties are out for the same and only thing, power. That is why I could not vote for either party in this election. In many cases we are forced to choose between a s**t sandwich, and a s**t sandwich with various condiments to make it appear more appealing. I have listened to several of the establishment talking heads over the last couple of days, which includes some of the news radio talk show mafia, and I don't think they understand why they lost. All I hear is that we should have ran this guy, next time we need to run this guy, we should have done this, or next time we will do this to pander to this group or that group. Really? Is the answer really to become more and more like the Democratic party? If they do that, which I believe they will, the Republicans will never get back into the White House, nor will they regain my vote.
  7. Tomorrow will be like any other Wednesday. I will go to work.
  8. [quote name='kieefer' timestamp='1352160709' post='839654'] [i]... starts making his moves to repeal the unwanted law on January 20, 2013.[/i] [/quote] Ahem, repeal and replace .
  9. [quote name='Erik88' timestamp='1351908060' post='838099'] Mav, hate to say it but Americans were stupid enough to elect him once I have no doubts they will do it again. Hell, we're the country that finds entertainment in watching Jersey Shore... [/quote] There is some true in that. However, the 2008 election was a little different. Obama was a pretty much an unknown in 2008 even though all a person had to do was a little research and they could have found a plethora of information on him. McCain was a very weak opponent with extremely hawkish views, and Americans were becoming war weary. You also have to consider that there were a lot of people who voted for Obama solely on melanin content to prove to themselves and others that they were not racist. While none of the above are good excuses, I will give people a pass on 2008. In this election, none of those reasons are valid. Four years has been more than enough time to see who Obama is and what his views truly are. If they can't see that Obama has been a disaster, they are either stupid, on the take (personally benefiting from government largess), or they are partisan.
  10. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1351905634' post='838085'] C'mon Mav, and folks, play by my rules, okay? Give some reasons behind your pick. About half are just wishing, just like the previous polls I suspect. - OS [/quote] Fine. Why do I think Romney will when? Well, it has nothing to do with any kind of polling or the current info (or the lack thereof) on the news channels. Call me a naive fool, but I still believe that a majority of Americans have not lost their commonsense. Obama has been a 100% total f***up. You guys know from my posts during this election cycle that I am no Republican shill, therefore when I say I can't think of one damn thing Obama has done that I agree with, it is not some b.s. partisan rhetoric. If I am wrong and Americans have lost their commonsense, virtue, or they have become so complacent in having their lives subsidized by taxpayers, then I honestly believe that America doesn't deserve to make it. I wish I could say something else Mac, but I really can't. I have no statistical analysis to back up my feeling. Yes, I am aware of all the polling you and AR have mentioned. However, considering how corrupt this administration has been, and how accommodating the media has been towards the administration, I don't put any faith in the polling data.
  11. I am fairly confident Romney has this one. If by some chance I am wrong and Obama wins, well... this country will have changed too much for the worse and doesn't deserve to make it.
  12. I swear, some people amaze me. I cannot tell you how disgusted I have been over the past several months of this election cycle over a lot of the comments I have read here, and the treatment of those who are not Romney-bots. I think it has been pretty shameful, but I guess TGO has more than its share of curmudgeons and/or partisan hacks. In this case, we have the editorial section of paper give it's endorsement to a viable candidate who will be on the ballot in all 50 states. Their reasoning: It may not be what some want to read, but CTFP's reasoning seems pretty sound to me. I don't really see how that can't be considered an intelligent reason, nor do I see how it is a stupid gesture. I have said this many times in the past, but I will reiterate it here. I believe that people should vote for who they think is the best candidate, and that includes, even though it makes me gag to say it, those who will vote for Obama. Just so you'll know, I am fully aware of what I stand to lose if Obama wins reelection.
  13. there are just too dang many to list. Which politician do you despise the most? I know a lot will say maybe Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, or maybe even Bush. I will take all of them (hell... I may even throw in Maxine Waters) any day of the week over Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I cannot think of a politician that I despise more than Medusa Hair. Here is a video of Medusa Hair on Greta after the debate. She stated, Hmmm. According to the debate transcript, Romney mentioned Israel 14 times.
  14. I have always wondered who the hell was she having sex with to need that many condoms. I guess there are a lot of desperate or really drunk people out there. I think she is fugly.
  15. I don't really care for Rush anymore. I mainly listen to Mike Church (http://www.mikechurch.com/) and Andrew Wilkow (http://www.wilkowmajority.com/).
  16. mav

    It's coming...

    Nice one. Congrats Fred.
  17. I watched online a week or so ago. It is informative for a lot of people that haven't really looked into Obama's past or have paid close attention to what he has or is currently doing. It is well worth watching.
  18. I couldn't force myself to watch it. I already know who I am voting for, so what was the point? I reasoned that it would be sort of foolish to watch this debate knowing that the only thing it will do is piss me off.
  19. I think this story is truly representative of how many in the public love to build up heroes only to equally enjoy tearing them down when they do something wrong.
  20. Yes, it is pretty unbelievable. In fact, I think it is quite troubling. I am no security expert, but I believe it would be a whole lot easier to transport and deliver a bunch of shoulder-fired rockets into this country in comparison to a wmd. I know I am dreaming, but I wish a lot of the politicians would realize that destabilizing a foreign country and then engaging in some half-assed nation building is rather stupid.
  21. he is sometimes right. I didn't really hear much that I didn't agree with.
  22. I liked the first one as well. If things aren't too chaotic this weekend, I will probably go see part II.
  23. I am still trying to figure out how voting for a third party candidate is the same as voting for Obama especially considering how OhShoot (I will give credit where it is due) rightly pointed out months ago that it really isn't going to matter since Romney will take TN regardless. I seriously doubt that Romney is going to win TN by a slim margin. Therefore, what difference does it make that a few individuals on this forum are going to vote their conscience and go third party? None, outside of providing fodder for those who like to be obnoxious.
  24. It is all a matter of personal preference. I got a new Samsung Galaxy 3S for my new work phone, and I really like it. One downside to the phone is the size. While the huge screen is great, it can get a little cumbersome at times carrying it on my belt. The Otterbox makes it even bigger.
  25. Personally, I think this is more groupism. Both parties create these groups and pit them against each other. That is how they stay in power. Even though it will never happen, I think the answer lies in repealing the 16th so nobody pays federal income tax.


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