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Everything posted by ovaltine52
Well, I just purchased me a new gen 3 Glock 19. And I'm happy as a gopher in soft dirt.
Now ted; CCW Breakaways, THOSE ARE COOL!! I had no idea there was something out there that slick. I appreciate the other links, & I shop at Cabela's on occasion, but yeah, the CCW Breakaways in theory appear worth it to me to go with new pants. Those got me off the SP concept, & I appreciate you hanging in with me. Oh yeah, looks to be a Glock 26 or 27. And before seeing the Breakaways, I'd probably do the bigger shirt/owb thing. It's just that the SP doesn't look that obvious at 1st glance & could be mistaken for a Kindle/iPad mini, etc. But the Breakaway concept works for me. Thankew again, sir!
Okay, knowing that iwb is the best way to go, would there happen to be a better alternative to owb besides Sneaky Pete? So is it either deal with the SP flap or buy bigger pants? :unsure: I did check out the above iwb's BTW. I'd still like to hear from someone that has a SP holster & is good with it or otherwise........
Thankew, neighbor. :up:
Looking for some feedback on these. I like the "looks like a cellphone case" concept. What say ye?
I'd just like Uall's take on this revolver. The Stainless Standard Bulldog is more within budget though I like the Crimson Bulldog. Thankew!
I know it's after the fact, but that's a great review on the PPQ. Thankew for posting that, Kano.
Could I get Uall to weigh in on concealed carry holsters for Glock 26's &/or S&W M&P 40c's? Thankew!
I'm talking without experience here which is why I need to get to the range. But FWIW Jonnin, I'm guessing if recoil becomes an issue because I will fire some JHP's to see how it goes, I'm going to be inclined to just try a bigger gun like say a Glock 19 (compact). The compact does fit me better though the sub compact (26/27 & M&P9/40c) handles fine & at this stage a better carry, but who knows? I might decide at that point to move up to the compact. Yeah, I just gotta try 'em. I know I'm still talking plastic or as they say here, "tupperguns", but then for me that boils down to budget. I'm still much the newbie, & the only metal gun I checked out was the CZ. I honestly don't remember if it was in the price range of my other guns of choice. At this point from this VERY helpful thread, I'm definitely going to include compacts in the mix since my opening list showed only sub-compacts. From what I've learned here, my "more" educated guess is a compact 9mm is going to be the ticket. But, we'll see. Thankew, folks!
I've been soaking this all in, then after studying & understanding the abbreviations, this all makes sense now. Like sure, when I head to the range to try the guns out, WWB FMJ's are good enough, but somewhere during the course of the comparison I can see now where it would be wise/right to fire some JHP's thru the gun I'm starting to favor/settle in on as I would want to be able to carry. Long story short, the major issue with me is recoil. So yeah, Uall knew where I was heading as I do need to compare/shop, find the best fit, etc., & WWB's will sure get me started. GREAT stuff, folks. Appreciate the counsel. And sure, if an XD is available to try I will most definitely do so. Thankew!
Much thanks, folks. Was exactly the advice I was looking for. Wally & WWB it is!
Since I'm hoping to be heading to a (indoor) range soon to try out the below guns, my question is what would be the "better" ammo to purchase since I'm just shooting 'em to see what's the best fit, & I don't want to get the whiz bang by golly ammo, but compatible, i.e. gun gets along with a certain type (types, since I'm asking about 9, 40, & 380). Here's my list. Glock 26 Glock 27 Smith M&P 9c Smith M&P 40c Walther PK 380 I appreciate your suggestions!
He can most definitely be a basket case. His name is Bash (short for Sebastian). I'll check out the NAA. I'm leaning toward the PK380, but I'm a long ways from being done "shopping".
Yessir, I'm with you on the P22. Glad you like it. Yeah, I'm really leaning toward the Walther.
FWIW, I have a friend that just purchased both the bodyguard 38 & 380. Didn't say much about the revolver but said that the 380 was a bit of a kicker. If you don't have an issue with that, I'd say go for it, especially with the price drop & the built in laser.
Topgun121: Yes, your review prompted me to ask about the recoil comparison between the PK380 & the P238. Though a leetle out of my price range, I was very impressed with the P238. Good stuff, especially for a newbie like me. Keep 'em comin'. mikegideon: I appreciate the confirmation. As it stands now the PK380 fits my hand & budget as well. Honestly, unless I really think I need a small, fully concealable shooter like the LCP or P3AT, I'd rather forgo potentially goofing up my right hand, messing me up work wise. Plus I'm really liking the idea of taking the PK380 to the range & having a jolly time with it. So yeah, a soft shooter 380 is what I'm looking for, thankew again. Lester: OUCH!!! Cool dog, BTW.
This is helping me big time as I'm still interested in bagging a 380. Can anyone chime in on recoil difference between the P238 & the PK380? Thankew!
Thankew, motonut, tbone, & everyone else for that matter. I get it with the break in period, & yes, the barrels are more/less interchangeable (conversion kit), like you can go down from a 40 to a 9, but can't go up from 9 to 40. Good stuff to know. Definitely getting my ducks in a row, thankew folks!
Wow, thankew folks! Getting a good education here. Yes shspanthers; I did check out the APEX sear & saved the website to favs. That's the advice/stuff I'm looking for, & I appreciate that. Sent you a PM, SWJewellTN. I'm new to the TGO forum "controls", so I'm not sure it took. :-\ Pleez lemme know if you did/didn't get my PM. Appreciate the advice!
Wildew! Thankew for the quick response.
Hi, folks: Okay, heater here at the house wouldn't fire up & had to call a tech. Got me taken care of, then I saw a holster in his belt. Then he was very gracious to show me his two S & W M&P 40's he had with him, one being the "compact" which spun my beanie. For all purposes I really believe the 9mil will suit me best. Just checking it out, I liked everything about it. He hadn't had the compact long but said he's gone thru 2K rounds with no mishaps with his M&P 40. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to get an opportunity to fire an M&P 9c later this month. I'm really thinking hard about bagging an M&P 9c. So let me hear from you; pros/cons, etc. I appreciate your time!
Thankew Daelith, for the vote on the Kel-Tec P3AT. Right now I'm somewhere between the P3AT & the Walther PK 380. I like the P3AT's price, but I really like the PK 380's 3 bead/spot sights, main reason I liked the DB 380, but not only is the PK 380 more tried/true, it's not that much more $$ over the P3AT. It appears to be a leetle bit bigger than the P3AT, which is okay. Dang, I gotta get out there & try 'em out. Appreciate the suggestions, folks!
Good ones Crossfire, hadn't looked that direction yet, & within my budget. Really appreciate the suggestions, folks. Getting it narrowed down here just dandy.
Thankew, Bubba0031. Yep, I'm set on the 26 with a Pearce extension grip. Done with that. And thankew for the 2nd nod on the Buckmark, definitely want to check out/shoot one 1st chance I get. Sure appreciate the warm welcomes & suggestions!
Oops, double post, dang it!! Well, while I'm here I do like the Sig's .380 (P238), little more than I want to spend on that cal. Nice gun though.