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Everything posted by mav

  1. One thing the video didn't mention - I got my butt busted when I got in trouble, smacked in mouth when I back talked, and often had to pick out a switch to be used on the back of my bare legs. I survived and learned a valuable lesson too.
  2. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1355074399' post='857278'] No telling what Rangel really got away with. Princess Nancy got away with quite a lot, also. And I'm not counting the facelifts, either. A few Republicans could be thrown in that bunch, also. [/quote] Sure you can blame the politicians, and they rightfully deserve it. However, I think the crux of the article is that we are to blame because we vote them in office and vote to keep them there. I sometimes wonder if you can judge society by what kind of politicians they have elected to represent them.
  3. Nothing new for me. I have said numerous times that it is the people (voters) who suck, and they are the ones who should be blamed, not the ones they elect. Seriously, who should take the blame for soon to be disastrous results of an Obama 2nd term? Obama? Why blame Obama considering he is going to do (or at least try to)everything he said he would do? It is my contention that the almost 60 million who put him in office are to blame. Over the last couple of years I have become very jaded, and I have come to realize two things. On average, people suck, and our entire system (political, educational, business, religious, etc...) is rife with corruption.
  4. [quote name='JPR1959' timestamp='1355000574' post='856961'] Honda went with timing chains years ago. I've never heard of anyone having to have one replaced. Did you mean serpentine belt? That's an easy DIY fix. It took about 20 minutes. [/quote] No, I did not mean a serpentine belt. This is what is replaced during a major service [url="http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/buy/products/354872-timing-belt-water-pump-kit-by-dayco-part-wp329k1a.html"]http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/buy/products/354872-timing-belt-water-pump-kit-by-dayco-part-wp329k1a.html[/url] Your statement is only partially correct. V4 Accords have a timing chain, whereas V6 Accords have a timing belt that needs to be replaced every 105k miles or 7 years.
  5. I wanted to post a review I did for Economy Honda Chattanooga this evening. My review: In 2006 I purchased a brand new Accord to drive back and forth to work. I now have over 200k miles on my car, so it has seen a lot of service from Economy Honda over the past 6 years. I dropped my car off at the service department around 7:00 am on 12-7-12 for some major service work, i.e. replace timing belt, etc... I informed the associate that I was dropping my car off for the major service work, and that I would also like them to take a look at the brakes because I knew they needed to be replaced. I was told (paraphrasing), "Okay. We will take a look at it." Having a done a major service work 100k miles ago (~ 3 years), I roughly knew what the cost was going to be. I was expecting my bill, which included the brake work, to be over $1000. Around 2:00 PM I received a call from one of the service managers who informed me that I need new brakes and a brake system flush something or other, and he provided me with the price. I approved the request because I knew it needed to be done. Around 5:00 PM I received a call informing me that my vehicle was ready. I drove to the dealership and went in to pay my bill. Once I was handed my bill, all I could say was holy expletive. I knew my bill would be high, but sheesh, $xxxx for service.? I wasn't mad about the bill, because I knew it would be high, and I am certain that everything that was done needed to be done. I was a little irritated that I wasn't informed of everything that was to be done and the total cost. It was irritating because if I had the information up front, and since I was having so much done, I could have worked on negotiating a discount. I have to say that your cashier is outstanding. She insisted that I speak to a manager to explain everything before paying my bill. That is excellent customer service and should be commended. Several minutes later, I met one of the service managers (the same one who talked to me about my brakes). He was very apologetic and professional. I told the service manager that I was not mad at all about paying the bill, but I wish I had been informed on what all was to be done and the total price so I could have asked for a discount. It is much easier to negotiate a discount beforehand than it is after the work has been completed. Your service manager was very courteous, and told me that he wanted me to be happy and that he would see what he could do. Several minutes later the service manager returned with a revised bill. I was absolutely stunned. $xxxx. There is no way whatsoever that I would have imagined that the price would be cut that much. I immediately said, "Sold." It has been a crappy week, and it was going to end with me spending a lot of money. I still spent a lot of money, but I was smiling all the way home. In fact, I am still smiling as I am writing this review. My only complaint, and it is a minor one, was the lack of communication. It would have been nice to be informed of everything that was to be done and the total price. This would have alleviated the distress brought on by sticker shock. Overall, this experience was really positive as it always is with Economy Honda. Over the last six years, I have had nothing but excellent service from both service departments. I wouldn't have liked it, and I would have griped about it for a week to my friends and relatives, but I would have paid the original amount. Even if I had paid the original amount, I would have still continued to be a Economy Honda customer because the service has been that good. I have never done a review or customer satisfaction survey before, but after this experience I felt it is incumbent on me to write a letter of appreciation. End of review I marked out the actual costs, but the original cost was shocking, and how much they cut was more shocking. Have any good experiences with car dealerships?
