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About SithL0rd

  • Birthday 08/12/1971

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  • Location
    Memphis, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started (2/5)



  1. So after feeling great about being able to carry in parks reality hit. The park closest to my house buts up against a elementary school that actually uses the playground as their playground. Then Overton Park has Memphis College of Art in it. Guess at least I'm mostly legal now and since I always conceal shouldn't be a problem.   *fingers crossed*   obfuscate verb ob·fus·cate \ˈäb-fə-ˌskāt; äb-ˈfəs-ˌkāt, əb-\ : to make (something) more difficult to understand
  2. So he's got 10 days to sign it or it becomes law anyway correct? When does it take effect after that? is it a July 1 deal or right away?
  3. why would you want to carry into a kroger?  Exhibit 1 from last nite in Memphis at Poplar/Highland.   https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=813693425329366&set=vb.100000661471071&type=2&theater   I have saved the video but do not know how to post it here.  Direct Link to just the video https://fbcdn-video-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xaf1/v/t42.1790-2/10562249_813694028662639_1405653876_n.mp4?oh=1d230295f98396373e874a8147524d1f&oe=540C98C9&__gda__=1410111851_2c43abeeb0e0eafe1822b8d8e13f83bf   Would this be a justified shoot to fire at the ones kicking him in the head?
  4. I don't post here much. Just a professional lurker.   We had a little 15lb mutt for 17years while I was growing up. He moved everywhere with us, Utah, Mississippi, England, Kansas, then back to Mississippi. After he passed(my dad cried) he said no more dogs for us. So bout 8 years ago a friend of his was having to give up their little black lab. Dad decided it was time for a dog again and he got Alex.   The next year a skinny skittish rottweiler with no collar started hanging around my parents house. After a week or so my dad felt sorry and decided to start feeding her. She would not approach the bowl until he went inside and any sudden moves or noises and she was gone into the woods. This went on for a few weeks and she would actually eat with him standing there and he was able to pet her so he figured it was his dog now my niece named her Precious  and moved her into the fenced back yard with Alex. It was a good year plus before anyone other than my Dad could pet her.  Well during all this she had gotten pregnant and when she finally had the puppies it was the middle of a cold November night and when Dad found them in the morning only one puppy was still alive. My Mom started bottle feeding her and named her Miracle.   This is how my parents who swore off dogs in 1994 ended up with 3 BIG dogs in about 6 months in 2006.   My Mom died of cancer in 2009 and within a few weeks the mother dog Precious started getting into vicious fights with the daughter dog Miracle. Precious just passed last year with some sort of cancer. So now my 8yo Miracle is the last link to that skinny rescue from all those years go and to my Mom.   tl;dr   dad kept a stray and I now have her only child.
  5.   I'm from small town Mississippi and was there this weekend. Checked two walmarts and got laughed at when I asked about 22 :)
  6. I see this was moved to the Finance, Ways & Means Committee on 3/12. Anyone have an update since?
  7. This would be an excuse to move outta memphis!
  8. I wish. Offers not available in TN, GA, or AL.
  9. Found out over Christmas that my dads neighbor runs a very small gun/hunting shop in small town Mississippi. Was talking to him bout 22 and his distributor offered him 50 bricks of 500 for $50 which he was turning around and selling for $60. He thought no way anyone would pay that much so only ordered 10 boxes. He sold them in a day. It was christmas and a friend of my dads so I didnt press him on more info.
  10. Wow. Memories. Load"*",8,1
  11. Was in Mississippi for Christmas and saw this and figured I'd check them out otw home. Amory $29, Tupelo didnt see any, anywhere. New Albany had a ton for $15. I grabbed 3.   Thanks for the tip.
  12. http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=F3MOSIN9130   just fyi got notice in an email. good luck
  13.   I was always partial to the Tie Defender....
  14. Thanks for posting this. I was able to order one last nite. Seems in the last year the timing has not been right for any mosin being in stock and me having the money for one. So this will be my first use of my C&R even tho I've had it a year.
  15. I don't post much but I just found this and was going to share it. I'm a child of the cold war. My dad spent 21 years in the air force and I remember when we were in europe and we'd read pravda(Back then the mouthpiece of the govt) and wondered wtf they were smoking with their writing.   I cannot believe I am actually proud of them for writing this article.


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