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Posts posted by MCFooter

  1. Apparently, that would be me.

    Just enjoy it while you can:)

    Are you still planning to make it?

    I talked to the Match Director (who provided this pass to us by the way) this weekend at the Area 6 - 3 Gun Match and you are good to go in the event that I'm not able to make it this weekend.

    My wife is taking issue with me being gone 3 weekends in a row. I have no idea why...;)

  2. I've been looking for an excuse to get into 3-Gun for a while. If you have no other takers, especially Tungsten, I'd be very interested.

    This is very generous of you... and was an excellent idea for a prize!

    Molonlabetn looks like you are the man. I was hoping to get a response from Tungsten but I guess you can't read them all. If you don't mind PM me your name or post here so I will know who to look for at the match.

    I'll take it, but I don't think I qualify.:popcorn: !

    You're not a FNG so I guess you will have to settle for a ride to Manchester.

    I think I can get to this one without missing any turns.:popcorn:

  3. I like do what I can to support Firearm sports particularly Tactical 3 Gun / Multigun.

    I recently picked up a FREE Match Fee Pass off a prize table which was revived in September by Hero Gear (Thanks, Joe and Dan).

    This pass is good for (1) Match Fee ($30 Value) at MTSC (Middle Tn Shooters Club) and I would be willing to pass it along to a NEW 3 Gun Shooter in the TGO Family.

    Some restrictions apply.

    1) I will give Tungsten first right of refusal since he is providing this forum.

    2) Must be new to 3 Gun Competition in Tennessee.

    3) Must be able to follow safe gun handling practices.

    4) Must be willing to have fun.

    The next 3 Gun Match at MTSC will be 9am Saturday Nov 10th.


    Anyone interested?

  4. What type of tournaments and competitions are you looking for?

    Where are you located and how far are you willing to drive?

    Generally I would say look for club websites in your area doing what you're interested in. Some local matches have been posted in the competition forum here.

  5. Just like Joe said you can spend as much as you want to on an AR much like everything else the world. If you don't want to spend hours researching the subject you owe it to yourself to take a Road Trip down to Hero Gear to check out their selection of EBRs which is the best I have seen anywhere around here.

    I would also recommend the Mid Length Gas System over the Carbine. 16" barrel either way unless your thinking SBRs.


  6. Randy White and Rob Bell hold IDPA type matches on Monday nights around 6:00 pm, it is really not a club, just a bunch of guys that like shooting.


    Do they still shoot Shotgun every other week? How do they provide the scores? I talked to someone at the shop awhile back and they said they were considering doing a website. How many shooters do they normally have?

    I have been threatning to go for a while but have yet to make it.



  7. Is it an option or possibility to leave threads marked unread until you have actually read/opened them?

    I know most forums work the way TGO is currently with each login changing threads to read type status. I also spend a little time at Brian Enos Forum and really like that the threads show unread until you actually open them.

    I find it handy when I don't have time to look at all things of potential interest and can tell where I'm at when I come back.

    Just and idea YMMV.



  8. Man, I'd love to try this but I lack a tactical shotgun :(

    All I have is one for shootin' birds. I have the rifle and pistol covered.

    I am a GGC member.

    As long as it's not a double barrel I wouldn't let that stop you. I would take out the plug though.

  9. I would guess this will be an "Outlaw" 3 Gun match using IDPA targets and basic IDPA rules and scoring. I don't expect a lot of Range Lawyers and such. It should be a fun match with some multigun stages.

    Let me know if you plan to come and I'll look for you.

    After the start I will be wearing a RH Knee brace :).



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