  6. [quote name='jwinter' timestamp='1354889936' post='856402'] If the comment was directed at me [/quote] It wasn't, and I should have used different wording. I just used it in my post to state the obvious; we are all Monday morning quaterbacking since none of us were there. I don't believe a lot of what I read on this forum and elsewhere. A lot of the time, you do not get the whole story. When I comment on some of these threads, I treat them as an exercise in the hypothetical. I assume the OP is telling me the whole story, and I base my comments on what was written. It is all in good fun. If I viewed these stories like I do everything in real life, the only thing I would ever be able to say is, "I can't comment since I don't know if I have all the facts."
  7. [quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1354883999' post='856361'] To say people don’t shoot cops on traffic stops is ridiculous. To say the fact that you bought your privilege from the state makes it some kind of right that makes you less of a threat to a Police Officer is even ,more ridiculous. [/quote] Dave, you need to work on your reading comprehension. I stated neither of those, so don't put words in my mouth. I did ask how many officers had been killed in a traffic stop [u]where the person being questioned showed the officer they had a HCP and informed the officer that they were armed.[/u] That is a very specific question, and as I stated earlier, I would imagine the numbers would be next to nothing. To address those that are claiming this is Monday morning quaterbacking, yes it is. I agree that none of us were present at this incident, and we do not know why the officer did what he did. However, the entire discusssion is based on what was written in the OP. Based on what was written, I believe it could have been handled differently. That said, I don't get really worked up over this incident either, as I stated earlier in my post.
  8. I have no animus towards LEOs, but I think this incident and some of the reasons defending such action are a pant load. Does anyone have any statistics on murders of LEOs at a traffic stop where the perpetrator had shown the officer their HCP and told the officer they had a gun? I have never seen any, but I would imagine if they existed it would be incredibly low if not next to nothing. Using the argument that people flip out at anytime doesn't wash either. At the end of the encounter, the officer hands the weapon and mag back to the owner. Maybe the owner is pissed they just got a speeding ticket and flip out once they get their handgun back. How long does it take to pop in a mag, rack the slide, and go to work? Not very long. So even though they were entirely up front about being armed, they were a threat initially, but are no longer? That really does't jive with me. I wouldn't get really upset over this incident, but I also wouldn't kiss the officer's butt because he was polite and couteous. I have absolutely no law enforcement experience, but in my mind the officer responding to the driver like, "Thank you for having your permit ready and telling me you armed. For everyone's safety, I would like you to keep you hands visible on the steering wheel while we are talking." would have been much more professional.
  9. Have you or anyone you know had their tonsils removed at an older (>30) age? Want to share any experiences? The reason I asked is I am tired of having several painful bouts of tonsillitis every year, and I am seriously considering getting a tonsillectomy.
  10. I just picked up one of these today at one of our local Rock Creek Outfitters. [url="http://www.suunto.com/us/en/products/Outdoor_Sports_Instruments/suunto-core/suunto-core-alu-deep-black"]http://www.suunto.com/us/en/products/Outdoor_Sports_Instruments/suunto-core/suunto-core-alu-deep-black[/url] These are really cool, and will probably become my daily watch.
  11. What a total douche. I love how he appeals to the old some kid found their daddy's gun argument. [quote]Gun-lovers love to think they are responsible. No matter how responsible they are, or think they are, there is a strong possibility that kids will find their guns. My grandfather (to be honest, I question his responsibility) left his gun in the trunk of his car. My cousins and I touched it as kids, and may have picked it up. I don’t know if it was loaded. Around five kids are injured or killed by handguns each day in the United States, according to the [i]The Survivors Club[/i]. The children of parents you’d probably consider responsible, in one recent case of a police officer, find guns and hurt or kill themselves.[/quote] Well, that is it. I am convinced. We need to ban swimming pools. Swimming pools serve no function in society outside of personal enjoyment, which is analogous to target practice. Since there are so many accidental drownings, we should ban them. After all, it is for the children. Ya know, I have never understood why so many people feel this incessant need to interfere in the lives of others. My advice to them would be to have a Coke, a smile, and shut the f*** up.
  12. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1353355176' post='848305'] I heard Quinn and Rose talk about it, again, this morning on the radio. Nothing new, but you know how the government needs our money. [/quote] Good to hear that someone else here listens to The War Room. I flip between them and Mike Church on my hour long commute to work.
  13. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1353354360' post='848294'] I thought about getting one more for gas, but I don't know, it could be big boom! [/quote] No, storing gas in a tote bin is not a good idea. If you are looking for storage of larger than normal quantities of gas, I would look at a closed head metal drum.
  14. Did anyone see the original post date? It is over 2 years old. I haven't heard anything new about it since when it was first talked about several years ago.
  15. [quote name='TLRMADE' timestamp='1352834698' post='844913'] Yea we mixed bleach in with the water. I think the tanks are actually 250 gal. They have the ratios of bleach to water on the Internet for storage. [/quote] They are 275 gallon totes bins. $100 is a good price for cleaned totes. We pay around $90 for reconditioned totes that we don't recondition ourselves..
  16. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352945039' post='845849'] Senate confirmations can be filibustered, Mav. Only budgetary votes can pass with 50 + 1 vote majority, unless Reid has pulled a fast one. I know he wants to. [/quote] Are you talking to me? I haven't participated in this thread outside of commenting on Mike's DWS joke. I don't know what you are referring to.
  17. As I have read most of these threads, I am seeing a lot of people using armed revolution and secession synomously. They are two entirely separate things. Speaking of armed revolution, I don't hear anyone advocating that outside of an extremely small number of nut jobs, and they were nuts long before this election. Hell, even the conspiracy-minded Alex Jones club isn't calling for armed revolution. If a bunch of yahoos form a milita and attack government institutions, including the federal ones, they are terrorists. Plain and simple. Using the American Revolutionary War and Declaration of Independence as a justification of such action is totally misguided. Just to reiterate, I am not hearing this kind of talk, so I don't really see where all this talk of upholding one's oath etc... is coming from. When I read this kind of stuff, it makes me think that the one(s) stating such have way too much machismo or they are just as nuts as the ones who are calling for armed revolution. Secession, on the other hand, is something totally different. Yes, I am aware that secession was ruled unconstitutional. I do not have the knowledge or ability to argue the legal merits of such a decision, so I won't even attempt to. My point is that secession does not have to be violent. Even though I may disagree about what people are doing with all the secession petitions, I see nothing violent in it. As I stated in a post on another thread, I see it has nothing more than a cry for help or a protest of their dissatisfaction with the outcome of the election.
  18. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352938878' post='845777'] I think Wasserman was in the military back when she was still a man. [/quote] Best one I have heard in a while.
  19. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352923685' post='845644'] Mav. I agree with you, except the part of the house controlling the purse strings. We are not operating on a budget, just a continuing resolution. [/quote] That is 100% correct. However, both houses are needed to pass the continuing resolution. If one house fails to pass it, as what happened with Gingrich, the government shut downs because by law they are not allowed to spend any money. Boehner and his camp didn't even play hardball with Reid or Obama. Remember the outcry of the people saying to let it shut down, and Boehner saying that they are going to do everything, which includes bowing down to Reid and Obama, to prevent that from happening?
  20. I swear, I wish a lot of you would really lighten up on the matter. No, I am talking about those who have petitioned for secession. I do not wish for secession, and I am willing to bet that the vast majority of those who are espousing it do not want it either. Why are they asking for it if they don't really mean it? It is a cry for help, nothing more. Honestly, I think it is a plea to the state legislatures to do something to stop the nonsense coming from Washington. A lot of Americans are seeing dramatic changes in their country for the worse, and they feel helpless to do anything about it. For example, their vote is becoming meaningless. In 2010, with the help of the Tea Party, Republicans regained control of the house to put a stop to the Obama and socialist Democrats agenda. Did it work? No. There were numerous occasions where the Republicans could have stopped a lot of this crap, which they were elected to do, via the power of the purse and they didn't do a damn thing. You can also look at recent comments from Speaker Boehner. It was total capitulation. I could go on and on with page after page of examples. Sheesh, I don't even want to go into all the crap and malfeasance that happened during this election cycle. Instead of secession, what a lot of people should be asking for is that their state legislatures start using nullification. We have seen a few cases of this in the past. California's pot shops would be a great example. California basically told the federal government to get bent in regards to California's leniency on pot and their pot shops. I can't recall an incident where you had a band of federal agents rounding up and arresting all of those people who were in clear violation of federal law. I could be wrong, but I believe it is incendiary rhetoric from both sides of any issue that typically make matters worse.
  21. [quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1352840578' post='844984'] Where were all you guys who are so pissed about losing your rights when the Patriot Act was enacted (or the three further authorizations)? I'm no Obama-apologist, but it strikes me as odd that none of this 'liberty or death' talk was heard when Bush was in office. [/quote] Well... I would say that the libertarian/small government crowd was against it from its inception. I can honestly say that I was not. At that point in time, I was still drinking the Republican kool aide. As far as the "liberty or death" talk, I don't hear much of that, and what little I do hear of it are from the Alex Jones club. They have been spouting it for years.
  22. Wow, just wow. While I do not advocate for either civil disobedience or secession, those that are promoting it do not wish for the country to be destroyed. So, who exactly are you guys threatening? Sheesh. From my reading, if the country ever goes to total s**t where a situation like this occurs, heaven forbid, you will not have millions of veterans behind you. More than likely they will be on the side of the people.
  23. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352773076' post='844615'] Otherwise, vote yourself some more welfare. You're entitled, after all. [/quote] Speaking of that, I saw the funniest bumper sticker the other day. "Don't quit your job. Keep Working. Millions on welfare depend on you."
  24. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352758214' post='844465'] Besides, it is against the law to vote more than once. How are you going to stop the problem of voter fraud? [/quote] You won't be able to. The entire argument on voter disenfranchisement is utter nonsense. If you try to legislate to the extreme, you end up legislating nothing, because it is impossible to do. Someone will always find some case somewhere, an outlier, that will keep pushing the boundaries out further, thereby rendering the the original intent of the legislation useless. We could look at our legal system analogously. I am certain that someone somewhere has been disenfranchised or wrongly convicted in our legal system. Using the same thought process by going to the extreme, we should scrap our entire legal system and certainly not add any new laws.
  25. I think Craig has turned out to be a great Bond, expecially in Casino Royale. While I grew up with Roger Moore, I would have to say that Craig and Dalton are my favorites mainly due to them being more realistic as a cold assassin/spy.


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